My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OMC/OMD, IT IS HERE... what Mom bellowed on Tuesday..
I asked her what all the commotion was about she said it is a surprise and told me to hold on to my kitty 'britches' (Southernese for panties).  She said I'll show you in a minute.
I said, fine 'whatever' (felinese for big deal)!!

Mom here: A few weeks ago, I was over visiting Casper, Jimmy, Archie and Ben four very handsome mancats at Cat's Cats.  (They also have a very gorgeous K9 sister Rio!!)  Their Mom posted about printing their blog (click on this link) Blog2Print.  I was eleated to read this because I had been looking into ways print our blog so I checked it out. It was so easy and so quick.  I completed the order on August 11.  It arrived on Tuesday August 16, 2011

TA DA here is the cover
Madi here: I was taking a good nap (note the look of disgust on my face) but that didn't stop her from asking Dad to hold it up behind me before she told me it was our My blog in print and let me see it.
 I really had no clue what to expect but as you can see I was about as excited as I can get when am awakened from my morning nap. However, since we all know when Mom is happy the entire house is happy so we have a  H A P P Y H O U S E!!
Mom here: There are several choices for printing, hardback and in color or a laminated softback in black and white. You can chose the time period you want printed and pictures for the front and back cover.  I wanted to print at least my first year of blogging June 27, 2009-July 31, 2010 and 320 pages, so I decided to go with the laminated softback in black and white w/o comments.  The cost was $41.15 which I thought was very reasonable for a year's work.  After seeing Volume I, I ordered my 2nd year Volume II today. 
I'm absolutely thrilled with the first volume and I say a great big
THANK YOU to CATS CATS for sharing the information.
Hugs from Madi and Mom


  1. Wow, that is terrific. We read about that too and thought about doing it. It looks like it came out really well.
    I also wanted to let you know that Judi over at Sammy, Andy and Shelly's blog (SAS) send you left a comment about something you might want to put on the auction that we are having for Judi. My email is if you want to send me a picture and a little description. We really appreciate anything you want to do.

  2. Wow, Madi in a book!
    That's keeping up with Jack! tee hee hee
    Beautiful cover, course it's the beautiful Diva!

  3. That's fantastic. We saw Cat's and were very impressed with it.

    Can you exclude certain posts or does it just go by time period? In other words, if our mom ever wanted to do it, could she print the past couple of years but exclude the posts where Annie was so sick and then had to cross? Those are not times she ever would want to remember in a book, truth be told. Her memories are hard enough to carry as it is.

  4. Hi Madi and Mum!!! Your book looks fantastic, I am so pleased that you are happy with it and excited that Vol. II is on the way! I love mine too and think they are wonderful keepsakes :-)

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, my....but, but Madi...Tell mom to take some photos of the inside to show us more. I'd love to see the quality of it all. Oh and're so bilingual!!

  6. WOWEE! Oh, gosh, Madi...that is Most Marvelous! And that picture of you on the cover? Well, as usual, I had to go gets the Cap'n a paper bag to breathe into when he saw it. I've just GOT to get my mom to do one of these for our bloggie. How exciting! (Except I'm sorry you got woked up from your nap.)

    Wiggles & Wags,

    PeeS. I thought you oughta know that your bloggie didn't show up in our Google Reader dealie today for some reason. So the only reason we knew to come over here is cuz your mom and my mom talked about it last night. Isn't that weird?

  7. Congratulations, Madi! You're even more famous now.

    I think that sounds like a great deal.

  8. That is soooooo awesome> My Mom has often thought of doing this, but never knew how. Puppy kisses to my BFFF, Miss Mindy

  9. The book looks great. We saw it on Cat's Cats and thought we may get our blog printed too. That is a good idea to do a year at a time.

  10. That looks terrific!! We saw that at Cats Cats and saved the link. We hope to do it too!! Your looks just wonderful!! Lots of love, Debbie &Holly

  11. That's so cool! We have thought about doing this, too. So, how does it work? Do you have to send them the links to the posts you wan to include or do they do all the work? It looks wonderful!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Madi this is such a good idea and I never knew it before. I will tell Mom as even with saving stuff the interwebs can get weird so that my Mom and I can always look at the blog.

  13. So cool!!!!!!!! Madi, you´re so cute!

  14. Madi, you're a cover cat! We knew you'd be a great one! What a good idea. Purrs and xoxo

  15. That's a great idea. I think we'll do that too after we pass year #1.

  16. How awesome!!!!! We are so happy for you!

  17. That's awesome! Our mom is looking into doing the same thing for us. Probably do one for each year we've been blogging!!

  18. How neat Madi and Mom! We like it!
    Snuggles and Catnip,
    Bronson, Pepper,and Mum

  19. Oh wow! That is so cool.
    We have seen the link to do this but have never known anyone that actually had one printed. That cover is really cute (Madi, you should do magazine covers).
    We know you love it if you ordered volume 2.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi Lou and The Krew
    and J

  20. Hey
    That is pretty cool. I have seen that on here but have never checked it out before!!


  21. It looks beautiful and I love that picture on the cover!

  22. That is an Awesome Idea!!!! Gloria should do that for Billy :) just a thought.

  23. I don't know why this didn't show up yesterday?

    How neat!

  24. What a cool idea!!! Bet it is a wonderful read!!

    Dory, Jakey and Bilbo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi