My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hot Caturday Art and Vet recheck report

This has been a very hot hot week here in MadiWorld.
We three seniors are  hot messes
Welcome to 

I've been LunaPic'd

Mom took a selfie of she and dad with her i thingie then selected 'thermal'

Madi's Vet Visit yesterday
Mom here:
Well the check up didn't goes as I had hope.  Madi's kidney values have been an issue for about 2 years. The creatinine has stayed pretty much at an ok level or 2.2 ish. Dr. Szabo ideally wanted them below 2.  They were 2.39 two weeks ago.  Above 3 yesterday and no longer ok.  Which explains the unsettled tummy she has been having.  Anyway she is on sub q fluids daily starting today.  They are administered just in the scruff of her neck once a day via IV.  She is a trooper too and did not even seem to notice. Dr. S did it today MadiDad and I will do it from now on. It is a 2 person job.   We go back on Monday to have kidney levels checked again.  Good news is...he said LET HER EAT WHAT EVER brand food SHE will eat. She had lost....not gained a few ounces.   WE both thought she looked like she had gained. Anyway for a 15 yo cat, 76 in human years, I guess she is doing okey dokey.  She acts find and he was very pleased with how she looked outwardly and her blood pressure is fine.  He told me cats can live several years with sub fluids....and we started them early. We three musketeers will take baby steps each day and enjoy each day we have together.  
Private Duty RN to Madi(son) D best Cat


  1. I hope the SubQs bring down Madi's creatinine level. I'm sending purrs.

  2. Hoping Madi feels better real soon! Love your artwork for Caturday!

  3. Oh Madi, we are sorry to hear about your kidneys. We know several cats in blogland have the same problem and seem to do great with the fluids. Healing purrs, POTP and lots of love

  4. Hari OM
    Sending POTP for good health management... and loving the artworks!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. well Madi you have the best two nurses in town, sorry you have to have this but happy they can do it and that you can now eat what you want....

  6. Madi we know you are being well looked after and loved to bits which is all any of us could ever ask for! We send you tons of purrs and love too - which absolutely is MAGIC!!

    Love, Teddy and Mom too

  7. We're very sorry the news isn't what you had hoped to hear. But we do know that Miss Madi is in excellent hands. And we bet the Cat Scouts will give you Feline Nursing Badges for your hard work.

  8. Oh Madi, we are so sorry your kidneys are not behaving. You are so lucky to have such a good Mom and Dad who are taking such good care of you. We just know you can last a long time with the fluids. Sending tons of purrs and prayers.

  9. Purrs and prayers to you dear Madi. Those fluids seem to di so much good and once Mom and Dad get the hang of it, no big deal.

  10. We're sending loud rumbly purrs and prayers to Madi. Raz is purring super loud for his gal Madi.

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  11. You have the bestest and most loving nurses, Madi. I am sending you lots and lots of AireZen!
    You sure do look like you're sweltering in the heat! Your artwork pics are great!

  12. Sorry you had to go to the vet MAdi and that you need the fluids, but I know your folks are going to be extra gentle with you and you won't mind them at all. Did the vet tell your Mom to warm them up a little by setting them in hot water that way it doesn't feel so funny for you. I will be praying your fluids keep those kidneys going for a long, long time. Phoebe is at stage 2 of her kidney disease and I know she will be needing the fluids eventually. We get her numbers checked often. Nice art reflecting how hot you are. XO

  13. Oh Madi - we hope your kidneys are better by Monday. All that medicine doesn't sound fun. We are sending hugs to you and your peeps cause we know it isn't easy.

  14. Sorry to hear Madi isn't doing well. Sending lots of POTP and prayers.

  15. I am sorry your kidneys aren't working as well as they could be, but I hope you soon feel better with the fluids.
    You look smoking hot in your picture!

  16. We hope this new treatment will improve her numbers! BTW, we are a hot mess over here too.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Those photos sum up how hot it's been here, too!
    We hope the sub q fluids will help your numbers get back to where they should be!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. Everyone will do the best that they can. We're hopeful that all will be well soon.

  19. you have a pawesome attitude!!! Thank COD she doesn't mind the fluids that will help you. Sending purrs and prayers for many more years together! (((hugs))) xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  20. We hope those fluids do the trick! We don't envy your pawrents the job, though.

  21. The artwork is wonderful.
    Hope the fluids work and all is well soon.

  22. We feel that same heat, Madi, but you look beautiful lunapic'd. And you know we all have our paws crossed for your sub q fluids to do the trick. Now get eating, girl, and pack on some pounds. Time to make Mom and Dad happy.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  23. Purrs and POTP to Madi and her dedicated nursing staff ,

  24. Dear Madi, we have all pug paws crossed that the fluids will do the trick for you and Eat UP!!
    hugs for you and your peeps
    Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  25. You're a pro at art, Madi. I think I will send you some healing purrz and POtP.

  26. We're sorry to hear Madi's kidney's aren't working like they should but with the proper treatment, we know she will be around for a very long time. The mom went through this with a cat that came before us, so if you need any tips or advise, don't hesitate to ask her. :)

  27. Sorry to hear Madi's vet visit didn't go as well as planned. We have our paws crossed that the sub Q fluids help her kidney values get back to a better value. Our mom and dad are experienced in doing those sub Q fluids with our Angel Sister Nina and agree it is best done with a team of two humans.

  28. We just know your Mama and Dad are up to the task and sure hope the Sub Q treatments help those numbers Madi!!
    Sending lots of POTP and snuggles!
    Arty & Jakey

  29. Lovely art.

    Sending you healing purrs and hugs,

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  30. Madi! Keeping you in my prayers. My Fur-angel Mollie suffered with Kidney issues the last few months of her life. Good thing keeping up with vet visits to monitor. We hope you feel better and enjoy your foodables.

    Puppy Growls,

  31. I hate hearing that Madi is having kidney issues. Praying this will help her live for a very long time.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi