My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Steeple Sunday: Forest Hills Baptist Church

Forest Hills Baptist Church was organized the first Sunday of August in 1945.
The service was held at Fred Olds Elementary School on Dixie Trail. In December of 1945 the church voted to purchase a piece of land across the street from the elementary school.

During my quest to find beautiful steeples in Raleigh, I have found this steeple with a few variations to be standard for most Baptist churches. In 1960 the Sanctuary was completed with seating for 1200.

Forest Hills Baptist Church has a very welcoming entrance. In my opinion, the sturdy pillars give one a feeling of safety and security within the building.  FHBC is situated just a few blocks from NC State University's campus and a few miles from Meredith College. This church is known for the high priority it gives to serving the needs of the student population.

In 1978, two members of Forest Hills who were retired missionaries began English as a Second Language (ESL) program . Forest Hills has one of the larger and more effective ESL programs in the North Carolina and a Sunday Bible Study program for internationals.

This stately building sits on the corner of Dixie Trail and Clark Avenue nestled under the shade of many large hardwood trees. Care was taken in the beginning, to preserve all of the lovely trees. The building stretches down Clark Ave. nearly two blocks and about one block down Dixie Trail.


  1. Oh! A lovely church with pillars! They do give the feeling of strength and safety! Mom can only think of one place in Napa that has pillars! That is Napa High School. Though over by Silverado Country Club ... where the rich humans dwell there may be some mansions with pillars.

  2. Another great church although we did find it unusual for a Baptist church.
    They tend to be very simple and in the UK usually just Halls as opposed to any elaborate building.
    That one looked particularly grand with the pillars and the steeple!
    Oh and Bailey is part cat - we have always thought so - when you see her with the birds she so reminds us of Mouschi who used to sit and 'snarl' at them!
    Have a great Sunday
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  3. We always look forward to your Sunday post Madi and Mom. Thanks for sharing a new church with us.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. I Love the brick with white pillars :)

  5. Mayzie's mom here. I love looking at all your beautiful Churches. It's really a shame that they don't build them like this anymore. We have several mega-Churches here and they're, well, ugly and they look kind of...temporary. Does that make sense? I guess God doesn't care but it seems like if you're going to be spending a lot of money building a Church, you should at least try make it beautiful.

    Okay - off my soapbox now. :-)

    Hope you and Madi have a wonderful day!

  6. That's quite an impressive church!!

  7. I would of guessed it was a Baptist church.
    Steeple chase Sunday is always interesting.

  8. Happy Sunday beautiful Madi...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  9. Thanks for another beautiful steeple. Will you ever run out? We hope not.

  10. Lovely...looks like it was a hot day in Raleigh.

  11. Love these pictures! (You know I visit your blog on Sunday just so I can tell my mama I went to church!)

  12. What beautiful columns! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Beth(Dory. Bilbo and Jacob too!)

  13. That's definitely a good one. We have a whole place named Forest Hills here. It's a very nice part of Queens.

    wags, Lola

  14. Wow! That is incredible!! What a nice church...very southern and regal with the pillars. I like the steeple (I almost called it a 'spire')!! Great find Mom..what a wonderful idea to 'collect' steeples...not as easy as other things are which makes it even more precious!! Bravo!

  15. I'm always amazed at how many churches there are in the South. I remember seeing so many when I lived in Virginia.

  16. Haaa!
    My mom thinks the same as Mayzie's mom about our churches here!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  17. VERY nice and interesting! I just love your steeple Sunday. Hope you have had a great weekend!

  18. A great Sunday tour! I should snag you a couple of local pics of our more interesting venues of worship...

  19. Another beautiful church and an interesting steeple. I enlarged the photo of the steeple to get a better look at the windows. That would have to be an amazing view from up there.

  20. Still catching up from being out.

    I think there is a Forest Hills Baptist Church in every big town!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi