My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Madi and Madi and others: Day 5

Well lookie here we have a towfer for you!!
Mom was quite thrilled with this too. MOL
Sometimes I throw her a few crumbs just to make sure she knows I'm in charge.  

Oh wait a minute...Mom says we have some more gymnastics
sneak peeks.
3 legged Balance Beam

 Jazzi says: Look Uncle Ed a 3 paw balance beam!!
Madi says:  I think Uncle Ed should have walked the beam too. MOL  Sorry Uncle Ed I hope I'm still invited to your pool party

Balance Beam

Snoopy says:  I don't have a blog. I am Jazzi's Uncle Ed's well balanced cat and I thank Jazzi for letting me enter the fun under her blog.
Madi says: OMCs Snoopy you have the most amazingly unique tail markings.

Domino says:  She has just about reached her LIMBit.
She wishes this was a video because she is GRACE in motion.
Madi says:  You go girl there are no LIMBits in this competitio

Dylan says:  His philosophy is "Every hurdle in life can be
overcome if you just keep on goin"!!
Madi says:  Dylan not only are you handsome, and agile you are very smart!


  1. Woof!That picture is an almost perfect look-alike! Woof! It doesn't quite capture all of your Wonderful-ness! Woof! ( don't use Diva because in a Australian TV show Kate love, Diva is and evil character.CTEH) Woof! Echo.

  2. More great pics, Madi! The one you allowed your Mom to take of you with your wall-hanging is pawsome. Our Mommy would love to have one of us. Have an easy Sunday and stay cool. - xoxoxo from Prancer Pie.

  3. I love seeing you next to your quilt. It is such a good likeness.


  4. Oooh I'm seeing double! Deccy x

  5. Madi, that was so sweet of you to allow your Mom to get that most wonderful photo of you and your likeness. Once again we are amazed at the agility and pose of our fellow blogging buddies.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  6. Wow Madi, we have got fierce competitiors. Snoopy does have a very unique tail. And that pHoto of yours is just sooo beautiful. I love it!!!!

  7. Can never have too many Madi's! Great competitors today!

  8. Oh such competition.....! Happy Sunday to you all.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Love the Furst picture of YOU.. OH MY... WHY does the balance beams... have to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO high? It makes it really Scarey.

  10. love them ALL.... the tail looks like it was dipped in a can of paint

  11. Wow, we've got some agile athletes, that's fur sure! Can't wait for your event!

  12. Madi, loved the "twofer"!! I hope you have recovered from those nasty thunderstorms
    last night and early this morning! You are probably back in "Diva Mode" by now! :)

  13. Madi, we love you in Art form...did you ever get to sniff your furz in it?

  14. Love the towfer. And all the Olympic pictures are just great. Lots of balance beams. Well done Madi showing us all the pictures. Take care and have one great Sunday

  15. Oh, the kitties are just so good at this thing you call gymnastics- great entries. Thanks for the twofer - any time we can a double dose of Miss Madi is a good time:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Madi,

    Happy Sunday to my BFFF!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  17. Pawsome Twofer and Pawsome entries to the Cat-O-Lympics!

  18. I'm enjoying seeing your friends Madi

  19. What a treat to see 2 Madis! We are enjoying seeing the Olympic entries.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi