My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, January 8, 2012

EASY LIKE SUNDAY #2,Steeple(like) Sunday #38,

Mom sends a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone for the
Birthday wishes yesterday.  She had a wonderful day, the weather was purrfect, she and Dad were out and about a lot thus my blog visits came up short.....she'll do better today.

Happy Sunday...I think I'll chill while Mom
shares some pretty church pictures.
The original name of the church was Methodist Episcopal, South
until 1939 when it was changed to Cary Frist Methodist.
In 1968 during unification with the Evangelical United Brethren Church the name was changed to the it's final name 
First United Methodist
Mom was quite smitten with this pretty brick church and all it's arched windows.
It was founded in 1871.
In 1922 the original church was enlarged to include an annex.

In 1957 a rapidly growing membership made it necessary to enlarge and renovate the sanctuary. The ceiling and floor are part of the original structure
Over the years there have been several additions and renovations to accommodate their membership which has grown to more than 4,000.  Since 1871 there have been 47 ministers.
The below picture is a steeple per se but mom calls it
Steeple-like. More arched windows and openings everywhere.
Side view
This is a very welcoming front entrance
Mom especially liked the triple arched windows over the front door
The church is fondly called 'the church in the heart of Cary'
because it is located on the main street in 'old' Cary, NC.
Front view
Pictures were taken on December 13, 2011.


  1. Just lovely. The church pics are nice, too. MOL! Our Mommy lufs the pics of this church. We haf a Methodist church in our town that just underwent renovations and is so pretty. It reminded her very much of this big ole beauty. Thanks fur sharing your pics. xoxo

  2. That really is a pretty church. I like the triple arched window too and looks like the design was repeated in a window on the addition too. The street lights are a nice touch, they comptle the look from the street. This one was a great find C.

    Hope you are all enjoying your weekend,

  3. A beautiful church with all of the great windows!
    A fine example for Steeple Sunday!
    Rest up, Madi, while your peeps party! LOL
    Chin scratches to you
    Hugs to Mom

  4. Glad Mom had a good day yesterday. Poor ole woman. LOL.
    The church pictures are terrific. What a pretty church. Thanks for showing us the church. Take care Madi and have a great Sunday.

  5. I am so glad to know that your Mom had a lovely birthday!

    This church is beautiful! I love the arch windows too and the wreaths on the doors is so perfect.

  6. Glad your Mom had a great day! That is a very pretty church. Love those windows!

  7. It is a nice church, I like the gothic windows too!

  8. Oh, dear, we missed your mom's birthday yesterday........but now we can celebrate it today with her!!!!!!! Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

    Love to y'all.

  9. BTW, our mama says Capricorns are THE BESTEST!!!!!!!!! :)

  10. Lovely church. I enjoyed the history too.

  11. DANG!!! I missed your mom's special day?!!! Well, then...please, Madi, for me....give her a scratch behind the ear [no wait...just a leg wait...give her a purr or two in her ear for me...] Heck, just wish her a belated Happy Birthday!!!

    Love the beautiful church shares...incredible architecture.

    Thanks for stopping by for my week's Shadow Shot See you next time...and have a glorious week ahead!!

  12. I'm so glad your mom had a good birthday, Madi! This church is beautiful! Your mom did a wonderful job capturing it. I really like all the pretty grass and flowers around it. When we lived on the East Coast, every time there was a really beautiful historic church, it was Presbyterian.

  13. I am happy to know your mom had a great day!
    Beautiful church!
    Have a nice and relaxing sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  14. Madi we got your card yesterday it meant a lot after Friday being a bust. Stop by my blog for the award. Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom from both of us. Purrs.

  15. What a gorgeous structure! Usually lots of renovations mean a hodge-podge but not this time. I wish I could go inside and see the know me!
    ~Mommy Trish

  16. How beautiful! We love seeing the churches on Sunday posts - very nice.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. Beautiful....and the purr-ty blue sky is so nice too!

  18. That is a lovely looking church. We are glad your mum enjoyed her birthday.

  19. Mom and I send a belated Happy Birthday to you MadiMom!

    woos, Tessa

  20. A good addition to steeple chase Sunday.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi