My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 2, 2011

Planes, Trains, Plates

Happy Monday to all near and far
It is I, Madi, your roving reporter, reporting from atop the carpet in the red room.  Fasten your seat belts the ride could get bumpy.

Hop aboard the plane Mom and Dad saw in Crabtree Valley Mall 
OMC it is a real plane too.  Mom told me it is part of the
promotion for a new tavern coming soon....
There will be more pictures and we'll reveal the fun
name of the tavern soon.
 MOL Dad is in the train engineer's seat below....
The train belongs to his train brain buddy Mr. Joe.
Mom is convinced there are more 'vanity' licenses plates than regular ones. 
1.CISCO5.0, Cisco 5.0...maybe a software package
3.G-4-3 "DP", NO CLUE
4.THNKSMAC,Thanks Mac
5.GTH007, Something to do with James Bond??
6.ICSTAR$2, I see stars too, maybe an astronomer??
7.PAM U-K, Pam maybe from the UK
8.DRAGO, on a motorcyle decorated like a dragon
9.MAKOFFR7, Make Offer #7
10.SNOWBIRD, Former resident of the North
11.WVU-BETA, West Virgina Univ, Faternity ??
12.CTNRSTGE, Center Stage, theatrical venue NCSU
13.KYANDME, Mickey and Me
14.IPASSEDU, I passed you (how clever)
15.AGADAWG,A Georgia Dog (Univ. of GA)
20.MELLI007, NO CLUE,Something to do with James Bond
21.SUMMERS2, maybe a last name
22. J-3P-CUB, Dad told mom it refers to a Piper Cub J3 plane
Twenty-two plates today and Mom has already spotted at least that many MORE


  1. That plane is really cool, I going to have to show this to my hubby.

    22 in one day? We are beginning to believe that your area has more vanity plates per capita than any where else in the country. Keep 'em coming, they are fun to read.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J and Cindi Lou
    and The Krew

  2. Hi Madi! Thanks for dropping by. We also have a red room!
    Ruby (and Oliver)

  3. Your mom sees a lot of unusual license plates! We don't get most of them, either. We figure what's the point in having a license that is too obscure for others to get? LOL.

    -Fuzzy Tales

  4. I agree with MOM. Everybody in your town must have one.

    Is Mom's DIVAMOM?

  5. Very cool! I don't know where your mommy comes up with all these cool posts! Talent!

  6. We love the plane and train. We want to ride in the little train!! Licence plates are always strange around here. You have some great ones Lots of love, Holly and mom

  7. Aaaaaaaah, just what I needs, a new tavern to check out.
    And about dat train...mine is biggers...bwhahahahaha...I am so funny sometimes.
    We has a room in our house dat we calls da Blue Room, it's da room where we pile stuffs in dat we don't knows what to do withs...hehehe!


  8. Madi, that's a fun pic of Dad on the train!
    Is he the guy without the hat?
    Boys and their toys!!

    I think North Carolina has the most number of really creative personal plates in the country!
    Chin scratches to you, for your reporting
    Hugs to Mom and Dad

  9. Yeah! Love those pictures and plates too!!!

  10. I may not comment on every post you write, but I read them everytime you post. I love your blog! And I must say, I've noticed the creative ways you've found to "watermark" your photos. I notice these every single time... they're never in the same place! Always makes me laugh!

  11. by "watermark" I meant, where you put your names to own the pictures.

  12. We had a gas laffing at your Dad on that tiny train! Beans are weird.

    We see your Mom is keeping busy in her retirement...22 plates and the day is still young!

  13. Oh Madi
    I bet you would have fun in that plane and on that train!

    COO Coooooooooooo

    >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
    Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

  14. Those plates get me every time.....

  15. Everyone in North Carolina must have vanity plates! :)

  16. A new tavern!!! I will be right there. But seriously, your post reminded me of a funny story from this past weekend. Someone hired a small train (a toy, but large enough for kids to ride in) and driver for a birthday party a few blocks from our house. The train spent the entire afternoon going round and round the block. It drove me MAD!!! I couldn't figure out where the sounds were coming from. Finally, mama had to lift me up so I could see the train go by our front window. This crazy train was driving on the sidewalks! Can you imagine!

    Your pal, Pip

  17. Speaking of vanity plates...I saw a bumper sticker yesterday, and it was
    "I used up all my sick leave so I called in dead". Weird, huh?


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi