My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday Tale/Tails

Every afternoon at about 3:55, my inner lioness awakens letting me know it is nearly time for din-din. 
I have to go on a seek and find mission looking for Mom.
Once I find her, I wait politely in her field of vision hoping she will see me.  
 If she fails to notice me immediately, I march in place with my tail held high, roaring meowing until she gets her tush in gear!!
That is just how I roll.


  1. Oh Madi we luf your tale/tail. We haf to keep those Moms on their toesies. Happy Tuesday, xoxoxoxo.

    Pee Ess - we luf your pantaloons too, they are so fancy!

  2. You have to tell em huh sweet Madi. When mummy got home last night after her long day at work we pretended daddy hadn't fed us and acted like starving kitties. Mummy almost fell for it hee he :)xx

  3. Madi, you go girl! I get crazy when its dinner time, there is no way we should have to wait. There couldn't possibly be anything more important than feeding us.

    Loveys Sasha

  4. Politeness does work sometimes but many times we have to do the roar to get our mom's attention too. We especially like your tail in the air approach to this important matter. Like Sasha said, what is more important than feeding us?

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  5. LOL! Go and find your Mom Madi, your tails is wagging held high :)

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  6. At least you have her trained so she understands you....good job, Madi!

  7. Maybe I should grow a tail???
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Hmmmmmm....Me has to bark and scratch Mom's legs and bark some more to get the results I'm after!

  9. you should try what Jake does, he gets right up in my face and gives me The Stare if that doesn't work he gets in my lap and gives me The Stare.

  10. Oh Madi you are adorable....nice technique!!!!

  11. Yep, I hear'ya Madi....same here. I have one that sits by her dish without moving until it's filled again...and the other one sits in the dining room and stares us down until the Fancy Feast comes out.

  12. PS....I just read the sock project. You cracked me up once again our Diva of Blogland----"JU JU"....gotta love it. I'm on pins and crochet needles for the continuation of the sock saga.

  13. WOW! That tail salute is PAWSOME!!!

  14. You have a most interesting tail, Madi! Must be a diva thing. :) You're beautiful.

  15. WOW!! We Love they way you roll Madi!!!

  16. You don't have to be a cat to use those tactics. Nina has a very similar approach just before 4pm every day too.


  17. How do you kitties and puppies do it?!
    You can't tell time, but you know when it's dinner time!
    I can bet you roared! Mom says you are quite vocal! LOL
    How can she resist your sweet meowing?!

  18. Lionesses must not be denied their Din Din Madi.

  19. Oh Madi, did you teach my Kramer this????

  20. Oh Madi, good job at getting Mom's attention. All we do is wait for Mom to stand up and beg for food by winding in between her feet. Have a wonderful day.

  21. That is how my puppy functions. He also tries to grab some of our food. BK

  22. This is very good. YOu don't want to go HUNGRY!



  23. Madi, we are SHOCKED that you even have to ask!

  24. Madi
    You sure do have a cute little derriere!
    Guess what? We had to do that to Mom today, she was LATE with dinner. She's reading a new book and was out on the back porch and she was loving it, so she forgot all about us, can you believe that? I HAD to meow to get her attention and say 'get it in gear' to get us some noms.

  25. We all know when it's time too. We don't like our dinnertime to be altered at all, but sometimes we do have to wait a bit longer.

    We love that rear view of you, Madi. You have lovely legs - love those markings.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Lightning

  26. well...a diva has to do what a diva has to do to get her food!!



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi