My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, November 15, 2010

Marvelous Monday pictures

Happy Monday...we hope you had a nice weekend.  It was absolutely GORGEOUS in Raleigh this past weekend. When Mom and Dad returned from taking all of the pictures below, they found me enjoying the day as only a campanion cat napper can do....

All of these pictures were taken on November 14, 2010.
Leadmine Lake is just a few blocks from our home....and it
was in full fall splendor yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard in Water colors.  No trick photography at all.  Just luck and a beautiful day.
Last week our friend Squirrel Queen aka Ms. Judy aka Cindi Lou's Mom
had the most amazing picutres of water and fall colors on her Through a Squirrels Eyes and
The Road to here.  Ms. Judy Mom thanks you for your inspiration.

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard Ms.
We still have a ways to go to get our water right but we are determined.
What a beautiful Maple in our neighborhood.  It looks like it is on fire.
There are lots of homes down near the lake. They used to have a lot of trouble keeping the
geese in the lake, thus the sign.  We all know what geese do when they aren't in the water.
 Mom was snapping pictures when all of a sudden Dad said that looks real....
she looked down and squealed like the girl she is.  It is fake but we don't know what in the world it is; however, since we didn't see one Canada goose we expect it scares the beejeepers out of them too.
 this is the picture Mom was trying to get when Dad saw the above....
 Isn't this just the prettiest leaf.....
Thanks for allowing us to share the beautiful fall colors in our neighborhood.
Madi and Mom


  1. Wow! Such a pretty lake! Beautiful colors! Thank you for sharing the photos! You too are lovely Madi under the table!

  2. Oh my goodness, your fall colors are absolutely awesome. The rainy weather has taken away many of our leaves already. Your reflections are gorgeous and I love the watercolor reflection and Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. I am happy to have been an inspiration for something so beautiful. Thanks for the shout.

    That is one scary looking beast. Maybe someone thought a werewolf (it's that scary looking) would keep geese and maybe humans away. I would hate to see that for the first time late in the evening.

    Have a great week!

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou

  3. Just beautiful! We so adore Autumn with the spendid colour and your pictures of the Lake are wonderful.
    We also love the reflections in the pictures.
    Glad you had such a lovely day - Madi sometimes we wish you were a dog so you could go too and walk amongst the leaves.
    Although we have to tell you Martha rolled in the leaves the other day which initially looked lovely until she got up...............
    You never know what lurks beneath the surface!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  4. C your photos are absolutely Beautiful!!!
    I Love all of them!!

  5. Oh, how beautiful. We had pretty nice weather this weekend, too, but no one thought to go take photos. I just love yours.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  6. Wow, these are beautiful. We had a very mild and sunny weekend up here, too. Is that really fake coyote? I sure jumped when I saw it.

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Madi,

    Happy Monday girlfuriend!
    Such beootiful pictures today! We had a nice sunny weekend too but since mom's camera is broken.... ;(

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Thank you so taking us on such an enchanted stroll at your nearby lake. The Autumn colors are just in full swing there. Our trees, are for the most part, bare already. Our peek was about 1-2 weeks before halloween. That dog thing DOES look real!

  9. What a beautiful way to start my Monday morning! I just loved every single pic! Thank you!

    Great reflection in the still water and the ripply affect with the mallards!
    Just amazing the colors the trees can get at this time of the year!
    Peekie Boo, Ms Madi, hiding under the table!

  11. Gosh, Madi! Those pictures are just abouts the prettiest things we've seen in a long time! And that picture of the ducks with the trees in the water. WOW! Please thank your mom for sharing them. They made us very happy!

    Wiggles & Wags,

    PeeS. We also wanted to say thank you for your kind words abouts my mom and dad's anniversary and my mom's postie today. You're the best!

  12. These pictures are gorgeous! Oh, these trees put the few we have around here to shame! Hugs to you, Madi!

  13. What amazing colors! You live in such a beautiful area of the world! Thanks so much for welcoming Edward, Madi! He is right now sleeping on a chair in the dining room just as you are in the picture above! :)

  14. WOW! You are having a gorgeous Fall this year. Mommy misses the trees but not raking two acres of leaves! Thanks for the pictures.
    Madi, you are indeed a "Champeen" napper.

  15. AWESOME pics! You certainly have a great eye to capture the beauty of fall. That one did look real!

  16. Hi Madi
    We all see you picked the purrfect spot for a fall day!
    Mom loved the pictures! She especially liked the one where the beautiful trees were reflected in the lake.


  17. Hi Madi, It took 55 minutes to load your page and all but 2 pictures loaded!! Beautiful pictures!!! Your are very good at taking pics.

  18. Wow! Great shots! We all but lost our leaves up North.


  19. Stunning pics of your gorgeous trees! I'm wagging my tail for the photographer.

  20. Those colours are beautiful. We love the mallards with the 'watercolour' reflections. Gorgeous!

  21. Great pictures Madi!! Ya know they would have terrific puzzles!!

    I must be part cat cuz I love to sleep in the same place you do!! Could it actually be??


  22. Beautiful pictures, Madi and Madi's mom! Our trees are just about empty now...all the leaves on the ground.

    And Madi, you asked whether me and Ernie have always been so loving...we're not always such good buddies...we have our moments where we don't like each other much just like human siblings, but for the most part, we are pretty good furiends.


  23. Oh wow, oh wow... the colors are SO lovely!!! They look like they are straight out of a postcard... how nice to live in such a picturesque neighbourhood!

  24. Thanks to you for sharing them!
    And you Madi... pawesome spot there!
    Happy monday!
    Kisses and hugs


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi