My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Yesterday I told you about Mom and the gray goo  at Crabtree Valley Mall...
Today I'm heels of head excited to tell you about the
40th Anniversary of Crabtree Valley Mall.  
 They have been bringing in lots of purrty things for the celebration

Last Tuesday (when Mom did not have her camera) there were men on a mobile lift all the way at the top of the skylights with drills.  On Wednesday (when mom did not have her camera) morning Mom and Dad saw this beautiful sparkly ball
It is anchored with one very thick cable and three other thinner cables at different angles.
 BOYS and GIRLS it has a motor on it and was spinning and the sun was coming in the skylights making lots of pretty reflections.
On Friday when mom did have her camera it was cloudy and the ball was not spinning.  MOL  

And you notice in this picture all around the ceiling of the mall
they have lights that appear to be racing and they turn different colors

Maybe now that Mom has all these purrty things to look at inside she will not go traipsing around the parking look  stepping in gray goo (see Tuesday July 24 post).


  1. No More Goop! Yeah! Woof! Echo.

  2. Ooooh a glittery ball! Did it bring back memories of the Disco era for your mom? I thought of your sticky goo problem today when I stepped in gum while loading my groceries into my car. It's one thing to get tar on your shoes, but gum was put there by a very lazy human.


  3. Sweet Madi, my Mommy thinks the pretty things to look at are probably BEHIND the sparkly ball in that store! MOL! ((HUGS)) from your BFFF - Prancer Pie

    Pee Ess - i luf the curl of your tail in that pic! adorable!

  4. Madi bet you'd love to chase the sparkling things? We will start a protest, 'No More Grey Goo, Grey Goo Shoo! Have a cool Wednesday!
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That is a really pretty ball. We think it would look ever so spectacular when it turns and the lights are all over. Well Madi, at least this will keep your mom off the gray goo. But you are going to have to teach her to take the camera with her every time she goes out.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  6. Perhaps she'll take up disco dancing beneath the sparkly ball hehe! Deccy x

  7. Wow, that is really cool. Please tell Mom to back away from the gray goo. Yuckys

    Loveys Sasha

  8. OMC... disco ball. Love it.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles... we're dancing under the disco ball.....

  9. I'd much rather be outdoors, walking....but this heat wave makes it impossible to be out much longer than high noon. When we do go walking, it's just before sunrise and then by 11 we're home most days. We've been busy tho, keeping on going, birding, driving here and there....but, I'd much rather be in the mall walking and celebrating with the sparkly silver ball entertaining us....

    And the gray goo!!! Oh my goodness, now that is hot!!! [Did you try using baby oil to remove it?....I would think that would work. But don't ask me]

  10. OH! I would just love to watch that! And.......stay away fro grey goo!
    Lovies to my BFFF, Miss Mindy

  11. Our mom's thinking disco now too. :-)

    We missed the grey goo story, will have to catch up!

  12. I thought of disco right away too and thought maybe Mom would be spending more time dancing at the mall instead of shopping!

  13. I like the pretty lights and the big shiny ball thingy. No Goo shoes will be a real PLUS.

  14. as hot as it's been here, I would like walking in the mall better

  15. That is COOL! I bet she will like walking there better!

  16. Madi
    I like that puwwty shiny spinny ball and all the weflections
    I'm so glad youw Mom won't be stepping in any mowe gwey goo, hehehhe
    shopping is much bettew fow hew
    smoochie kisses

  17. Disco Ball in the Mall! Must be pretty when the sun shines on it!
    That is, of course, when it's not hiding behind thunder clouds!

  18. All they need now is a good band and Mom and Dad dressed in their finest for a grand ball at the mall:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. hope you finger is healing and phooey on the no camera at the right time. happens to me to. keep walking there and taking the camera and get some light shots for us. sounds like a nice place to walk. hope the goo gets gone soon

  20. I think you need one of those shiny pretty balls at your house... OMD think of the exercise you'd get chasing the light around...

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  21. Casper loves to play with reflected light...if I had one of those sparkly balls in our house he would never rest - LOL!!! Sorry to hear about the gray goo, maybe it will eventually dry up and flake off :-)

  22. Good job Mom. Glad you have been banned from the Gray goo. Too funny. I bet I know some cats that would love to chase those reflections. Can I bring all the feral kitties??
    Auction going on. Have Mom's fingers been working lately??
    And just for the record, it is Mahoney, Not Maloney which Mom found hysterical. Take care.

  23. oooo how purrty!!!!


  24. Our mom says that looks like a disco ball! Let's dance!!

  25. Mall walking is much better than parking lot walking. Looks like a disco ball ... some fun is going to go down! Make sure mom brings some of the fun home to you!

  26. If the heat there is anything like it is here, the mall is definitely where I would walk. Plus you get to enjoy the shiny ball. I bet it is very pretty with the sun coming through the sky light. Great photos!
    Happy Thursday!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi