My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 18, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday with my Cali, Kat and Rocky and Fill ins

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Janice is a funny girl...when she sent these she said:
I TOOK THESE FROM the comfort of my favorite chair.

Feline Friday

Mom started Fall Cleaning this week!
The kitchen cabinets were first on her list. 
Look at all that yucky dust on top!🙀
She said she’s embarrassed for you to see it. 

Of course, we all gathered round to assist (aka get in the way). 😹

She dusted & polished from the crown molding all the way down to the baseboards. 
Thanks to your recommendation of meloxicam for her arthritis, she didn’t need her walker when she finished. Yay!

Next she’ll attack the great room & as always, we'll be there for her! 😻

❤️  Kat, Rocky, & Cali

Note from our Mom

I bet I went up & down that ladder a gazillion times! 😹

Rocky & Kat insist on sleeping on the dining room table. So I put their big bed on it. They love!

Auntie HiC says Apaws 👐Apaws👐 Apaws👐 for putting their bed on the table.
Angel Madi loved sleeping on table it was her favorite spot during the morning

I love all those lights in the ceiling they help mom count all the dust bunnies one by one.  Auntie's kitchen cabinets are probably shamefully dusty.  Thankfully we don't have any guest who are 9' tall or an Snoopervisory Kitties.
Rocky you are a darlin' step kitty
Hugs and love Auntie HiC

Thank you to Ellen and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs f the fun fill-ins.. Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  .

1. My favorite Halloween movie/memory is from high school.  The seniors were allowed to make up all the tricks for the school carnival.  We made tons of pasta.  Put it in the fridge.  Day of the carnival everyone had to stick their hands into a hole which had slimy cold pasta in a bowl.  The looks on their faces was hilarious..
2. People always ask me for my recipe for my cornbread.
3. I go on a WALK when I need to think.
4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, It would NOT HAPPEN I don't like to be scared. 


  1. wow a diy project? we could send our dad.... and we love the special cat tower .. can you see the weekend from there?

  2. Those are good photos taken from the chair! My dizziness prevents me climbing ladders so I do it the cheats way and use the vacuum small brush attachment. Ivor would do it, but he has so much else to do.

    1. Rats! It called me anonymous. That is because Google Chrome has stopped working and I am using Firefox which I haven't for years. I will probably uninstall Chrome and reinstall it.

  3. Hari OM
    ...another reason I'm moving into a van where I can touch the ceiling! The dust bunnies I have to fight all form at floor level. Kat and Rocky are just adorable! YAM xx

  4. Love your kitchen. If it would make you feel better I can post pictures of the dust accumulation in my house.

  5. The three of you are great supervisors while your mom cleans, Kat, Cali and Rocky! I"m with you on the haunted house. I don't like to be scared either!

  6. If only precious would get up high on top of my kitchen cabinets that I wouldn't have to get up there to dust. She stopped doing that quite a few years ago. I love seeing the hawk and what is probably a lizard. Sometimes you just get lucky when you look out the window don't you. And you'll never catch me in a haunted house.

  7. The top of the refrigerator is the absolute worst. Mom isn't tall, so she never thinks about it but it is covered in dust when she does remember to go up there and clean it off.

  8. Looks like "kitty cat fur" atop the cabinets to me (mine have the same) ... as it tumbles down those three kitties waiting below will soon be wearing their new winter fur coats!

  9. Dearest Cecilia,
    Oh, what a crew of serious kitty supervisors — eager to help their Mom!
    They LOVE being at a higher vantage point so sleeping on the big table is like heaven. It is their soft and warm kitty–loft.
    A home being lived and loved in...
    Mariette + Kitties

  10. yeow thatz one big hawk….‼️ wunder if him dee sided ta N joy that lizardz aza snax🙀🙀 N wavez two ewe kat rocky and cali, ewe all three did a pawsum job helpin yur mom in de kitshun…make sure she payz ewe for yur over time pay at tripull yur regular pay 😺💙🐟🐟

  11. Those three kitties did a great job snoopervising the dusting. Rocky and Kat are too cute napping together.

  12. If we had cabinets with a top space like that the whole crew would be up there!

  13. An afternoon visit for me today! Jerry is at Walmart and the house is all mine!!! I can truly see how much help the Cat Trifecta was as Mom cleaned. It cracks me up... they are really into snoopervising the cleaning. It looks all bright and polished. Something about cleaning and fall. Dining room tables just call to cats!
    I love it when you do Fill-Ins, C! I think I might have mentioned that before. Your cornbread!!!! Walking and thinking go together. I do my best thinking in the morning around five oh clock.

  14. What beautiful critter captures from Janice today...and Rosy and Sunny also like to "help" with the cleaning BOL!

  15. Oh my gosh, that's oak like my mommy's cabinets and crown molding. Mom gets up there and does the same. She needs to do the bottom cabinets. Her knees don't want to kneel so she's still thinking what to do. But she got the top ones all done. I help her with the bottom ones though when she finally gets down there. You both are perfect helpers/snoopervisers! Mom can only answer two fill-ins. Her fav Halloween memory is when her Dad finally let her out Halloween night dressed as a hobo, including grease paint whiskers...and a bar of soap. She was too afraid to do anyone's windows but her Dad's! And her Dad even knew it ws her as when he returned from work he told her it took a little while to get the soap off his car windows. LOVE the beddie on the table and you two in it!!!

  16. I still have to do my spring cleaning-from 2021. :) Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. #1 was funny. XO

  17. oh my goodness, my house is really dusty. I've been yard obsessed and the house can wait till it's really cold and rainy and I have to be inside.

  18. Since the mornings have gotten down into the 30's and 40's here, we don't take EMWs either. Mommy takes us on afternoon walks, instead, and that's nice cause the sun's awake and we can see all the squirrels! XOX Xena
    Good for you, Cecilia, doing all that cleaning! I don't remember the last time I dusted the tops of my kitchen cabinets, LOL! Except for one picture, they are all holding utility items, like waffle iron, large glass bowls, etc.

  19. Glad to see 'the helpers' ~ sweet kitties and great post ~ ^_^

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good heatlh, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Mercy, that was a project! I'm glad the snoopervisors were on duty.

    I wouldn't want to actually go in a haunted house, either.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi