My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 10, 2011



Mom: Madi.....Madi I'm talking to you.  I know you are awake
I see your ear moving.

 Madi:  Well I'm awake now...
Mom:  Why is my spread wrinkled?
Madi: I was trying to get under the spread.
Mom: Why aren't you sleeping on the 'special floral' mat I made for you?
Madi:Oh you mean the one you want me to sleep on to keep my lovely furs off the spread?
Mom: Yes that one.
Madi:  I repeat I was trying to get under the spread.
Mom: It is too hot to be under the spread. 
Madi: I KNOW but remember you don't want my furs on the spread.
 Madi:  AND....I don't like that mat you made and besides.... are letting my stuffed bunny clone, Spring, sleep on the
spread, and if she can sit on it so can I!!
Mom:  Madi sometimes you can be a very, very opinionated feline.
Madi: YAWNING!! Opinionated and feline are one in the same...


  1. So it's not just Jack who does that! :)

  2. Aww..Madi!!
    I totally understand your thinking. If she doesnt want furs on top then you need to be under!! whats not to understand!! Love the tude Madi!! BOL

    Jazzi and Addy

  3. Hi there Madi Diva Cat and (FERC) Mom,

    You can't argue with this kind of logic! It's finishing school that brings this kind of reasoning, and Madi is a classy cat.

    Woofs and Waggles
    Hector and Gang

    PS: We are never allowed on beds but the sofa is OURS!

  4. There's not a snowball's chance in North Carolina that WE'D sleep on a special mat on the bed. Sorry Madi's mom...

  5. Miss Cindi says she understands your logic perfectly Madi, no fur on top means sleep under the covers. Cindi never sleeps on her mats or blankets.

    I think we need to put mats where we don't want our kitties to sleep.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J, Cindi Lou and The Krew

  6. Bwhahahahahaha...your mom has a SPECIAL mat to prevent stray hairs???? Law haves mercy...her has lost her mind fur sures! Hairs are way betters IN da bed...who cares how hot it is!

    It's possible Madi has doxie in her bloodline.

    Puddles...currently under my blankie

  7. Madi, your mom is so stubborn. I see nothing wrong with few hairs on the spread.

  8. MOL.... we never leave our furs where they want us to, do we?

    Have a great weekend.

    pawhugs, Max

  9. Hi Madi, thanks for coming to Simba's birthday party, he had a wonderful time. It's my 1st birthday next tuesday so be sure to pop round again :)xx

  10. Hahahaha! Of course you're not going to sleep on something your mom made (or bought) specifically to keep your furs off the spread. Gees, how silly of your mom, Madi!

  11. Makes perfect sense to me! Tell your mom, it's my way or the highway. That's what Rosie always tells my mom.

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Raider says: If the bunny can sleep on top of the spread, I see no reason why you can't!
    Hare vs. hairs, BOL
    Moms are so particular, aren't they?!
    I'm not suppose to be up on the bed either!
    But when my peeps leave, I can hear their truck come back, so I quickly jump off, run downstairs and look innocent.
    Just one thing:
    I forget to smooth out the covers! OOPS!
    Caught again!

  13. Well, I guess you told Mom just how it is and how it's gonna be, right?

  14. That bunny clone is cute....

    Not as cute as you Madi, no comparison!

  15. HAHA! Boy, you sure do have that right abouts the oh-pinyon-ated and feline being the same thing. Cap'n Ripley has abouts a million oh-pinyons on EVERYTHING.

    And you sure did get your mom good with telling her that if she didn't want you to sleep ON the cover, you would just sleep UNDER it. heehee! You are Most Clever.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  16. Madi - I have to say kudos to your mom for acting like she's in charge. You must find it quite humorous.


  17. hehehehehe
    Have a fun weekend!

  18. Love your bunny, Spring!
    Wish we were allowed on the get to go everywhere you want, huh? :)
    Licks and sniffs,
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy

  19. Madi, it makes perfectly good sense to me. My mom bought me this horrible paw print blanket to sleep on and I would touch it. I stayed in the floor until she got some good blankets for me to lay on. Our moms need to learn to listen to us! Lots of love, Holly

  20. Madi, we hate to say it but your Mom sounds like a short-busser to us! Even kittens know they should NEVER sleep where the Humans want them to.

  21. We are always sleeping on our towel
    because if we are sleeping next to the towel
    Mommy is very angry ....... LOL

    Madi you are a silly catgirl
    (sorry Diva I mean ;P )
    you only tease your Mom ...... hahahahaha :-)

    Greetings to your Mom and Dad
    and Happy Week-end
    and a big cuddle for you Madi from

    Kareltje =^.^= and little Betsie >^.^<

    ps. (for Mom)
    Betsie had today for the fist time a normal poop

  22. Madi
    I agree with you!
    your sister if fur...

  23. I agree!!!!
    You´re correct Madi!!!!
    Love ya!

  24. can't blame you Madi, I would love to snuggle under it also :) keep trying

  25. Madi, hasn't your mom learned by now that us cats can do whatever we want?? And that includes messing up the bed!!

  26. Hi, Madi!
    I agree with you.
    I like to sleep under the spread.... if I make a messy bed while doing that.... well... not my problem!
    Happy Friday!
    Kisses and hugs

  27. I like to get under the quilt too Madi, and when mum has it pulled back to air, I dig my way under the bottom sheet.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi