My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shadows of Sun(day)

Back off Mom....Diva Sleeping

Nope I don't see you

Ok this is your one shot make it good!!!


  1. Hi Madi!

    It sure was nice of you to let your mom take a picture, we are so glad that that comment thing on our blog got fixed, now we can see your smiling face on our blog, although we where able to keep in contact though email and I usually get them because I have my email on my Blackberry, I like to share your comments with the people who read our blog, but if you feel like sending us an email feel free.

    By the way we would like to give you an award if you would like to stop by our blog.

  2. ooh you are in the shadows....I will need to bark now, as I always do at shadows..woof woof!

    Licks to you Madi..

    Olive :)

  3. Those pupparazzi never leave you alone do they Madi?

  4. Hi Madi, we find it best to allow one pic to get it over with - trouble is that is never enough!
    You do look quite regal there Madi, basking in the sun!
    Enjoy the warmth - mum says her cat Mouschi was a complete sun worshipper!
    Cats know how to enjoy life's simple pleasures.
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  5. Ahhhhhh, sun, warm sun for sweet Madi. Keep hamming it up girl!

  6. Oh dear Madi, you could have moved into the sun for just ONE picture! :)

  7. Sure Madi, They put the ship in the bottle, piece by piece. Using long tweezers and glue. Just like building with matchsticks. So glad you asked!

  8. Hi, Madi!
    Sometimes is better to cooperate with the pupparazzi!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Madi, it would be warmer if you laid with all the sun on you! Just an FYI....

  10. This time of year it is hard to find a good sunning spot isn't it? And when you do find one it doesn't seem to last long...
    PS: Thanks for letting your mom take your picture because we love seeing you.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi