My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 20, 2023

Feline Friday Flashback with Madi

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Nature Friday

Perhaps a Mole Hill for sure not Ant hill...

I was a bit surprised that whomever lives here, built it so close to the walking trail

Feline Friday Flashback Poet Madi

From January 20, 2017

by Madison D Cat

I Proudly wear this crown, I was not tricked.
It describes my furs which are quite lush and thick.
My furs require a brush now and then
Sometimes I give it little spit and a lick.
Mostly my furs are dark gray not black.
Once, a while back,
 it was said they were
Soft as Chinchilla by my vet tech.
I exclaimed WHAT in the heck....
Research revealed a Chinchilla
is a fancy pants word for a rat which I am NOT. 
I am a smart cat I keep my furs to myself.
Not at all like that rat Chinchilla whom I discovered does not.



  1. oooh that was a furtabulous poem about fur... we agree a diva always has such super furs and you always are madison the Diva.....

  2. Madi had beautiful fur, but how dare her vet compare her to a rodent!

  3. Hello in there! I would be giving that hole an extraSpecial sniff! We loved your poem and your furs look so baby soft, Madi.

  4. Hari OM
    That does look mole, that hole... and Angel Madi, you had me off researcing Chinchillas for half an hour! Fun wee critters in their own way - but definitely nothing like you! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Angel Madi, your furs always were glorious! I suspect your vet didn't mean anything negative (but a "rat"?!). Chinchillas are known for their amazingly soft fur. Which, sadly, makes them a source of fur for clothing...but that's another topic.

    Hugs from Kim and her angels

  6. you most defintely did not look or act like a rat. chinchilla is supposed to be the softest of furs and i am sure that is
    what they meant. google lens search says plains gopher dug that hole

  7. huh, wonder what made the hole. Madi, I bet you were softer than a mink coat.

  8. We love that poem and the Madi flash back. Walter could wear that crown of "Superior Softness" since every time he goes to the vet they always remark at how soft his fur is.

  9. Madi did have beautiful fur, she was a beautiful girl. I dated a guy in college... his Dad raised chinchillas in their basement, not as pets. It creeped me out and made me sad. It was a short relationship. Very good words that make that poem that Madi wrote!

  10. Angel Madi sure had a way with words...BOL!!
    My imagination thinks maybe a snake made it's home in an old ant mound....."shiver"
    Happy Friday!
    Rosy and Beth

  11. Hugs to Angel Madi and sweet photo ~ great to see ~
    Intriguing home photo ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Oh my you are definitely not a rat! Cheers!

  13. I'm sure that vet tech didn't mean that comparison as a insult. Oh, and I can't imagine who or what made that hole. Let me know if you find out.

  14. I think that hole is probably a political headquarters of some kind. Good poem with sweet Angel Madi.

  15. That is an odd place for a home.

    The poem is as purrfect as you, thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  16. That's they type of thing I tend to make a mountain out of.

  17. We have those holes in our yard too - mostly around the base of trees...! Always a pleasure to see a flashback of dear Angel Madi who no doubt is up to something at the Bridge and keeping watch over her Mom and Dad.

    Love, Pam


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi