My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ode to My Water Fountain

Oh water fountain how I do love you...
Your water glistens in the night even when there is no light,
Your pump sends sweet, fresh water down to the bowl much to my delight...
Your water gurggles, ripples and bubbles
enticing my inner beast...
Making me dream of lovely places to feast.
Oh water fountain thank you for service to me through out the day and night.
By Mom*

*NOTE: Inspired by Madi's current infatuation with her 7 year old water fountain as seen in the picture. Each week she picks a place or object that amazes her as if it were brand new.


  1. Such a poet!!!!

    Did Madi eat too many goldfish? They have short memories............every time they swim around their bowl...........its all new to them.....

  2. What a pensive look Madi has, like "is this Perrier?!"
    She is so photogenic! She must be getting used to that flash box!

  3. I think she has fallen in love with it because it is like being in a spa. She is daydreaming about getting a facial!

  4. I'll bet the sound of the gurgles, ripples and bubbles are just de-stressing you right Madi?

  5. Those are lovely words for your water fountain! The sounds soothe your inner bean!

  6. Such a nice poem! I have a fountain for my pets to and they love it.

  7. Maybe it is new. I think she shops on Ebay while you're asleep! :)

  8. Hi, Madi!
    That is a beautiful poem!
    I have a simple water bowl that does not inspire me anything!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Hi Madi,

    We luv your water fountain...very fancy! My, my, you certainly are a beautiful little girl.

    Thanks for stopping by Madi, and next time please sign our guestbook, this way we can see your pretty face every day!

    If you run into our brother, say Hi!

    Star and Riley.

  10. That is great that she loves the fountain - we had one and all the cats hated it!

  11. The poem wwas GRRR-8 (our mom writes poetry too). And that sure is a neato fountain!!!

  12. We have that exact same water fountain and it is the ONLY place my Lola will drink from. She has a fit when I have to clean it!

  13. Your cat was cute. It has also a pet water fountain. I love watching them drinking on that water fountain. By the way if you want to learn on how to care your pet, you may visit here.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi