My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 21, 2012

Madi and Mom Moment

Happy Victoria Day to our friends in Canada!!
We hope you all had a very nice  long weekend.

Madi:  Mom you look ridiculous on the floor
Mom: You think?
Madi: Yes, get up
 Mom:  I thought I'd get on your level so I could see your point of view 
Madi: All I can see is you holding the flashy beast 
Mom: What if I rub you noggin?
Madi: Oh well that would be nice

Madi:  Oh yeah right there ... ahhhh a little to the right.
Mom:  See sometimes good things happen with the flashy beast
 Madi: I'm speechless 
Mom: and limp as a dish rag

Madi: Mom don't leave
Mom:  Madi all good things come to an...


  1. Madi, there is nothing like a good scratch on the head and especially behind the ears for me. I love that first picture of you.

    Loveys Freckle Belly

  2. Sweet Madi, were you going fur a pawticular look in the first pic? We thought so. Sometimes it's just best to humor the Mommies. They move along to photograph something else eventually. At least you got a good head scritchie out of the deal. Not bad. Hope you have a great start to your week. Hugs from your BFFF - Prancer Pie

  3. Oh you were good to get rubs from her, WTG Madi and she fell right into your trap!!

    Jazz a rita

  4. Hey Madi, could you see right up your mummies nose when she was down there on the floor hee he. Its nice the pawrents come down to our level though huh. I bet she will be back in a minute :)xx

  5. Madi, looks like you were giving your mom the evil eye in that first photo. Of course head rubs and chin scratches will always make up for our mommies silliness.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  6. Madi, your expression in that first photo was great. Ha! Good strategy to get those head rubs and scritches.

    BTW, as we're Canadian kitties, we really do appreciate the holiday wish! We've been enjoying lots of garden time, since the mom took a half-day off on Friday and is home today too.

  7. This is just precious. You and Mom are a match made in heaven.

  8. hehehehehehe...Madi, you is killin' me overs heres withs them looks...such a diva you is. But, yo gets what you want.
    Girl, I has missed ya'll terriblies but I is back nows.

    Oh Madi, I deaded me a rat...I am worried nows. I do think I may has some kitteh DNA in me.


  9. Hehe, I was just wondering if your Mom had any troubles getting back up off the floor? You look so cute Madi!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  10. Great post.... Wow... now that your momma has discovered the floor, there's not hiding, Madi.

    pawhugs, Max

  11. when i rub Baby's ears she gets that same glazed look you have. great idea Mom had getting on the floor. i might try it but only if bob is home to help me up. love The End

  12. Moms do some weird things with the flashy beast, don't they? Glad you got some head scritches out of it, at least!

  13. haha, what a look Madi!

    Good pics Mom.

  14. You two crack me up.

    I must say, the end is near. Oh well, you didn't hear that from ME!!!

  15. Awww, so sweet, Madi. You have the nicest Mom. Our Mom gets on the floor with us too, but we all look very carefully to be sure she doesn't have that B-R-U-S-H in her human paws.

    Have a great week. Hope that tropical storm stays away.

    Woos - Blue Eyes, Thunder Dunder, Prissy Sissy, and Flash a.k.a. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Madi, you are just lucky if your Mom can get up from the floor. If our Mom got down there, she would never get up, poor old thing. Love those pictures. That head rub was good, it looks like. Have a great week.

  17. Hehe. You have the cutest tail!


  18. Hahahah! Lovely point of view!!!

  19. It sure looks like you were enjoying those head scratches even with the flashy beast in your face.


  20. We spend a lot of time on the floor in our house. Cats get to be anywhere they want. Our dogs are not allowed on furniture so we sit on the floor much of the time.

  21. Funny how a nice good scratching around the ears can change your tune, Madi! LOL

    1. Oh will come back, you know she will.

  22. The flashy beast is worth the scritches Madi!!


  23. Too Cute you get to laugh at your Mama when she tries to get up?? That's the best part of when our Mama get's on our level with us....BOL


  24. Well.... sure it was nice that your mom was at your level so you got a grrrreat scratching time!
    Kisses and hugs

  25. Hi Madi, thanks for the Victoria Day wishes! It has been a glorious long weekend here in Toronto, lots of relaxing with the furries :-) Glad you enjoyed some nice chin scratches even if you had to endure the flashy beast!!!

  26. Madi - I LOVE your new header. It's pretty and lovely just like you! My assistant does the crawling on the floor with the camera thing all the time. Head rubs don't work for me - I only work for treats.

    Your pal, Pip


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi