My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 4, 2010

CSI Madi: Mysterious Scooter Update

C(at) S(leuth) I(nvestigator) Madi here to report the
rest of the story on The Case of the Mysterious Scooter that appeared on our
cul-de-sac in the wee hours of September 12, 2010

Friday October 1, 2010 Mom decided to take a day's vacation; otherwise she would not have been available to document this most momentous event.
The peeps went out to I wasn't invited. When they returned, much to their surprise, they saw Raleigh's Finest on our cul-de-sac. After nearly 3 weeks, Mr. Policeman was here to investigate The Case of the Mysterious Scooter.
He walked to, fro, back and forth looked up and down then sat in his car
(you may click to enlarge any of the pictures)
All of a sudden, this car pulled up with two men in it. One man got out with a helmet in his hand. We surmised ($1.00 word) he was the most happy owner of said scooter. They looked the scooter over some more only to find that the scooter would not move on its own power (had they bothered to ask us we could have told them that)!!!
This big honking truck pulled up. The words on the trailer
say 'Official Police Rotation' on it. No clue what that means, but
there must have been a lot of green paper needed
to use it. Just a quickly as it arrived, it left.
The green car left, the police left, butt
the man with the helmet stayed. He pulled out his cell phone and

waited for a very long time..........finally
another truck appeared which provided free hauling
(please click on the picture to enlarge)
After lots of huffing and puffing these two men were able to get the scooter loaded on the truck.
We are happy to report our cul-de-sac no longer has a resident scooter on it.
CSI Madi over and out headed back into retirement.
PS we expect this scooter was stolen, ran out of gas and was dumped on our cul-de-sac!!!


  1. WOW! All that for a scooter. Glad that it's gone...but why in your cul-de-sac, and why for so long? So many mysteries!

  2. Well done, Madi!! Mystery solved! So... I guess the scooter had been reported as missing and when it ran out of gas - on your street - that's where it stayed!
    Hope all mysteries on your street are as funny!

  3. Heehee! Madi! You should join X-paws in discovering mysteries! Darn! Mommy was hoping nobody would claim it so she could have it! We don't have a car here at college... And we live off campus so that means.....the bus. And for some reason those racists won't let us higher breeds on board. HMPFT!! But anyway...


  4. That is some serious drama! Any chance you could hire a cat burglar to snag you one of your own? ;)

  5. Hi Madi & Mom,

    Madi, not only are we highly impressed with your skills as a CSI but also your with your forethought in getting your Mom to take a day off so she could document the outcome of the case.

    Hope you had a great weekend. It sounds like your weather is perfect right now.

    Hugs and Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou
    PS, the flowers in my header photo are mums.

  6. Oh wow! You are so great Madi, you solved the case of the mysterious scooter!!!

  7. Madi, you are one serious CSI! Great job in solving that mystery!

  8. Mystery solved, well done Madi! Happy Monday to you and your mom!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  9. Life in the cul-de-sac is never boring.
    Who'd of thunk.......

    Maybe I need a water bowl like Madi.
    I'm kind of a klutz.

  10. Gosh, that was a whole lotta activity for one little scooter! Do you thinks the po-po dusted for pawprints? Er, I mean, fingerprints? Um, no reason. Just wondering.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  11. I dunno bouts ya'll but I still don't understand WHY it was there in da furst place and WHY it took da popo 3 weeks to get theres...hehehe...but there goes my ride.

    And Madi dear, it is COLD here! Not cool...COLD!! I don't likes to be cold.


  12. you have a new nickname....I'm thinking Sgt. Madi Columbo! You go girl. Or actually, the resident blogger reporter, reporting the news you can use!!! Gotta love this post. It was super. Intense, and you covered the who, what, where, when and figured out the why's.


    I don't know if this'll help, but if you want to see the new treat ---here's the url. But, I don't think Blogger let's anyone open the 'enlarged' one. Worth a try...

  13. What excitment!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the excellent CSI report, sweet Madi.


  14. Well, I'm glad that you got that straightened out, Madi. Thanks for the report.

  15. Great Detective work Madi!! The Police force needs you!!

  16. Madi! Thank goodness you gave us an update! I am losing sleep over this! Mom needs to get you a super-duper telescopic lens for use from the window!

  17. Good work documenting the case Madi and Mom!

    Our neighbors brother's old truck was stolen. It was an antique and he had fixed it up. Neighbor called hubby and told him. Guess what? Next day, hubby is driving thru an area of Jxn, 45 minutes from where truck was stolen. It was sitting off the road.

    Hubby called neighbors and they were able to come get it. It looked like they were going to take it into a remote area to strip it, but missed a gear - locked up the trans.

    Hubby being an ex-mechanic, fixed it on the spot and they drove it home!!!!!

  18. Hi Madi and Mom,
    You two are a match made in heaven!!!! :)
    Super cute post.
    Thanks for you birthday wishes for Bambi:) She had a great day!! She had extras of everything she likes, walks, playing with stuffy's, hunting in the yard, a ride in the trruck and FOOD!!! Bambi went to bed earl that night, she was a little tired!!!!!!!
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern

  19. Thanks for clearing this mystery up for all your faithful readers. I have been on the edge of my seat waiting for an answer! You really should join us on a future X-Paws!

    I am also most impressed with your fancy vocabulary!

    Your pal, Pip

  20. Great work Detective Madi! What would we do without your excellent skills?

  21. Excellent Case, CSI Madi! Man, you have kool happenings going on over there!

  22. Very cool Madi! You got to watch all the excitement from the comfort of your own chair!
    Great photos through the screen, HiC!
    ~K and the Pups

  23. We knew we could rely on Super Sleuth Madi to solve the mystery.

  24. If that happened over here, the police would not have even see it, someone would have pinched it!!
    See Yea George xxx

  25. Madi
    We knew you would unearth the story behind the discarded scooter!


  26. Wow! We're amazed that the scooter lasted that long out there!! Good job, CSI Madi!!

  27. Thank you Madi, for clearing that up for us! Believe it or not, I had wondered about that silly scooter! :o)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi