My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wordy Wednesday from a Florida 'gator


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

My best Gal Pal, Pix in Florida, sent this

Video to me.  It came with caption (11/11/24)

"We had a visitor today but he could not reach the doorbell"

16 second video

It is a juvenile alligator.  It is the first one we've had on the porch.
I am glad I just didn't walk out there.
He was really staring at us.  We could not get him to leave. Earlier today there was a larger brown spot on their lawn.  Shaped like a large 'gator.  Probably Mama. Then then Junior showed up.  Alligators have been very active in the back by the Preserve near the house.
Mama had long forgotten him.

Bryan and I replied, "he certainly is a social 'gator.  Looks like he is saying are you my Mommy?"


  1. maybe it is a kid in a gator costume what comes a little late for trick or treats?

  2. Hari OM
    I guess there is a number to call for such things? In OZ we have the snake catcher's number on the fridge at all times - I imagine something similar for alligator territory? It's kinda cute - but those teeth could still do some damage! YAM xx

  3. I am glad that is one critter never seen in our back yard, super video and he is cute, but not in my yard.. one of our local beaches, Longboat key, had a huge iguana wandering on the beach, seen on FB.

  4. Yikes! I'd be staying inside the house for sure!

  5. I have to say there's a couple things in this world that I would not want in my backyard. One is an alligator and two is a big black bear. I'm pretty much okay with about anything else, lol.

  6. Gees, I'm glad it's too cold here for alligators! 😯

  7. Dearest Cecilia,
    No, that is not a critter we want to see around nor feed!
    Too dangerous.
    We only have seen the snapping turtles on our property but gators have been to town!
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. I am glad we don't get alligators here, not even juvenile ones!

  9. maybe he is a “porch package pirate “ and was looking to nab a delivery ‼️🙀🙀😺‼️💛🧡🤎

  10. Oh my, what a unique visitor. They are cute when they are small. I wouldn't try to pet him though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  11. We did enjoy his visit... just a baby Allie-gator. Jerry continues to keep an eye out for him. We continue to keep our distance and have a healthy respect for all the wildlife in our neighborhood. We don't encourage them and certainly don't feed them. We kinda miss him. Laughing at "porch package pirate." Have a good life, Junior.

  12. We would not want to see a visitor like that on our front porch. If his momma showed up you could be stuck inside for a long time. BOL!

  13. Am remembering when my daughter tossed a banana at a "big one" on our dock, he
    soon came up into the yard wanting more! (Obviously, she was visiting from college up north, didn't know better ... sigh).

  14. That is quite a visitor ~ Wow! Glad we don't get them ~ Wow post ~ thanks,

    Hugs and love to you and Angel Madi

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. So very cool!!! Then again, this is one of the main reasons I say no every time Ed asks if I want to retire to Florida LOL

  16. I have a soft spot for alligators. I wouldn't want one hanging out. I just like seeing them in their habitats.

  17. That's fun to see as long as it is in someone elses yard!

  18. That would freak me out a bit seeing that in my yard. Can you imaging walking out there and having it surprise you?

  19. aw naw, one of us would have to have a new zip code

  20. What an interesting porch visitor!!! We only see little lizards here, and they are so fast they are gone in a flash!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. Replies
    1. Hahahaha... I don't know but it has nothing to do with Junior and his relatives. It's has everything to do with hurricanes, we have one aiming at us now. We are thinking about it... back to Missouri and wine country.

  22. Never thought I would write this, but he is pretty cute. XO

  23. Maybe you could teach that baby to play football and he'd win a scholarship to gator school!

  24. That's a neighbor best left alone.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi