My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 5, 2022

Nature and Feline Friday

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

My ginger nephew, Rocky, asked his mom to send me this photo
Rocky loves the screened in sunroom. 

 BUT lately is has just been too
hot for him to stay out there. He was hoping Mom could not find him.
She said when she picked him up he had a most toasty tummy. 


We recently took a road trip about 12 miles from home to the 
NC farmer's Market
This creative bit of gardening was at the entrance

July and into August is tomato and peach season in NC.
We bought a basket of Sandhill peaches...they were so juicy and sweet.
We bought 6 tomatoes from McLamb's Family farm (bottom left photo)
We had BLT's and a delicious fruit salad for supper one night.
While I cooked the bacon and assembled the BLTs, my husband made the fruit salad which consisted of peaches, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and bananas.  He is an excellent slicer and dicer.  Not only was it delicious it was a work of art.  
About 1/2 way thru eating supper I realized I should have taken some photos.
THE BLT's were delicious.  The tomatoes were perfect.  There is nothing better than an home grown tomato. I'll end this by saying our BLT's required multiple napkins.

We hope to make another trip to the Farmer's Market

Tuesday August 3 we went back to Farmer's Market for more tomatoes and
peaches.  We also bought a 1/2 bushel of shelled butter beans/those above the Mason-Dixon call them lima beans.  I divided the 1/2 bushel into 3, 1 quart zip lock bags.  


  1. wow the farmers market is great!!! and we love the peaches ... imagine a peach melba ice cream cup...aaaah heaven....

  2. I picked our first ripe tomato on Monday and now they have gone crazy and I am getting 4-6 a day! I will make tomato soup and freeze for the winter.
    We call them butter beans too.

  3. Only the best BLTs require multiple napkins (sometimes even a bib!). Our tummy is full of envy of your shopping list!

  4. Hari Om
    I am so envious of your fresh produce! YAM xx

  5. Nothing is better than native fruits and veges! I had my first tomato sandwich for dinner last night and it was sooooooo good! Your fruit salad sounds delicious.

  6. We call them butter beans. That all looks good.

  7. Oh I swan, my mouth is truly watering. And those butterbeans! Let;s throw those in the pot right now andget cooking. You are sure right about a home grown tomato, Nothing better...and those peaches...Lord habe mercy...let me at them. I wish sometimes my stomach could hold all the frest fruit and veggies I want it to! I could live on thse and never see another piece of meat except that BLT you mentioned...I'd have to fight'cha for it. But, I'd be smiling...

  8. It sure is the right time of year for some fresh fruit and veggies. That fruit salad sounds delish!

  9. Farmers market season is the best! Have a delicious day! :-)

  10. one of my CHORES as a child was shelling butter beans. I felt like I was abused. I like that you bought yours already shelled. they look yummy. the BLT has me drooling. My parents loved goign to the farmers market after I was an adult and daddy did not grow much, just a few tomatoes and onions and a few squash.Mother still canned but they bought it at the Farmers Market in Savannah...

  11. You are most handsome, Rocky. Your mom is right you need to be in when it's so hot.

    I'm coming over for BLTs and fresh fruit. You made my stomach growl and my mouth water.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hugs. ♥

  12. Yes, I want one of your BLTs! I love tomatoes but they aren't liking me much lately. I completely understand Rocky wanting to be out in the heat. Our Z cat always wanted to be out on our sun porch no matter how hot it was. She never panted or showed any signs of distress. SSNS likes the big beige butter beans and we do call the ones on your counter limas. We haven't met a bean we don't like!

  13. Oh Rocky ~ you are one adorable kitty ~ great photos of you sweet one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. NOM!! NC produce looks so delicious! I am missing the fresh farmer's market tastes of California. New Mexico's produce leaves a lot to be desired.

  15. Rocky is a cutie. I love peaches. We have one tree. XO

  16. Misty and Timber are like Rocky. They get out in that hot sun and just want to lie flat on the ground and stay there. Mom has to MAKE them come in because it is not safe for them to be out long.

    The local produce around here has been almost nonexistent. We have not had one ear of fresh corn and there are only super ripe tomatoes to pick from.

    Beautiful garden landscape.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Rocky dude, you are so darn adorable! Oh, we're ready for fresh peaches and tomatoes too!

  18. Rocky looks like he wants to put "Kilroy was here" on the pillow.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi