My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 3, 2023

Feline and Nature Friday

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

EMW Sunday October 29, 2023

The red maple tree on the left is one block from my house.
Note the golden tree behind the is not a hardwood.  It is a pine tree
just being kissed by morning sun making it golden.

The trees in photo on the right are maples both in the same yard.  I was too early to catch the morning sun on them.

Feline Flash back posted exactly eight years ago

 Nov. 3, 2015

Angel Madi and Frisco da kitty

This story happened before Mia and Harper

Would you just look at this mess!!! I'm a shamed to tell you but my crazy pants nephew Frisco has been sewing some wild teenage oats.
A few weeks ago my human sis came home at lunch to hear frantic meowing but could not find Frisco.
She followed the meows to the guest bathroom.
Lo and behold he decided to roll the
guest bathroom with toilet paper......
while doing so...the door closed..
Sis sent mom this photo (w/o me in it). She said,
"Frisco shut himself in the 'loo' this morning
this is what I found at lunch"!!
No photos of Frisco in here 'cause when Sis opened the door he darted out of there like his tushie was on fire.


  1. We love the red colour of your maples at this time of year. Not a common sight here in Scotland
    Happy Nature Friday!
    PS The Great Loo Caper. It should be a film.

  2. Hari Om
    Those colours are stunning... and giggled at the great loo roll unrolling! YAM xx

  3. The fall colours are glorious! As for the loo caper...that was hilarious! It's something angel Nicki might have done (not the tp per se, but getting into mischief and getting accidentally shut in somewhere.)

  4. Thank goodness your mom came home and freed you, Frisco! The autumn colors are just gorgeous!

  5. The autumn colours are lovely. That was funny about the TP.

  6. CATostrophic Capers by Cat Frisco! what fun.. the colors are beautiful and our pine tree turns golden when the sun touches the top, will have to see if I can capture that color...

  7. I've never had a cat that wanted to play with the toilet paper. That picture is just perfect. What a waste of paper and fun to clean up I bet. I love the color on your trees here where I live they're all completely bare now.

  8. We have not had toilet paper on the roller where it belongs for almost two years now because Bert unrolls and eats it. Not nice. That cat is nothing but trouble.

  9. lol at those kitty cats. They love to unroll tissue paper. Beautiful colors on the trees.

  10. You found some beautiful fall colors on your EMW. That's a fun flash back story about Frisco, too.

  11. Katie is the one cat I have that has not been interested in tread milling in the bathroom. Everyone else sure did! Katie darted into the freezing cold pantry yesterday but didn't say anything. I was looking for her, opening all the doors and when I opened that door she flew out of there like HER britches were on fire!

  12. Looking at Precious's trees are all not pretty ow. Leaves are starting to fall pretty well. Yours there are gorgeous.

  13. What beautiful colors your neighborhood is showing off!

    I remember the Great Loo time flies by!
    Beth(and the girls)

  14. The great loo caper... hehehe! Maybe Frisco will introduce Harper to TP!
    The trees on your EMW are gorgeous.

  15. Oh, my, what an adventure! It's a good thing we love our kitties so much, no matter what they do we can't live without them.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  16. Beautiful foliage.Cute story. XO

  17. Awesome autumn colors in your lovely photos and love the kitty photo too ~ thanks,

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Those trees are very pretty! That was a really funny Loo story, we could see that happening.

  19. Love the Fall photos - so colorful! Also quite the story of Frisco and the Great Bathroom least he had something to do while behind closed doors!

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. This is always a great time of the year for beautiful colors in nature, sort of like late spring when everything is blooming. We see Madi assessing the damage, BOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi