My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 8, 2023

Nature and Feline Friday from Kat my furry nephew

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Are y’all familiar with dog fennel weed? It’s common in habitats where the soil has been severely disturbed, burned areas, & clear-cuts locales. 
Here is a wee bit of info on it
Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) is an aggressive native perennial found throughout much of the Southeast. Dogfennel is particularly troublesome in unimproved or overgrazed pastures where it adds to the decline of forage yield and quality. Although dogfennel is generally considered to be only unsightly, research has shown that significant bahiagrass yield loss will be observed when dogfennel infestations are not removed prior to July 1. Cattle do not normally feed on dogfennel, but they may eat it when more suitable forages are lacking. However, the leaves contain low levels of the toxin tremitol, which causes dehydration when ingested by cattle. Dogfennel is currently the number one most commonly occurring pasture weed in Florida.
Some people & animals find the aroma pleasant, but Mom says it STINKS!
Dad has been out weed whacking our endless supply of dog fennel.
I Kat find it intoxicating

Kraft Kat!!
Note from Mom of Kat:
Kat doesn’t enjoy catnip as much as he does fennel smell.  Kat was never in direct contact with the fennel, just Dad’s stinky shoes!

Ooooooh my cats, Kat, you are loving in Dad’s dog fennel weed shoes!
I hope you take a good bath before you sleep with mom. You don’t want to be sleeping in the dog house. If we have that fragrant weed, we don’t know it.
Thank you for the precious video.
Love Auntie


  1. da wikipedia said it was planted by johnny appleseed? why? that is interesting... ;O)

  2. Well neither Gail not I had never heard of Dogfennel until this morning. (Why 'dog' by the way?)
    The video of Kat and the shoe is simply adorable.

  3. Hari OM
    My word - one wonders if other cats would be as enamoured and if in fact there is a goldmine hidden in the 'muck' that is dogfennel?!! YAM xx

  4. I've never heard of dogFennel but if it's stinky, then I will join you in the rolling, Kat!

  5. Kat - you are definitely enjoying the chemistry coming off that shoe. I enjoyed seeing you being so happy and playful.

  6. I did not know what it was called. I call it seaweed around here. But, with that being said. I always spray it when I see it. It can get huge and I don't want it spreading all over our pasture or yard.

  7. I do not know if it is here but it is all over Savannah GA, I don't remember it smelling but there is much that I don't remember. not sure if it is here, have not been out in the woods in many years. I can see Kat truly loves that smell, made me laugh long and hard

  8. We have never heard of it before, but it sounds like bad stuff. I guess every place has bad stuff growing that needs to be eradicated.

  9. I've never heard of, or seen, dogfennel, I expect we're too far north for it. (We have our own invasive plant species issues!) I do occasionally drink fennel tea, which I like.

    I love Kat's video, made me laugh!

  10. Kat was enjoying that shoe like it was full of catnip! BOL!

  11. OhMyGosh we had that all over the Tiny Ten! I have not seen it in Southwest Florida. We mowed our west field but it came back like a... well... like a WEED! I loved it, it was feathery looking and its movement in a breeze was visually pleasant. Kat, it is good that you get the benefit of a catnip high with the Dogfennel :) The Z Cat was always rubbing on our shoes and boots, we walked around in a lot of other stinky things... I had no idea about the fennel.
    Very interesting... thank you Mom of Kat, Kat and C!

  12. Oh Wow ~ such fun with Dad's fennel smelling shoe ~ simple pleasures ~ sweet kitty ~
    Hugs to Angel Madi ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. What a cutie pie you are Kat, you must really like the smell. We haven't heard of dog fennel here either...
    Rosy, Sunny and Beth

  14. Never heard of dog fennel and you have me curious! And that video was adorable!!!

  15. Goodness Kat, that's a lot of rolling fun you're having!

  16. I've never heard of it either, but now I'll be doing Google photo searches of all the weeds I don't know that resemble that picture.

  17. Never heard of it, but it sounds awful. Kat is a cutie. XO

  18. We have never heard of fennel weed either, but it is good info. Mom is going crazy with weeds that come through the fence from our neighbor's yard which is not very well tended. This one weed has little yellow flowers that turn into spikey heads. She is forever picking the spkies out of our furs and worries we might get them in our ears. She is going to take a sample to the garden shop this weekend and see if they can identify it.. Hopefully is isn't toxic to dogs. She may have to resort to spraying them.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. I've never seen anything like that around here. We do have plenty of other wild flowers and grasses.

  20. I haven't seen it here, but it doesn't mean we don't have it in more rural areas. That video is a delight. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  21. I've not heard of fennel weed, but I know a fun video when I see one!! 🥰


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi