My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 27, 2009

Madi says Thank you for the Awards

Thanks for stopping by today. I bet many of you will be shopping til you drop today.
Remember to pace yourselves...naps and food are important
I hope you found some excellent deals.
I recently received to very nice awards I'd like to show you.

The Circle of Friends Award is from Buddy, Sassy and Zack as Dog Daze and Olive .
Ms. K at Dog Daze, was the first blog we ever read. Thank you for being our
mentor and cheerleader as we ventured into the blog world.

Olive is a very cute puppy who is about to have her very first birthday.
Madi is so excited...she drew Olive's name in Jazzi's gift exchange!!
Happy Birthday Girl Friend and keep an eye out for the mail.

The rules to this award go as follows:
1. Publish it on your blog and reference the friend who gave it to you.
2. Share 5 things you like to do
3. Pass it along to keep the circle growing.

Five things I like to do are:
1. take power naps/and eat
2. follow the sun around my house

3. sit by my Mom while she crochets...
(this is a new for me, when I was a kitty I would not sit still...gosh Mom the yarn ball was fascinating)
4.Watch the birds at our bird feeders
AND last but NOT least
5. play with my new found Kong Wubba toy

I would like to pass the award onto any of my Friends who don't have it.

You are all in my new Circle of Friends. Until Mom and I
started blogging I didn't really have any 'friends'. Now I have all of you.


Best blog award is from Dory, an adorable white fluff ball who IS in charge no matter what Bilbo thinks.
The only rules to this award are to pass it onto 13-15 friends...very odd numbers...we think
maybe Bilbo had something to do with this?! :-)!!!

Madi and I think ALL of your blogs deserve 'BEST BLOG AWARD'. We know how very hard it was for us to get our blog up and running, and MADI knows
how hard she has to work to keep herself always looking like a Diva for the flashy box...
For this reason, we would like to give this award to the first 15 people who read our blog today.

You all have beautiful blogs and most of all

Madi and Mom


  1. Congrats on the Award, you well deserve it, sweety!
    Madi, do you like your outfit that you wore while watching the Dancing with Riley and Star show?
    Please biggify that picture for a better view.
    My mom had so much fun putting all of us in that Kodak moment photo!

  2. We never go shopping on Black Friday...who needs it??
    Nap on Diva Madi!

  3. HAHA I wouldn't go shopping on B- Friday, unless I was given a Million bucks! Not my thing to do. I would rathur nap like Madi! But Alas, have to work this evening.

  4. Hi, You are so sweet! You DO deserve these awards!
    I never ever go shopping on Black Fridays. I look for sales on all the other days!!
    Have a great day! Thank you!

  5. Hi Madi, Congratulations on your Awards and well done with the tag.
    We think following the sunshine round the house is very relaxing and that ball of yarn!!!
    How cool that would be to get your paws on.
    Bet your mom doesn't like her yarn tangled!
    We are very behind on posting about Awards right now but we really do appreciate the thought.
    We agree you have a great blog and we are thrilled to be in the Circle!
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx
    PS Mum says to tell you she went shopping today - she didn't know it was Black Friday.....

  6. Congrats on your awards! Good job!

  7. Hi Mom
    I have seen it on Dutch TV
    on the news today
    from that shopping day in the USA
    on 5 our in the morning shopping
    sorry I love shopping
    but not so early in the morning ..... LOL

    Hi Madi
    Congratulations on your awards :-)
    You deserve it all my sweetie !!
    Your blog is so sweet and lovely
    we all love it to visit you !!
    And I am happy you are on of my girlfriends.
    Hugs Love
    Kareltje =^.^=

  8. Hi Madi
    I'm havin Momma blog for me today and go and visit some of my furfriends. I am under the weather. Too much something or other. Momma hopes I will just sleep it off, or ... oh no ... the dreaded whispers of V...e....t....trips. I don't want to think about it...let me go take another nap.
    Concats on your awards!

  9. Congrats on your awards, Madi!

    Our mom did not shop til she dropped today. She avoids all those crazy crowds...even though it might be kinda fun. She says she'd rather shop on line til she drops!! So much easier and she can stay in her jammies!

  10. More awards! And you deserve them too girlfriend! Our mommy says thanks for all the nice things she said about our mommy and our blog. She is so nice! No wonder you love her so much!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did but not Jason and Haruka are leaving tomorrow. Mommy is sad!

    We are so thankful to have you as our friend! Thanks for always being there.

    Riley and Star.

  11. Hi, Madi!
    Congratulations on your Awards!
    I am very happy to be your friend!
    We don't have those Black Fridays here! Sounds crazy!
    Kisses and hugs


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi