My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, December 27, 2024

Final Feature Video, Feline and Nature from NC #6 Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Click here to visit YAM's FFF

Dearest Auntie HiC

 Cali has finally recognized my awesomeness & wants to be my BFS (Best Feline Sister).

I had the best Canine Sister, Angel Dakota.  She was fluffy, warm, & gentle. Mom adopted her after being rescued from a horrible hoarding situation. She was the most forgiving creature Mom has ever known.

I do hope Cali & I will cuddle someday, but in the meantime, she needs to understand there are times when I need a little space; like nap time! Good grief! 😹

❤️ Kat

Dearest Kat I remember Dakota fondly she had the most amazing Golden Smile and angelic personality.  She truly recognized she was in a loving home and returned that love every day to everyone in her new home with you all.
Auntie HiC

Nature from NC #6 today I'm featuring
The Honeybee

In 1973, the NC General Assembly recognized the importance of the Honeybee to our agriculture industry by designating it as our Sate Insect.

Recently, we saw these beautiful Coffee Mugs for sale in the
December issue of Our State Magazine.  They hold 16 ounces
The handle is a perfect size for gripping and the lip of the cup is thin for drinking.

On Friday, (12/6/24) Rosy, Sunny and Beth wrote on their blog that from that day forward they will be dedicating their Nature Friday's
In Memory of... Gail.  What a beautiful idea.  I, too, would like to dedicate mine to Gail and Nobby.
They were the ultimate Nature Ga(i)l and Guy


  1. Dakota does look like a real sweetheart.

  2. I hope Cali decides you are cuddle worthy like Dakota did with you, Kat.

  3. The new coffee mugs are very cute but of course the cats take first place always.

  4. Mom is odd when it comes to food. She can't stand the taste of coconut or honey, and she doesn't like coffee three things most folks love. The mugs are cute for honey lovers or to give to someone's honey.

  5. Hari OM
    It's good to see Cali starting to seek chair-sharing, even if it seems like a raid on space! The mugs are cute - but as a left-handed drinker, I might find the motif a tad intrusive... a bit like Kat feels about Cali! YAM xx

  6. Aw Kat, you know you want her to snuggle with you. Love the mugs. I've been watching The Pottery Throwdown show on TV. Love seeing how things are made.

  7. Kat, I do think it's going to happen. I think Cali has a thing for you but she maybe is befuddledly not sure how to make the approach. Darling mugs... we love bees... SSNS loves honey. Gosh, I don't know if Floridadoodah has a state insect. It would have to be the huge Palmetto bug... ick.

    1. Florida's state insect is a gorgeous butterfly! The Zebra Longwing... WooHoo!

  8. Dakota looks like such a sweetheart and the honeybee mugs are beautiful!

  9. I always like to see pups and cats together, its heart melting to me. your bee mugs reminds me that our bees are back. the red bush is blooming for Christmas and every bloom has a bee.

  10. We're glad to see Cali is getting closer to her brothers, but we understand about Kat wanting a bit more space while he sleeps. We love your honeybee mugs.

  11. Unfortunately, I never got to know Dakota. She must have been a wonderful addition and blessing to your household. So glad that Cali is heading the right direction with her cat bros. And cool cups, but don't think I could drink out of bee cups, LOL!

  12. Dakota is beautiful ~ Cali video is sweet ~ lovely tribute to Gail and Nobby ~ I do wonder what happened to Nobby? Anyone know? ~ hugs,

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health ,laughter and love in your days
    cllm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I am glad Cali came to her senses and accepted your friendship

  14. kat…dood…gurlz can bee funnee like that…all wantin ta be in yur space N stuff one minit N de next they iz off on ther own ! eye am likin you new header madi …‼️🎄🪅🎊‼️😺🐟

  15. What a beautiful girl Dakota was....and such a lovel tribute to Gail, who we miss every day...but especially of Nature Friday!
    Beth and the Girls

    1. PeeEss...I have been meaning to mention that your headers throughout the Holiday season have been very much enjoyed!!!

  16. Such a sweet pup and a sweet Cali too. How nice to dedicate the hopping to Gail.

  17. I love bees so much. I got the gift of a pair of bee earrings in Christmas. I love your cups. SO wish I could come across something like that. You never know.

  18. Oh and I love that Cali wants to be sweet furriends with Kat. xx

  19. What a lovely post! The cups are beautiful, the nature is a delight and as for the cats, I'm glad they are friends. I would have enjoyed knowing Angel Dakota.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi