My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Theme Song: Goodnight My Love

Mom and I thank Hootin Anni for sponsoring

Today's featured song is by the one and only Bobby Vinton.
One of Mom's favorite singers.  You might want to grab a cup of high test coffee first. 
If you would like to hear this beautiful song as you look at the
pictures, please click on the video below.

 Goodnight, my love (wah-ooh)
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, my love
  May tomorrow be sunny (full of sunpuddles) and bright
And bring you closer to me
Before you go (wah-ooh)
Please remember I need you so
and this love I have for you will never grow cold
If you should awake in the still of the night

Please remember  my love will never grow cold

Good night my love (wah-ooh)

 May tomorrow be sunny and bright
And bring you closer to me
 May tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me.
Goodnight my love
Sleep tight my love
I thank you all for stopping by today and 
sweet dreams.
Hugs Madi


  1. Great post! Goodnight to you, sweet Madi. We'll see you in our dreams. xoxoxo

  2. I remember Bobby Vinton - that's from waaaay back when. You look so darn cute between those pillows on the bed. You're having such a rough day, aren't you? NOT!!

  3. That is a beautiful song but I don't remember it, I do remember Bobby Vinton. Miss Madi, you have lots of very comfortable looking sleeping places. We really like the last one of you all tucked into the blankets. Sweet dreams.

    Purrs and Hugs,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    and J

  4. Such a lovely, romantic song but the best part of this were all of the adorable pictures of you in bed, Madi! I really like the purple bedding shot. :)

  5. Great song....sweet dreams, dear Madi!

  6. My Mom just loved Bobby Vinton! Many Love memories, hehe
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. Oh I do love your sleepy time images. Especially the ones with the quilts and you all snuggled up and comfy cozy. And the song...well, it's so fitting!! Fabulous. Oh, and tell y'ur mom...I too LOVE Bobby Vinton. What a charmer, huh? {{{sigh}}} They just don't produce singers and artists like this guy any more. {{{another sigh}}}

  8. Sweet dreams, Madi! We've got lots of sunpuddles here, I hope you have some where you are!

  9. Oh Madi, I always loved Bobby Vinton's songs!
    You look so cute in all of your nap spots.
    I hope the sun puddles will return soon to Raleigh!

  10. You look so comfy in all those pics!

  11. Ah, what a wonderful song. Your model was wonderful as well! Sorry I have not been by as much as usual lately. I have been buried under paperwork. I think about you often and hope you are doing well!

  12. Night??? Sleep???? Yuppy, puppy....that be my theme song!

  13. Awww...what sweet pictures of Madi. I love the ones of her all cuddled up in the blankets. My little dog loves to do that too.
    And, I must say snuggling up listening to Bobby Vinton sounds like a nice way to get comfy and warm. Great Post!!

  14. Well, Madi, I can see you're the boss of your house. You sleep wherever you want to sleep.
    Beautiful photos your mom took.
    — Lindy and Kay, Alberta, Canada

  15. ZZZZZzzzzzzz, that song and your beautiful sleepy photos have made us all want a nap:) Another of Mom's favorites from the past.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. I has no idea who Bobby Vinton is but dat really ain't sayin' much.
    I find it very interesting dat you gets to sleep wherevers you wants. Then again, you is allowed on da counter too...hehehe...I am beginning to thinks I needs to etrain my peeps.

    Sorry, I is late...I was up AAAAAALL nite withs My Girl cuz her was throwin' up...all night, so I hads to take cares of her.


  17. Well hopefully she's got to see him on tour!!! Maybe he'll make it to NC sometime soon.

  18. Madi
    We always have sweet dreams when we think of you.

  19. That is a lovely song. We haven't heard it before. Sweet dreams lovely Madi.

  20. Ahhh, what a lovely song Div, I mean all the poses of you but hey, it's all in a day's work, isn't it?

  21. Hugs to you Madi ... sleep tight!

  22. Wah-ooh! That song makes us want to sing...and then sleep!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi