My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday Theme Song: Green Grass

Mom and I thank Hootin' Anni for hosting 

Crazy Mom had 2 lines from today's song stuck in her head for 2 weeks.  She thought the name of the song was "Spring time" but could not find it anywhere.  Bless Google's heart, she plugged in the two lines in her head.  Lo and behold the name of the song is GREEN GRASS, by Gary Lewis and the Playboys from 1966.
Please click on the video to hear the song while you look at the pictures. She changed a few words to match the pictures we had.  

Green grass 'round my window
Young leaves that the wind blows 
Our Japanese Maple picture take 3/18/12
Yes, it is springtime, golden sunshine
Cedar waxwing 
And we're glad, my little love and I
Now that summer time is nigh
 Carefree kissing couples
Dream away all their troubles
'cause it is springtime, golden sunshine
White breasted nuthatches at our bird bath
 While (blue birds) cedar  waxwings sing their magic song
We'll love the summer long
 All the winter we've been waitin'
My girl and I anticipatin'
What we're gonna do with the summer over due
Now it is here, we're out together.

So the weatherman had better 
Do his best to make a show and bring the sunshine out to grow the
GREEN GRASS under my window.......................
Our Japanese Red Maple picture taken March 23, 2012 it filled out completely in 5 days
 Mom and I thank you for stopping by today and we hope this happy song made you wiggle just a bit.


  1. Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head! Madi does not look happy with you putting that superior softness thing on her head.


  2. Great one! We are luffin springtime too. Your Japanese maple looks much better than ours. We are still dealing wif the damage the drought did last summer. Purrs from your BFFF - Prancer Pie

  3. My Mom was totally rocking out here. Those are pretty pictures. I love the one where you have the little hat on the best.

    Loveys Sasha

  4. Oh yes, we are going to be wiggling and humming that song for awhile. Your yard is so pretty, love that Japanese Maple. Miss Madi, we didn't realize you had so many channels on Birdie TV.

    We're wondering how many demerits your mom got for the superior softness. MOL!

    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  5. Thank you I was wiggling all over the place -- great song! I can't wait to see our green grass! Awesome pics!

  6. Oh yes! I'm wiggling! We love spring!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. M&M?----------I think you've outdone your previous themesongs if that is all possible. This one is just too good for words. Outstanding.
    Not only a great song [I can understand having a song floating around in your mind for what seems like an eternity...and you can't think of the title], but your images [of course the Blog Diva is purrrrrfection -altho Madi, what makes you pin your ears back when Summer's on its way?] are so cool.....

    PURRiceless song and images you two. Loved it.

  8. Wells, I has no tires in your yard. You has such a nice place theres Madi, it's a shame I can't come see it withs my eyeballs. I do gets very tired of my view heres.
    I loves dat foto of you stretched out on da paper.


  9. Thanks for the song and have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  10. Great song!! Have an Awesome Day!!!!
    miz liz

  11. Mom remembers that song! But we never got spring here in Florida! What happened?

  12. Oh gosh, our Mom wiggled right off the chair and now she can't get up. That was a great song and love the pictures. Everything is blooming around here too. Mom even got the old relic of a lawnmower started and mowed the grass. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

  13. Oh things look beautiful there where you are. We have some pretty green and some flowers too. Our azaleas are starting to bud..won't be long. We'll transport over and look at yours..and no need to groom before we get there. WE aren't coming..just me, and mommy sill stay here and keep my home comfortable and ready for me. xoxoxox

  14. Your Mom has the greatest taste in music and such great pictures. Thanks for the smiles today.

  15. Oh wow, I feel like a teeny bopper again with that song!
    A great theme song for Thursday and wonderful pictures to go along with the captions!
    However, Madi you look a little surly with your ears back and eyes dialated!
    Didn't you enjoy Mom's singing?! She picked a great song from our youth! LOL

  16. Great post! Your yard looks lovely, especially the green grass around the edge of the house. I love the bird shots too, I so enjoy watching the birds. (Except those pesky Grackles that are trying to be tacking over my feeders)
    The song I had not heard before, but I like it. It is very upbeat. Great song for your photos too.
    Happy Thursday!!

  17. Right now we still have a lot of snow,I can not wait for spring! BK

  18. I'm wiggling more than a little! Thanks for sharing, Madi!

  19. There she goes again, the Momster singing along with Gary and the Playboys:) We have a lovely spring day here now but they say we might get some of those nasty storms tonight:(

    We all love getting those soft scritchies too.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Your yard is quite beautiful. I really like to help with landscaping so you let me know if your mom ever needs some help. My expertise includes digging, flower picking, trampling and more.



  21. Hey Madi I liked that a lot. Thanks for your reservation. I don't know if Ganny can speak Southernese; she's a bit English! Still I'm sure you'll all get by. Like they say,A whistling woman and a crowing hen never comes to a very good end...... ;-) Deccy x

  22. Great! TYour post make me happY!

  23. i am dancing in my chair, never heard this one, and i like it and of course the pics are perfect especailly the ones starring YOU.

  24. We would like some green grass please. All our grass is brown :(

  25. It always makes me happy to see you Madi.

  26. Oh yeah...we're wigglin'!! Thanks for that, Madi...and Madi's mom!!

  27. WOW
    Mom was impressed with your Japanese maple.
    Ours is just beginning to sprout.

  28. Great, great song! And wonderful accompanying photos! What a pleasant way to spend a few minutes!

  29. Such beautiful images of the approaching Spring. The maple is so beautiful in its red leaves, and I love all the birds.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi