My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 29, 2024

Nature, Feline and Final Feature Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Nature right out my back door

Click here to visit YAM's FFF

Today I'm sharing two true stories about funny encounters I had while working at N. C. State University

1.  Physics

**What Goes Up must go down

I thank Kim from Musing of a Small life 

for reminding me of this phrase and story**

My office was on 4th floor.  95% of the time I took the stairs to the Physics office on 1st floor.  One particular day I had a lot to carry so I decided to use the elevator. I watched the elevator climb quickly from 1st to 5th floor without stopping.  Then back down from 5th to 1st without stopping.  Each time this happened I pressed down again.  After about 10 minutes of watching this bizarre behavior it the doors opened but I was told by the four  students I could not get on.  WHAT the HECK?  Few seconds later it came back to 4th...I GOT ON THIS TIME in spite of being told not to get on.  They all had balls in their hands.  It turns out they were doing some type of experiment for a Physics course. I  think they bounced the ball timing it as they went up and down.  Never really understood what it was but one of the students told me that much.



2. Organic Chemistry 

My first day in Chemistry was quite alarming and all because I wanted to make a pot of coffee. Just  across from my office was a  rather odd looking water fountain. Imagine my surprise/horror, when an alarm went off and water shot straight up into my face.  A graduate student came running out of his lab in full rescue MOD.  When he saw me, he said 'stay right there while I turn off the call for EMS.'  WHAT THE HECK!!! Of course, I was too mortified to move.  The nice grad student quickly returned with some towels to dry me off and to wipe up all the water on the floor.  While trying not to laugh he said, "Hi I'm Bill, you must be our new administrative assistant."  Bill turned out to be one of my favorite grad students.

Turns out that was not a water fountain it was an eye wash station only to be used in dire emergencies to wash face/eyes if one got chemicals in their face.   Beside it I noticed there was a shower head in the ceiling...that was for a full body wash if need be.


Feline Friday Flashback 2015

I asked mom to 'Leaf' me alone

But she didn't...there will be demerits.

Nature from NC #4 will resume next week. 


  1. What fun stories. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Hari Om
    Excellent memories to have and I also thank you for sharing them for FFF😄. The tree is gorgeous... YAM xx

  3. The tree looks lovely, and Madi gorgeous.
    Those stories made me LOL!

  4. Now the Second Story really would have had a funny ending if you would have ended up taking a full shower while completely dressed, LOL. Angel Madie you look delightful when you were playing with that leaf and making your mommy happy as she was snapping the camera.

  5. Oh goodness, you had to be on your toes working there.

  6. Oh my that is funny with the eye wash. Thank goodness the full body wash didn't automatically activate! The first day is always hard but some or more difficult than others.

  7. What a beautiful tree and planter and you, Madi, are always gorgeous! Your stories had me laughing out loud, Cecilia☺

  8. OMC, the stories!! The second one especially made me laugh, I could just picture it! Lol. What an adventure! 🤣

    Madi, I love your flashback. There are ALWAYS demerits with human servants. 🙄😉

  9. madi…ewe bee lookin gorgeouz and de gie unt “ staw berree “ on de lawn iz my tee
    awesome two .‼️🍓🍓🍓🍓😺😺 we N joyed momz storeez 😺😺😺‼️🧡💛🤎

  10. Dearest Cecilia,
    Such sweet images of Angel Madi and great word play!
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. We love your stories about working at NC State. What a sweet fall flashback with Madi.

  12. That flower pot out the back door is adorable... it looks like a big strawberry!
    The water fountain story is very very funny! I think you really loved your job :)
    Madi and the leaf!

  13. still laughing about the eye wash, that story is A +. and of course Madi always gets an A+. I bet you were mortified on the elevator thing. I would be..

  14. Such a beautiful tree, the colors this time of year are my favorite.

    Thanks for the giggle from the eye wash story. I can see something like that happening to me.

  15. Those were really fun stories and such sweet flashbacks of Angel Madi!

  16. Lovely Christmas header and adorable 'leaf' me alone kitty photos ~ thanks,

    Hugs to you Cecilia amd Angel Madi ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Came back to see what's going on and I see a new beautiful festive header for Christmas with Angel Madi watching over the blog♥

  18. I enjoyed your stories. And I love seeing Angel Madi. XO

  19. I love your stories. Maybe someday you can explain why people who perform physics and not called physicians.

  20. Love the stories BUT especially love the beautiful Angel Madi enjoying a pretty Fall leaf.......!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  21. OH man...that eye wash thingy was horrible for you. Bless your heart! I have a few stories too that I might share oner day but yours takes the prize! Both of them! XX

  22. I also thought the flower pot looked like a giant strawberry! How odd and funny about the not a water fountain on your first day of work. And precious Madi. She gave you demerits, LOL!

  23. The students doing their experiment in the elevator in the middle of a busy workday might want to rethink that schedule.

    When a chemistry building went up many, many years ago, the person who was in charge of supervision of building maintenance at the university was so angry about being forced to put in a shower for such emergencies he actually made them build it with no drain! He said there "waren't no reason for such a thing! It aint a bathroom in there!"

    Demerits, good one. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi