My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Happy Sunday to you all....I know, I know I hear you all saying..Madi we've seen this picture..
well you haven't seen this exact picture...but you've seen this exact CHAIR but the pic is new.
This chair is my utmost fav spot to sleep from about Noon until 4 pm every single day.
 Today Mom wants to show you some lovely steeple pictures she took on a recent road trip from Raleigh to Kinston, NC along Hwy 70 East.  She apologizes for not having any info on them but they were
all taken from the moving car and sometimes she could not see the name of the church. 

This one is her favorite because she loves how prominent the white steeple shows on the red roof.
In case anyone wants to buy her something, RED is her favorite color!!  Just sayin'

Notice the jet streams above the steeple in this one.  This was probably taken around Goldsboro, NC where Seymour Johnson Air Force Base is located.  The jets are taking off all the time and often
shake the rafters in surrounding buildings.  Dad was eating at Wilbur's BBQ cafe once when a
jet flew over the cafe..things on the table moved. MOL get a brownie point, to be used at a later date, if you tell us what you notice about this picture...
well other than the fact that Mom cut off the top of the church steeple...MOL  Look closely!!

The steeple is a bit far off but Mom liked the way the clouds were moving about.  First the sky was completely clear then the clouds moved in suddenly

Another taken in see the jet stream on the left side of the picture
Two pretty white steeples accented by the gorgeous blue skies.
Mom loves the white steeples on the brick churches.  This is a particularly tall steeple for the size of the church

Thank you for taking time to visit with us today


  1. C, you really found a great collection of steeples on your road trip. I think my favorite is the same as yours. The red roof really makes that steeple stand out.

    The photo of Madi is so cute. Isn't it amazing how relaxed cats can get especially when there is a sunpuddle involved?

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Happy Sunday to you dear Madi and mom...loving your photos.
    Bronson, Pepper, and Mum

  3. Have a great, Easy Like Sunday, kind of day there Madi... Love the steeples.

    pawhugs, Max

  4. I love the steeples! You do a great job! Have a relaxing Sunday....

  5. We enjoy any and all pics of you, Madi! Doesn't matter if it's the same chair! Mommy LUFS church steeples and really enjoyed the pics. Thanks so much fur sharing them. Thanks so much fur the info on the beautiful enormous pines of NC, too!

  6. Is that a reflection of your Mom in that pic? They are all great! We like to look at steeples when we are driving about.

  7. These are lovely pictures! I just adore steeples too.

    Your chair looks like it was made just for you, Dear Madi!

    I believe that's Mom's reflection in the photo.

  8. Mom got some very good pics of the steeples from a moving car!
    I spy her reflection in the one pic of the steeple!
    Enjoy your Sunday, hope it has lots of sun puddles!

  9. Beautiful, oh so beautiful. Now as for the one photo...I see a reflection of your hand from the car window? Is that what you mean?

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, and the photo below, of you dear Madi...the post below this...well, it made me literally spew out O J from my nose. Quick reflexes tho...I managed to turn away from the keyboard. So, no damages. LOLOLOL

    My Sunday Blog post link is: If a Tree Falls in the Swamp -do you hear it?

    Hope you're having a glorious day!!

  10. Madi, Haven't you been it that position yet?
    Mom, beautiful photos. If you go to my other blog,Books,Poems,Pets and Crafts,under my Blogs I love you are one of them!
    ♥♥ Blogger Kate ♥♥

  11. We see your Mom in the photo! And we are happy to see a steeple revival!

  12. We think there is a reflection of something or someone in that pic. Blogger won't let us bigify any more:( Hope you had a great nap in your special chair, Madi.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. Madi
    You are so precious in your favorite chair!
    We always love to see the beautiful steeples.
    PsThank you for your kind words today on our post.

  14. Cute!! I think cats Rule Do you? -Razzy

  15. Hi Madi!
    HAve a great week!
    Auntie Marilia & Bavarescats

  16. You have perfected the "moving car" technique of photography. I don't do nearly as good a job as you do when the car is moving...I enjoyed seeing the steeples; I sort a have a "thang" about old churches. Interesting, isn't it?!

  17. Those are some great steeple pics, Madi's Mom. And we think we see a reflection in that one picture...could it be you??

  18. Mom, you got around to get all those steeples.

  19. so many different types in this post and the one above. i can say i have never seen a steeple on a sign before. the long skinny Christ church steeple is my favorite on this one.

  20. so many different types in this post and the one above. i can say i have never seen a steeple on a sign before. the long skinny Christ church steeple is my favorite on this one.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi