My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A mouse in my house.....

Today, I'm hardly hard at work up in the computer room aka exercise room (no I don't exercise anything except my right not to exercise)!!! In early Spring Mom ordered something for this room. It came in a box labeled "Mouse Platform". I was intrigued by the box....but like my fellow felines, didn't lose any sleep over it or what might actually be in the box. My motto is naps first! However, recently mom was missing for about 2 days an hour. My tummy was growling so I figured it was time for rescue and recovery of said Mom.

I found mom and, unfortunately, the flashy beast...they are joined at the hip.
Lo and behold here is the 'Mouse platform' fully equipped with a mousie with a very long tail that ever so slightly moves.I told mom not to worry I had my eye on the mousie and its tail. I also expect there is something very wrong with the flashy beast. In this picture it portrays me as laid back, lazy feline. When, in fact, this is my famous nonchalant pounce in progress pose. You felines know the one, where we are hardly breathing, our eyes appear drowsy, but there is that every so slight tilt in the ears while the brain is calculating the Physics involved in the Pounce.

'When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby'~Nigerian Proverb


  1. Madi
    Sometimes those flashy boxes dont show things exactly!! We all can see that you are keeping your Diva eyes on that mousie!! keep up the good work!!


  2. I can see that mouse getting a bit dizzy going around in circles!!
    See Yea George xxx

  3. Hello Madi, Diva Cat!

    We thoughts it was going to be a real mouse, s in VERMIN and were going to volly to come and gets it fer yer (we are the Krays rember?). Turns out it a compoooter thing and we not eat wires any more.

    Sooo about the ears thing, we have observed Margaret the neighbours cat very closely and can confirm a CAT will spring without warning. Will be watching her ears next time...


    Hector and Bonny too!

    PS We saw your admission that it wasn't really icing on the leaf yesterday. You know, mum was convinced your mom a cakey bakey lady 'til she was told.

  4. Madi, you are such a clever feline!
    The old "I'm pretending to rest my eyes, but I'm really keeping an eye on that mouse thing" ploy!
    Chin scratches to you,
    Hugs to Mom,

  5. Oh, I know that position. Simone has it when she's deciding whether she wants to attack something or let it be - for now. It fools some, but not me. I bet that mouse, being new on that platform, has no idea what you're thinking. Very feline of you, Madi.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  6. HEHE, You do look cute there Madi! Just don't go biting that mouses tail, or you could get a bit of a jolt.

  7. Madi,

    I thinks you is right to keeps an eye on dat never know what they may be up to. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Hello!!! I'm so happy that you stopped by to visit with me and hope to see you sometime joining in on the New Thursday Themesong meme!! That would be fun to have you participate.

    I love Madi...she's beautiful. Of course that is coming from a cat lover y'know. LOL

    AND!!! May I say your blog header is just simply stunning!!! [oh ya, and I agree with your husband, I too would recommend retiring. LOL]

    Stop by anytime. If you don't mind, I would like to become a follower of yours.

  9. Good work Madi, you are keeping a very close eye on that mouse!
    We can imagine how pleased you mom must be when you pounce!
    We thought your office was very tidy and would you believe that is what our human is doing today - trying to clear ours up!!!
    Have a good day and watch out for those mice....!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  10. Yes, yes. Flashy beast pictures sometimes don't show things as they REALLY are. I could tell you were not gonna lets that mousie get away. Um, but the most impawtant part of this story is - did you ever gets fed?

    Wiggles & Wags,

  11. Oooh, I can see how you are watching it in your stealth mode Madi.

    Don't let it get away!

  12. Yup, we know the pose, sweet Madi....and we know given time, you will pounce....but everything has to be just right first!!!!!!!!!!

    We love y'all.

  13. Someone has quite a way with words.

  14. Cute pictures and post, beautiful Madi...Hope you all have a great day...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Hm, we think that mouse is definitely up to something you might need to pounce on - it is good you are at the ready!

  16. Madi, You sure do look spunky!!

  17. Madi

    We are the ultimate are of deception, aren't we?



  18. We meant "art" of deception....

    SIGH...Mom learn to type will ya!

  19. This be the same mouse at my house. I pounce soon, very soon.

    Rosie "da boss" Cat

  20. Your mom has a mouse and she bought a platform for it?? Hmmm...
    Keep an eye on him!
    Kisses and hugs

  21. Madi! You know the best places to sit! Watch that mouse! When it gets big enough you can eat it.

  22. Careful how you time your pounce Madi those mousies are sneaky!

    The mouse on mommy's desk used to have a tail and I liked to chase it but mom must have chopped the tail off cause it doesn't have one anymore, poor mousie. It doesn't matter I will get that mouse someday, MOL.

    Cindi Lou

  23. PS from Cindi's Mom.

    I lost my internet connection last night just after I did my Squirrel Eyes post. It has been coming and going for almost two weeks now, very frustrating.

  24. We know that is the ready to pounce mode really Madi. Sometimes when I wait for a mouse, I stand motionless and barely breathing waiting for exactly the right moment. Then Eric comes stomping along and scares the mouse off.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi