My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pedigree Blog Hop: Dachshund Chronicles: Up periscope

Mom and I wanted to join in on the Pedigree Challenge to furnish food to the animal shelter. Today we are re-posting (below) an older post about Toto the Mighty Mini Doxie, who trained Mom and Dad well, thus paving the way for all the pets to follow. Toto was not homeless, but he was in living with less than purrfect breeder. So in a way Mom and Dad rescued him from very, very bad conditions. He was very sick for the first few months he lived with them....BUTT lots of TLC and his mighty Doxie nature pulled him through. We thank Life With Dogs for sponsoring this very worthy event/blog hop. Madi and Mom

There wasn't much Toto hated worse than getting wet and cold. In order to get him to potty in the rain, I had to go out with a golf umbrella held directly over him. As you know, I'm in NC the land of hot, hazy, humid weather. We rarely see more than 3 or 4 inches a snow a year. On a Saturday in March of 1979 we awoke to very unusually cold day for March. By noon, the weather forecast was for several inches of snow. We had plenty of groceries it was a weekend so we hunkered down for the day. On Sunday morning we awoke to 18"of snow on the ground and still falling. I had one very excited child singing no school tomorrow and one wee red mini who need to potty. Why did I think when opened the door he would go willingly? When he got one sniff of the cold air, tucked his tail and ran for cover. I gently reminded him he was German and that his kind liked snow. He wasn't buying what I was trying to sale. Ok, I think I'm the human I'll take charge. I pick him up, opened the front door. I kicked some of the snow out of the way with the expectation that he was about to pop and would quickly pee and be back in. Oh my word was I wrong. All of a sudden his German genes kicked in, he sniffed at the snow, and off he went. He was tunneling through the front yard in 18" of snow with about 14" above his head. Every so often he'd hop up to look for us all you could see was the black nose that looked like a periscope. He was in dachshund heaven he had found his purpose in life. Now, if he could have just found a badger he would have been a happy, hopping mini doxie. This photo of Toto was taken in 1985.


  1. What a pawesome dog Toto was! Thank you so much for sharing him with us!!!

    Smileys and Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  2. What a great story! Toto sounds like he was a lot of fun. Thank you for telling us about him.

  3. Oh how adorable! I was laughing all the way through your story about Toto because you know... my dear German shepherd (take note of the German part!) had the same reaction to wet and cold and snow (Honestly... he used to shiver when it rained and was cold!)! Big umbrella came out for rain but for the snow he would plow through it like he found his calling in life!Just like your Toto (but Harry had to hunker down to get the full effect!) We don't see too much snow either but when it came, Harry was the first out to enjoy the "snowplow run!" By the by we lost our dear Harry to cancer in mid-July. But remembering him in this way really helps... Thank you.
    If you'd like you can see a picture of harry on my history blog under "personal"...
    Please visit... always happy to *meet* another animal lover!

  4. Awww...I luved reading abouts Toto again! He was such a hoot! Thank you Madi and Mom for joining in this great cause! Mom's always amazed at how many good peoples there are in the pet blogosphere. I don't know why. I just figured if you have a beloved pet, you're good peoples!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  5. Toto sounds like my kind of doxie! I hate rain, love snow. But when there's 18 inches or thereabouts, I still need a little help getting started. This winter Daddy had to dig me a trench for potty purposes, after which I dashed through the snow just for fun.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  6. Oh how funny, I can just imagine that little nose appearing from time to time above the snow. After that you probably couldn't keep him out of the snow.

    This is a great cause to help feed the shelter dogs. I am seeing it on a lot of blogs and FB.

    J and Cindi Lou


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi