My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 26, 2024

Final Fiction and Feline Friday by Madi and Nature

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Lovely nature seen on and EMW.  All set up just waiting for the birds to find the house.  Such a pretty new bird house I hope they will keep it tidy.  When it warms up, I'd love to sit on the bench

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Flash back from January 25, 2018

 Final Fiction and Feline

Cheerios: A tale of little O's  

Five mornings a week mom and I share  has a bowl of Cheerios

 While she painstakingly prepares her bowl of little O's to perfection with a banana sliced on top I sit right here waiting.

Once she sits down this is is where I sit.
FYI: the below photo is older.   It shows is exactly where I sit every day 
there is a bowl Cheerios on the table.

If I'm well behaved don't put my nose in her bowl,
she will share a few of the toasted little O's with me that are not too soggy with milk..
Just last week (we do not have actual photos because it happened 
too quickly and mom was kinda clueless at first as to what was going on) mom 
gave me 3 little O's she heard me lapping them up. 
She was busy eating and playing Words with Friends.  
She finished eating got up from the table. I got up to walk over to my perch

Mom noticed my legs are twerking all by themselves.

Re-enactment with the help of Pizap

Mom said, Madi what in the world is wrong with you.
She picked me up and what happened next was.............she found
one Cheerio stuck to my very furry undercarriage see re-enactment below

It was stuck exactly in that spot and that was the cause of my funky leg action.
I was trying to shake it loose!! 

Now MOM has a question how in the world did I even know it was 
there will all my furs? She had the nerve to say Madi 
if you didn't sit right by my bowl this would not happen.  
I replied: well you need to stop missing your mouth and dropping 
wet little O's near  my nether regions. 


  1. cheerio indee... we don't want to say where da mama once had a stamp what was hidden in a tissue from her bag LOL

  2. Angel Madi, that was a great flashback! I chuckled imagining your wonky leg action and that stuck cheerio!! 😆

  3. How we love the tale of Madi's Cheerio-induced twerking!
    I bet that only the most superior types of bird will inhabit such a smart new house.

  4. That would have been hilarious when it happened. I can just picture her trying to shake a leg while she's trying to walk across the table. What fun.

  5. That is more like a bird condo building than a house. Hope it gets a lot of use in the spring and summer. No one here is interested in Mom's cereal, but she has all kinds of weird stuff going on in her bowl.

  6. I remember Madi and Madi's Mom's interest in Cheerios. So funny this morning about the leg shakin' over the clinging on Cheerio! Now I am hungry for Cheerios! Great photos, Madi's Mom. Beautiful scene with the bird house.

  7. I love the bird condo and I would love to sit to enjoy the comings and goings of the families who use it. BUT seeing Madi with that cheerio in her furs in her undercarriage just got me laughing. Don't tell Angel Madi! I LOVE that picture of her with multiple legs. Got me laughing!

  8. Madi is so like our angel Mr T - would park the nose millimetres from the edge of the bowl just to 'understand' what it was we were eating. You always know what is stuck to your furs don't you Madi?

  9. this is just too funny and i do not remember this one at all. and I am sure I would if I had seen it before. at least you were not drooling 4 inch long strings of drool in and around the bowl. that is what happens when we eat. i am sure the twerking was hilarious.

  10. hahaha, cheerio twerking. too funny.

  11. That does look like a lovely place to sit, relax and have some peaceful time with nature. We love the flashback of Madi. BOL!

  12. You are just too funny, Madi☺ Love the beautiful birdhouse!

  13. Great job Madi ~ cheerios ~ what fun ~ lovely birdhouse too ~

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Hari OM
    I am late
    for this date
    but loved the take
    of Madi and the plate
    Cheers! YAM xx

  15. madi, what a grate flash bax two day !!! we N joyed yur fotoz, even yur
    "fite" with de cheerio ~~~~ ♥♥♥ and de gurl sayz herz prette sure de
    burd houz, izza martin houz ?? :)

  16. Angel Madi was always so funny! What a beautiful bird house, that bench will be a great spot for some Spring bird watching!
    Beth and the girls

  17. That is some fancy bird apartment and a really fun flashback with the sweetest Angel Madi.

  18. I understand what Angel Madi went through. I never had Cheerios stuck on me, but my leggings collect dried leafs and I'm always twerking to get them off! XOX Xena

  19. Heeheehee! There's room for improvement in technique, perhaps, on both sides.

    The bird house is lovely.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  20. I hope the house is filled with a family of birds soon

  21. So wonderful to see Angel Madi and hear about "THE GREAT CHEERIO" incident! Love that bird house - it's more like a bird condo.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi