My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Photo Hunt

It is Saturday so it must be Photo Hunt Day
If you would like to participate in this fun day click
for a list of words. It is fun to look through your 
photos to find the purrfect picture.
Today's word is


I don't suppose I'd be letting the 'cat out of the bag' if I told you Mom is a Choco-holic.  Today's pictures will be proof.

 One of Mom's favorite snacks is a 
Special K Chocolatey Delight Cereal there are
always multiple boxes here.  
You will never in 100 years guess what she does with the 
mini chocolate drops!! No I better not tell you it is a secret
even Dad doesn't know...MOL  
Okay, Okay I'll tell you but don't tell her I told you!!
she makes a peanut butter sandwich then sprinkles the mini chocolate drops on the peanut butter
she says it taste just like  Reese's Cup.  
 She told me chocolate isn't good for kitties but I know she doesn't want to share!!
Ghirardelli double chocolate is delish as hot chocolate.

Do you think Mom needs an intervention?


  1. It is possible that she does. Here is a little something for your MOM to try. My MOM's brother works for Hershey's and this is what he and his friends do. Think SMORES but... instead of a Hershey bar use a Reese Peanut Butter Cup.

  2. No intervention is necessary. What self respecting woman doesn't enjoy indulging in a bit of chocolate daily? Thanks for the idea with the peanut butter sandwich. If it wasn't so late (or is that early since it is after midnight) I might be tempted to go to the kitchen and make one for myself right now...well maybe it can wait for lunch later today.


  3. Oh no, I think mine Mommy doesn't need anymore chocolate ideas. She finds enough uses for it all by herself. MOL! Smores? Definitely worthy a try, but Mom says I won't be getting any of it. Doesn't matter, the graham crackers are delish all by themselves! Happy Caturday, pretty Madi. XOXOXO from Prancer Pie.

  4. Oh Madi, if your Mom got intervention then all of our Mamas need it too. None needed, it's a mama thing to like that chocolatey stuff. BTW, our mama is taking notes about the peanut butter sandwich and the S'mores.

    Kitty Kisses (not to be confused with the chocolate kisses)
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  5. From one chocoholic to another, no, no intervention needed. Everything looks completely normal. Have a great weekend!

  6. Woof! Woof! Oh mom LOVES LOVES chocolate too. In college she used to eat chocolates for breakfast ... until now. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. Madi, Mommy always gives me that"chocolate isn't good for you" crapola too. I bet they just don't want to share. Mommy is crazy for the peanut butter chocolate thing, she won't tell anyone about it, but she says thanks.

    Loveys Sasha

  8. Chocolate is very hard to spot round here because.........mummy loves chocolate so much so she either has it hidden from everyone or has just eaten it :)xx

  9. No intervention needed. HH says your mom has the right idea on chocolate.... variety and quantity...

    Have a great weekend.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  10. choci heaven there Madi. Have a lovely Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. No Madi, no intervention, our Mom will just join her. Our Person loves chocolate too and will eat it all day if she can figure out how to do it. Love that word chocolate. Have a great week end.

  12. yes, madi, get her to an Intervention NOW... she is most defintely a choc o holic. i mean chocolate on a sandwich? i will NOT read this to my hubby, since his most favorite thing in the world is Reese Peanut butter cups.....

  13. OH MADI... my mom even puts Choc. Chips in her Peanut Butter Cookies when she bakes them. SHE would say YOUR mom is just PERFECT.

  14. Hi Madi! Thanks for stopping by. It is always nice to meet new friends! Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. No Madi, Mom doesn't need intervention...just more chocolate! LOL
    Yummy peanut butter sandwich recipe!!

  16. Mmmm chocolate...our mum loves the stuff too, but we don't know what all the fuss is about because she never gives us any either! Happy Weekend to you!
    Bronson, Pepper, and Mum

  17. Our mum loves chocolate too but she only allows herself one small bar a week since she has been dieting.

  18. Yes, we think your Mom needs an intervention - OUR MOM - to come share her chocolate habit:) Mom loves fudge and chocolate chip cookies and most any kind of chocolate bar, especially Heath Bar and Skors. Wouldn't you know she would love something we can't have either!!!

    Happy Saturday and hope all that rain stays away from you.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. Intevention?? NO!! There is absoultly nothin' wrong with her!! My Ma does almost the same things (except, she hasn't tried the chocolate bits on peanut butter....oh, I think she's droolin' alittle).



  20. Yes!!! Mom needs intervention and I am just the one to intervene. Have candy jar --will travel. HaPPy to take the nasty stuff away from her for you.

  21. Forgot to send you kisses fom Trudy.

  22. The Mommy here: HELL NO she doesn't need an intervention, she needs MORE CHOCOLATE!!

    ::emergency chocolate sirens wailing::

  23. I think your Mom is just PERFECT the way she is. :)

  24. Woof! Kate doesn't like chocolate to much! Woof!

  25. I've snagged some chocolate a few times. DELICIOUS!

    Can't wait to take your napping class!


  26. And intervention?? Make room for my grandma too!
    You can poison her with a piece of chocolate!
    Happy Saturday!
    Kisses and hugs

  27. lol Madi, Mom and the hubby would get along just fine....unless they started fighting over some of that chocolate


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi