My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 15, 2012


and my g-ma
GRANDMA UPDATE:  She was transferred to a rehab center at 1 pm on for the hard work to begin on regaining her mobility.
Thank you everyone for your purrs!

Our house is what is called a story and a half....
aka we have NO attic.  BM (before Madi)
the peeps added an addition back of the house.
Which included a pretty good size storage room.
This time of year it isn't too hot in there so  Mom opens the
door to let me roam.  There are lots of crooks and crannies and 
other interesting thingies in there to rest my royal tush.
Such as Mom's sewing chest

AND OMCs this wonderful window seat.  I ALWAYS forget it
is in there....I love surprises.  From this seat I can watch the 
birdies at the feeders....and 

 that crazy Mom on the deck waving at me like a loony tune
Yes Mom I see you and so do the neighbors.


  1. So glad to hear about grandma. Madi you mom takes that picture of you from outside because you are so cute looking at her from there.


  2. That looks so exciting, Madi! I bet there are lots of good smells in there, too. Hope you and your royal tush have a great Monday. ((Hugs)) from your most ardent admirer, Prancer Pie.

    Pee Ess - so happy to hear bout rehab fur your Grandma. We'll keep those purrs comin.

  3. Glad Grandma got to rehab. Keeping her in our prayers. Don't you just cringe when they make a spectacle of themselves. My neighbors just roll their eyes.

  4. It's difficult when you start wondering if you need to put them in a home isn't it mate? I should know..... Deccy x

  5. Hi there !
    I found my way to your blog from Mollie and Alfie. I´m a Birman cat living with my mom and dad in Sweden :)
    My mom too wave´s at me when I sit in the window watching her leave to work and YES our neighbors too can see how crazypants she is *mol*

  6. HAHA My Mom wave to me to when she is outside! They are so weird, huh?
    Lovies,Miss Mindy

  7. Yeah! Happy your Grandma was able to move yesterday.

    I love that last photo of you, Madi! Your Mom did a great job!

  8. Great news about your Grandmother! Isn't it funny when they wave at us like that....they can be so silly!

  9. ha ha, i wave at Baby when she stands in the glass door... don't get to wave at Jake, if we are out he is out, if we are in he is in. so in the cooler months your world expands in size. very good. looks like a nook i would love to spend time in looking out the window, even if there is a crazy lady waving at me.

  10. I am thrilled that your grandma got moved.

    You have a special room. you could use it as your OFFICE when you WIN the Mayoral ELECTION.

  11. Very good news for Grandma!
    That is a super perch for a Diva to keep an eye on the yard!
    Moms are funny, yeah they are! :)

  12. That's wonderful news about Grandma! I can hap-pee dance now!

  13. So glad your grandma is in rehab. I hope she gets better real quick.

    That window seat looks really great.


  14. Oh my COD, that is so funny. We have a big picture of Mom waving at you from the yard and the neighbors laughing their heads off. But our person does the same thing sometimes but we don't have neighbors right now.
    Glad to hear that G ma is now in rehab. Sending lots of good thoughts to her that it isn't too bad.
    Mom is still chuckling over the wave.
    Take care.

  15. Glad Grandma's doing better! That looks like a nice place to explore.

  16. Glad you grandma's better!! :)
    Nice place you got there, looks great for partying

    Milo :)

  17. Great news on your grandma!

    I'm glad you found a cool space to explore.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  18. OMD!! That is sooo funny!! Ma does that ALL the time! I swear, the neighbors thinks she's a donut short of a dozen!!
    It is so good to hear abouts your Grandma!! Yea!



  19. LOL - crazy humans!

    Good news about granny too!

  20. As long as she wasn't naked when she was outside waving, it's ok!! :)

  21. Hello you two...purrs and hugs.
    I had to stop by this afternoon to catch up on the surgery recovery. I'm happy to read that she has been moved to rehab and that means she's eating some? Good news.

    LOL on you peeping out of the window dear one... that photo is priceless.

  22. Oh Madi
    We are all so happy to hear about your Grandma!!!
    We will continue to purr for her recovery.
    Love your new room.

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  23. Madi, is Mom looking at you or are you looking at Mom???

    So good to hear that Grandma made the move. Now for some good progress with rehab.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  24. Glad to hear Grandma is in rehab and hope she continues to get batter and better!!!


    PS...we just LOVE your window seat!!

  25. Madi! You've got a window seat!! So cool!!

  26. Great exploring! Me feels that way about our basement. And MommyS...Mine is so nutso the neighbors don't notice her antics anymore. Like today, she walks the hairy slobbery sisters wearing hot pink dawgs, bright green socks, blue capris a rainbow colored hoodie and a leopard tshirt along with her 2 toned cast! Good thing dogs are colorblind.

  27. A royal tush! How true Madi!!!!

  28. Oh Madi, that window seat looks so exciting. You can see everything from there and take a nap if you get bored. Our mama waves at us too, inside and out. It is highly embarrassing.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    and the Kitten Gang


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi