My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 18, 2010

Flashback Friday: Milky-Way in a few words

Very expressive face and eyes that were the mirror to his soul.

Very long legs.....I've always heard white shoes make one's feet look big...I guess having all white legs
makes them look long...


  1. Is all of that one leg? Was he like 3 feet tall when he stood up? :)

  2. He sure was a cutie, love those eyes - so expressive!
    Martha and Bailey xx

  3. Oh those eyes! With such a sweet face I would imagine MW got his way most of the time. I know I would have given in to pretty much any kitty request. Those legs do look really long.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Judy and Cindi Lou

  4. Milky-Way was such a cutie patootie!!

    Hey Madi, tell your mom to stop by cause we've given her an award!

  5. He sure would have won me over with those eyes!

  6. I must say that was one pretty kitty...yea, that kinda rhymes. I'm thinking Milky Way was a little taller than me...he he he! Those sure are some loooooong legs. He coulda been a model ya know.

  7. Madi,

    Milky Way sure was a pretty kitty. Mom had a kitty when she was in college, his name was Tigger, she says that Milky Way reminds her of hims. Thanks for sharing him with us again today.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Milky Way is so cute I just love his little nose :)

  9. His eyes were pawsitively dreamy! And I thinks it's true about white legs cuz I'm pretty sure my one leg with the sock looks longer than the other leg without. BOL!

    I never gets tired of looking at Milky Way pictures!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  10. His eyes show his love for you, that's for sure!!!
    Happy Friday, Girlfriend!

  11. Hi Madi, we enjoyed your suggestions on our blog - we knew you would understand.
    Now the seat or bench or whatever it is was made by our dad many years ago - out of a long lasting wood that our mum can't remember!
    It is very nice but is concreted into the ground - mum is sad about this as they hope to move up north one day and will be unable to take it with them.
    Of course Dad says he can make another but of course it is not the same at all!
    We actually have two little azaleas there - one in memory of Harry and one in memory of Mouschi and of course we can buy more plants too but we know you being a female will once again understand our feelings! Our mum has thought great thoughts sitting on that bench.....!
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  12. MW was such a handsome fellow.

    Hope you, Madi and Dad have a great weekend. Happy Father's Day Dad!

  13. We always enjoy it when Milky Way appears, although we really miss seeing the beautiful Madi. xxxxxxxxxx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Last post deleted because of misspelling!!!

    Love those markings--those stripes and patches of pure white too!

  16. Hi Madi and Mom!!
    Thank you so much for leaving such warm comments on our blog.
    We are so so sorry for not posting for a long time!

    Happy belated 1 year anniversary!!!!
    We are so happy to be able to visit you again!
    Our mom will be posting very slow but we never forget you!

    We love MW's beautiful eyes!!!

  17. MW was such a handsome mancat with a sweet face and gorgeous eyes, just a lovely baby!...Happy weekend sweet Madi...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. Him had arms that reaches into nextweek! He was a very handsome mancat.
    Has a great weekend Madi and mom

  19. Awwww Milky Way...What a sweetheart you were...your Mom misses you a lot...that, we can all tell!! You were a handsome, sweet boy and lots of fun...I'm sorry we never got to meet you!! One day. Purrs to the Madsters, from her admirer, Lautrec

  20. We always looks forward to Milky Way Friday!

    Hello Miss Madi!


  21. MW does look like he had long long legs! CC has white stockings in front and it has the same effect on him, too.

  22. Lovely photos of MW! He was soo cute!

    cats of wildcat woods

  23. His eyes -- BEAUTIFUL! He really did have long legs, didn't he? Have a fun weekend, my friend!

  24. Those legs to look pretty long!
    Smileys and Snuggles!
    Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

  25. Milky Way was very handsome.
    In answer to your question, yes Father's Day is on Sunday in the UK too.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi