My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday Theme Song: Cat Kisses

Our contribution for Thursday Theme song is
Cat Kisses
Mom found this very sweet song on
It is very short but very SWEET...thanks Mom!!!
Sandpaper kisses
on a cheek or chin
that is the way
for a day to begin!!
Sandpaper kisses
A cuddle and a purr
I have an alarm clock
That is covered in fur!!!

We thank Hootin' Anni for sponsoring Thursday Theme Song.
Thanks for stopping by,
Madi and Mom


  1. Hi Madi! Your one pretty cat! Great song!


  2. Hi Madi, you are a great alarm clock - we reckon that is the very best way to waken up!
    Our mum misses her sandpaper kisses - we bassets don't do mornings...............!
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  3. Hi Madi & Mom,

    That is the sweetest little song, we love it. Madi, your photos fit that song purrfectly.

    Have a great day!

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou

  4. Yes, I love your purrrr! Great purr song Madi!Posting my TTS posted no 7! Have a won-purr-ful Thursday!

  5. Oh Madi, my dear, you could melt anyone's heart. Love the song.

    Here's Mine

    Happy Fursday!!

  6. I had never heard this but it is sooo good and the photos go so well with this. Excellent my friend :)

  7. sand paper kisses, that is not so bad as brush bristle kisses.

    When we were young, an uncle who didn't shave everyday insisted on rubbing his stubbles on our tender skin. Yukkkks

  8. Hee hee. That's a good one. Simone gives Blog Mom lotsa sandpaper kisses. I guess that's one reason she likes her, even though she does beat up on us dogs from time to time. And Simone is always willing to be Daddy's alarm clock. Happy is just...well, he's a nice cat. Doesn't do much.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  9. Madi,

    Sandpaper kisses....dat's nice. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  10. Pip's mom here ...I have three alarm clocks covered in fur!!

    Your pal, Pip

  11. I LOVE the song! Beautiful kitty, too.

  12. Oh, that's just the sweetest song! (And those are just the sweetest pictures of you, Madi.) I luvs it when Capn Ripley gives me kisses. It feels like getting a little massage!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  13. Great song Madi! I can just feel those Sandpaper kisses too!

  14. My most Favorite Thursday Theme Song yet!!! :)

  15. Well, we'll try again....our first comment wouldn't post and then we somehow totally lost it!!!!!!

    We love that song, and mama says she needs to find it for her ipod.

    Beautiful Madi, we are so happy you liked your Diva cap.....we hope you will wear it proudly.

    Love from us

  16. Lovely Madi, you look so sweet in those pictures. I'm afraid Mr. Leon's preferred method of waking me up is a yowl, right in the ear. I forgive him though, because he is such a good snuggle cat, most of the time.

  17. Very sweet...We would to get sandpapaer kisses from you Madi!
    Licks and sniffs,
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy

  18. I've been getting a lot of those sandpaper kisses the past 2 days.

    Left to go home early cause I felt bad on Tuesday. Hubby reminded me to go to Tractor Supply to pickup feed for the colt.

    Ended up picking up a young cat that was in the parking lot. What a luv bug he's turned out to be. Hubby is calling him Little Hoss. I think I'm going to call him Boss Hawg. Cause he's a little piggy.

  19. Cute song, but your photos are beautiful, Madi; love the one of you sleeping on Mom's arm=so sweet...Have a fun day, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  20. Wow the Thursday Theme song is a cool idea - and we love the one you picked! IT is a perfect kitty song!!

  21. Miaumiau, eu sou uma gatinha muito amada e gosto muito de ter amigos
    Queres ser meu amigo?
    Vem ao meu blogo conhecer-me
    Se quizeres ser meu amigo leva o selinho dos meu amigos da"OURO"

  22. Very good, I had to look again at that one photo, thought you had your moms arm in your mouth lol
    See Yea George xxx

  23. Great Ozabella is running all over the house singing it....I don't know what's gotten in to her....

  24. That is a PURRfect song! Mom just SQUEE'd at your picture of your resting your head on your moms arm. Awww....

  25. Now dat is a song I has never heard on da radio...hehehe! So is your tongue really likes sandpaper? Uh, mum has actually nevers been dat close up and personal withs a kitteh.


  26. I've never heard this but I love it! It is the epitome of what a cat is.

    Madi you look very much like our beloved Smokey who went to the rainbow bridge last year at the ripe young age of 17.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Thanks for the new music! :)

  27. Hi Madi
    Momma says she knows that song!
    And we love how your Mom used it in her posting today!


  28. We loved that song, Madi!! And your new header is pretty cool!!! We love your diva hat!!

  29. Madi!
    Sure you are the best alarm clock in the world!
    Kisses and hugs

    PS Yes! You header is pawesome!

  30. Wonderful photos. My Windi rests her head on my arm just like Madi in the photo :)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi