My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tasty Tuesday w/ Sugar

I've been begging and pleading with Mom to let me participate in Tasty Tuesday with

I heard the fridge open so I came running to see what the peeps were snacking on.
 Being the Diva that I am, I had to get right in the midst of the fun, after all I'm part of the family.

Mom put an itty bitty smidgen of vanilla ice cream on the spoon.
I wanted to do a sniff test first so I closed my eyes

I could not identify the smell so I opened my eyes, tilted my head to give it another sniff....

Yummy Mom what is that I smell on your hand? I believe I'd rather have a taste of that.

Mom is addicted to Ice Cream so for some reason she thought I would be too BUT
ALAS she has found a food group that does not tempt my palate
Mom here:  I stand corrected...all the times I said Madi would eat anything ....well I was wrong.   She gave it the tail of disrespect...she must truly be adopted for any child of mine would eat Ice Cream.


  1. Wow, can't imagine any animal that would turn up their nose at ice cream! My mom's cats come running when they hear yogurt opening or a spoon in a bowl. They always get to lick the yogurt lid a bit, and get to have a bit of the milk after cereal is done. Boy was Sassy surprised when a visitor had soy yogurt instead- she sure turned her nose up at that one!

  2. Ha! Even I will eat icecream! Mom thinks it funny! I won't eat chicken or fish or ham! But I likes Sandusky's hard pellet prescription diet! I hate wets food!

  3. I can't believe you don't like ice cream Madi!!! I love it. I have been known to jump up on shoulders to grab a bite hee he. What did the mumster have on her fingers? Maybe you like the sauce that goes on ice cream better :)xx

  4. OMC !!! OMC !!!! Madi !!! This is deja vu !!!
    It happened yesterday with me, and I did exactly the same as you !!!!
    Woaw !!! sound spooky halloween for me !
    I need Hugs : )

  5. Madi, we had no idea you didn't like ice cream. All that cold milky goodness just waiting for you to taste and not even a lick. Maybe you are holding out for French Vanilla.

    My cat Tasha loved ice cream and yogurt. She would come running when I opened a yogurt container and wait patiently for the lid.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    J, Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  6. Madi we are also eating NO icecream
    its to cold for us
    but our Mommy loves it
    (but only when its hot outside "SUMMER" :)))

    Hugs Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

    (Betsie is in dreamworld at the moment
    she is by the Vet now
    I can pick her at 3.00 in the afternoon :P )

  7. hehe Madi, I will have to get my peeps to let me try icecream sometime. It could be awhile as they are not buying any right now, darn!
    Lovies to my BFFF,
    Miss Mindy

  8. I Love Ice Cream!!!! can I have your share? :)

  9. You didnt like ice cream I think its yummy. Oh well I am sure your mum will say more for her. Hugs GJ xx

    Wont let me post a comment as me. GJ

  10. Mebbe vanilla isn't your flavor, pretty Madi. As a kitteh, it is your right to be finicky. Happy Tuesday.

  11. She probably wanted Tuna Flavor Ice Cream!

  12. Woof! Woof! Happy Happy Tasty Tuesday ... but I guess not for you. There must be a special ice cream for cats. Mmmm more ice cream for your mom. BTW my mom loves ice cream too. One of the food that she eats for breakfast in the morning (especially during summer/warmer months) - of course coffee is the flavor. See even our humans have lots of common. BFF Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

  13. But Madi, it has cream in it, I thought all kitties loved cream!
    Maybe it's too cold for a Diva's tongue to enjoy.
    More for Mom & Dad to enjoy! LOL
    Sugar is right, ALL goldens LOVE ice cream! :)

  14. Well Madi, if you don't want it -- just send it my way....

  15. Oh Madi, our Mom loves ice cream too. She doesn't eat it much any more so we don't get to taste. She will just have to buy some so we can taste test it. What a good excuse for Mom to get some Ice Cream. Thanks Madi.Hope all of you have a really fun day.

  16. No Ice Cream!!! Madi...don't you nose dat's made from MILK and kitties LOVE MILK. Maybe if Mom put da ice cream in da microwave..........Just Sayin'

  17. Hi Madi!You won't eat ice cream!?! I never knew someone who didn't!My cat's comment: You should try cold tea. Especially while they are drinking it!

  18. Please tell Madi she has no idea what she is missing - we ALL love ice cream - ice cream ice creAm- we scream for ice cream!

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. Madi! Cupid says to give it one more try. He loves ice cream! :)

  20. Madi
    I am not a people food eater. I do the same thing when Mom holds a bite of something for me to sample. I usually end up licking her hand.

  21. You don't like ICE CREAM??? Wow, Madi! That's ker-azy! But you know what? My kitteh sisfur Abby won't eat anything but DRY boring kitteh food. So I guess it's okay if there's ONE thing in the world you don't wanna eat.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  22. Okay now....I am jealous. Why do you get the rain and we don't?!!! Wish it'd do some of that here. LOL

    Now for the ice's too cold. She knows it'd freeze her brain. And that hurts. The Diva is S M A R T!!

    Glad you stopped by today, I was thinking of how you were doing. Around here, busy putting Halloween stuff away for another year, and taking a break. Thought I'd stop by.

  23. Our cats dont like any "people" food except Sushi and chcken

  24. Oh Madi, try it again! All of my cats want you to know that ice cream is the yummiest thing ever. It's a war around here to determine who gets the last tiny bit of ice cream in the dish.

  25. Madi,

    At least your sweet momma let you try ice cream, my mom is a meanie, her has never let me have some of it. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  26. Madi, seriously, you gotta give that ice cream another chance. It is awesome!! Such creamy deliciousness!!

  27. Perhaps it was not the taste, but the temperature - too cold.
    I think Madi should give it another try. Just sayin. . .
    (One of Boudxy's favorite treats is Cheetos!)

  28. Madi, girl, I love vanilla ice cream. It's a rare treat. I love it best after it's melted and not as cold as when it's frozen. I love the pictures of you giving it a try!



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi