My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just for you....yes YOU!!!

Please run on over to Mr. Pip's to see Madi and Rosie Part II X Paws
Thank you in advance Madi and Rosie
Happy Birthday to my favorite brother-in-law....Mr. G
Hisses and Purrs Madi


  1. What a beautiful way to start the week - I had almost forgotten that it was Monday. :)

  2. What pretty pictures, Madi! The X paws was so funny!


  3. Such a pretty view! Isn't Madi a lucky little lady (and you too!!)!
    Have a great week!

  4. What a gorgeous window view you have Madi! Lucky you! I'm insanely barking jealous!


  5. You have some really great views from your window Madi. Cindi Lou is pouting because her view today was white, she thinks snow is boring and wet. She won't listen when I tell her it is pretty.

    We popped over to Pip's and we think the X-Paws adventure is so cool and very funny. Your Italian boyfriend is cute.

    Have a great Monday!

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou

  6. Sweet photos Madi! Beautiful flowers...and best of all, a beautiful furry face to greet us this morning!!! I'd be on the outside, looking at YOU from the window.

  7. Oh, what beautiful views you have Madi. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  8. Wow, you have some pretty views from your window. OK, back to business in Istanbul! We are certainly traveling the world!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. Oh Madi, I have missed you. I have been so busy with those horses at the track, that I just haven't had time to blog. Now, I have a break, and I am so glad to see your lovely face again. I have been catching up on all of your adventures, and you have had a few, haven't you. The view out of your window is lovely.

  10. Gosh, there's a whole lotta beautifulness in this postie! (Cap'n Ripley didn't even notice the flowers or the trees, though, for some reason.) You sure do haves a whole passel of most awesome stuff to look at from your window.

    Wiggles & Wags

    PeeS. Yes, I have most definitely noticed that kittehs like to change the rules. Specially when you think you've got 'em all figured out.

  11. Hisses and purrs, too funny Madi.

    Love the picture of you the most!

  12. PS....You commented: "to become one with the earth. I told her point blank that was not happening. The carpet in that room was older than dirt!!"....I had to laugh. First, yep, that's me...telling 'em all point blank, but the reason I'm laughing is your yoga instructor wanted you to become one with earth and there was ummmmmmmmm, carpeting? LOL

  13. Madi,

    Your adventures with Pip and Rosie are cracking me ups!!! I just love you two Diva Kittehs on the international adventures! Priceless!!!


  14. Hi Again!
    Oh...Eddie is doing great!! He seems to accomplish something new every day in his road to recovery. Today he jumped up on the sofa - not climbed - but jumped just as cats are supposed to do!! And yesterday he got up onto the washing machine in "his" nighttime room. When I opened the door for him in the morning he looked at me as if to say, "Look where I am! I did it all by myself!!"
    Thanks so much for asking!
    PS Right now he is on a pillow on one of the sofas sleeping - the cute thing is he is holding onto his leg just as cats normally hold their tails when they sleep! How he compensates for not having even a stub of a tail! Aren't animals just amazing!

  15. Love the views from your windows. Andrew Sullivan's blog has got nothing on you...!
    - - - - - - - -
    dog beds and more

  16. Madi, we are so envious of the adventure you and Rosie are having....don't ya need a couple of fellas to escort you and keep you safe??? :)

    Mama is so envious of the fall leaves you can see from your window.....leaves don't change color here in San Antonio.

    We all three loved the pansies!!!!!!!!!! Pansies are one of our favs.

    We luvsya bunches, sweet and gorgeous Madi.

  17. Thank you for my special views! Mom has extra time to serve Madi this week! Yeah!

  18. Madi, you are the best part of the fall photo montage...and how did you get to Turkey? Is it all roasted there?

  19. Hi Sweet have some very pretty views from your front window. This morning my view is completely white with snow again. We plan to go out and play in it pretty soon. I would invite you but mom said most kitties don't like to play in the snow and cold very much. At least my Catsister doesn't!
    Hugs and wags, Mistaya

  20. HI Madi and Mom,
    Oh so pretty!! You and the view!!! I miss not having the pretty color in the fall like that but I don't miss the cold. Today it is suppose to get to 79 degrees. On Saturday it was 73 and very pleasant out in the yard. I FORGOT to take pictures!!! Sorry!!
    I am so happy to be here today!! The computer and blogger is working great!!! For a change!!!
    I have missed you so much!!
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern

  21. Oh that is so lovely, and the colours to. I've seen you over at Mr Pips, you need to be careful how many lives have you left, they can be a bit ruff over that side of town!!!
    See Yea George xxx

  22. We thinks that is the perfect view... we don't have such pretty colors here!

    Mom is smiling at the "sweater" story.

  23. You are so brave! Thanks for helping us!


  24. OH Madi
    What fabulous views you have!


  25. Happy Monday Madi!!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  26. What beautiful views, Madi!! Our fall colors are all gone sure is nice to see yours!!

  27. Sure you have pawesome views from your window, Madi!
    Happy Birthday, Mr G!
    Kisses and hugs

  28. You have such pretty views from your window, Madi!

    You don't chase yarn?!?! Are you sure you're a cat?!

    I love Mom's yarn jar, that must help keep it "fur free"! HA!
    Chin scratches to you
    Hugs to Mom


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi