My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #137

    Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is today's photo. 

I decided to write about Broccoli!! 

When I was a child (in the stone ages), broccoli was only sold in a box. 

It was as hard as a rock*

Mama cooked it until it was NOT*.

She cooked it and cooked it 'til it was no longer green

It was so mushy it made me want to scream

I expect I made this very same face.

Oh how happy I was to finally see it freshly displayed

in the produce case.  I learned to steam it 

to perfection and color to please my  eyes and taste.


  1. Gail agrees steamed broccoli is the way to go.
    Nobby enjoys bits of raw stem chopped off before steaming.
    So we have a win-win broccoli situation in the Gail and Nobby household.

  2. Gail agrees steamed broccoli is the way to go.
    Nobby enjoys bits of raw stem chopped off before steaming.
    So we have a win-win broccoli situation in the Gail and Nobby household.

  3. hahaha, how the times have changed.

  4. When we were first married Ivor would eat nothing but peas because his mother boiled all vegetables to a grey mush. I soon changed that and he was soon eating all varieties of veg.

  5. Hari OM
    Tick me as another! Indeed, just recently I had the experience of severly overcooked vegetables when out and about and couldn't believe what a tasteless mush I was eating (a paid meal - so wasn't going to waste it, but still... won't be recommending that cafe!) YAM xx

  6. Hahaha. We never had broccoli growing up because my Dad hated it. Now I eat it almost every day ... I LOVE it. Though, I like it mushy ...

  7. I don't remember ever having brocolli as a child or seeing it or knowing what it was. I found out about it when I married Bob. I like it ok but don't love it. we did have greens, at every meal. the ones daddy grew. mustard, turnup, collard greens. cooked to pieces and smother in bacon fat. yum... bob had never heard of collard greens, he loves them now more than brocoli.

  8. Broccoli was never one of my favorite veggies as a kid but I do love it now - raw or sauteed with a wee bit of olive oil.

  9. I am a broccoli lover. I don't remember my Mom ever cooking it or it being a part of our meals. I steam it with a little olive oil and a small pad of butter. I like it cooked until soft... not crisp or chewy. I like it raw with ranch dressing. I can make it be dinner! Enjoyed your poem! Don't care for cauliflower. Good morning!

  10. Our mom remembers when veggies came frozen in a box too. Despite being a Home Economics teacher, her mom also cooked the veggies until they were mush or burned. BOL! We love your poem.

  11. Great job!! I always hated it when my Mom overcooked ANYTHING to the point it was just a blob on the plate. I think she did that with broccoli most often and I love broccoli!

    Hugs, Pam

  12. Memories of childhood ~ fun poem ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Until I got older, I always thought broccoli was supposed to be mushy...Boy, it sure tasted better when I learned to ccok it correctly!

    Great poem!

  14. madi, we iz stoppin bye two day on rememburr me thurzday coz we will all wayz rememburr ewe
    N pleez let yur mom N dad noe, therz noe such thing az broc co lee…ore ass pair a guz in heaven🍀🐟💚

  15. I never liked that stuff when I was young either, but now I do.

  16. Well done! Yes, lightly steamed, splashed with a bit of olive oil and a tiny sprinkle of salt, and broccoli is a delight.

  17. I love all of those veggies, and I'll eat them cooked soft or steamed.

  18. All six of us love steamed broccoli. Musy, no!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi