My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 18, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday with my Cali, Kat and Rocky and Fill ins

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Janice is a funny girl...when she sent these she said:
I TOOK THESE FROM the comfort of my favorite chair.

Feline Friday

Mom started Fall Cleaning this week!
The kitchen cabinets were first on her list. 
Look at all that yucky dust on top!🙀
She said she’s embarrassed for you to see it. 

Of course, we all gathered round to assist (aka get in the way). 😹

She dusted & polished from the crown molding all the way down to the baseboards. 
Thanks to your recommendation of meloxicam for her arthritis, she didn’t need her walker when she finished. Yay!

Next she’ll attack the great room & as always, we'll be there for her! 😻

❤️  Kat, Rocky, & Cali

Note from our Mom

I bet I went up & down that ladder a gazillion times! 😹

Rocky & Kat insist on sleeping on the dining room table. So I put their big bed on it. They love!

Auntie HiC says Apaws 👐Apaws👐 Apaws👐 for putting their bed on the table.
Angel Madi loved sleeping on table it was her favorite spot during the morning

I love all those lights in the ceiling they help mom count all the dust bunnies one by one.  Auntie's kitchen cabinets are probably shamefully dusty.  Thankfully we don't have any guest who are 9' tall or an Snoopervisory Kitties.
Rocky you are a darlin' step kitty
Hugs and love Auntie HiC

Thank you to Ellen and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs f the fun fill-ins.. Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  .

1. My favorite Halloween movie/memory is from high school.  The seniors were allowed to make up all the tricks for the school carnival.  We made tons of pasta.  Put it in the fridge.  Day of the carnival everyone had to stick their hands into a hole which had slimy cold pasta in a bowl.  The looks on their faces was hilarious..
2. People always ask me for my recipe for my cornbread.
3. I go on a WALK when I need to think.
4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, It would NOT HAPPEN I don't like to be scared. 

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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi