My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Mom and I want to give a great big shout out to 
ONLINE Tech support at Microsoft.  
Yesterday Morning when 
Mom tried to get online she rec'd a 'server hang up' message.
  After a little research and a few phone calls we discovered that it meant we had Trouble in Computer City.  They found a gazillion error messages  in the 'puter. Mom knew the 'puter had been extremely slow and that is why it was about to crash and burn!!
All is well and our 'puter is feeling very frisky after a 2 hour overhaul.

Grandma seemed a little stronger when Mom visited her on Tuesday. 

I am Madi and I'm running for Mayor and most of all
I approved this MESS(age)


  1. We are glad your Mom got that sorted out, Madi. We hates 'puter problems. Looks like you found yourself a comfy spot on the couch for a little siesta. Enjoy! Sending more purrs and pawsitive thoughts fur Grandma. XOXO from your bestest mancat, Prancer Pie.

  2. Glad you got your 'puter back in working order. What would we do without our daily pictures of Madi?


  3. Woof! Woof! Did not realized your mom is using a PC. She got an iPad, its time to get a MAC. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. We are so glad you got the pooter sorted. It's no fun when they start to misbehave. We are glad Grandma was feeling better and long may it continue. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, Madi for Mayor. Simba said he would like to be your driver if you get to wear the big gold chain :)xx

  5. Madi, I am glad that Grandma is better and I am glad that the puter problem got all fixed. You know you have my vote girl. We will need to discuss the food at your acceptance dinner at some point, but no rush. Mommy was wondering if you like sardines??

    Loveys Sasha

  6. Yes Mayor Madi; anything you say ma'am! Love to Grandma. Deccy x

  7. BEst wishes to your grandma! It's almost election time, can we assist you in your campaign in any way?

  8. Oh oh, Mom putor had the hiccops this AM too! Good thing it is working now or she would be ready to die! (she said that). YAY for G MA!!!! MAYOR??????? You sure got my vote baby!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  9. Firstly I have missed so much and want to say best wishes to your grandma. Glad mum got the puta working well cause we would have hated it to crash.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. Yeah for good tech support! Glad you girls are running at full speed again. Such a cute photo of you Madi.

  11. Glad you are still on line. Good news about grandma. Send her our best wishes. Have a wonderful Wednesday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. Whooo Hooo, so glad to hear that Grandma seems a little better. Good news.
    Madi, we sure will vote for ya.
    Sure glad you got the computer going again. We can't have you going away.
    Take care. Hugs to everyone.

  13. Puter is fixed, Grandma is getting better AND you are running for mayor. Holy cats it is a full full day of good information.

  14. Glad your computer is working again, we would hate for you to be incommunicado!!! How is Grandma doing? We hope she has settled in nicely to rehab.

  15. Woohoo! Grandma AND the computer feeling better!

  16. so the mayor in waiting is reading up on the state? or sleeping on the about to be job? which ever you look adorable doing it. glad Microsoft could help, computers make me crazy but i can't imagine life without one.

  17. Queen Madi you would make an awesome Mayor! Would your title be Queen Mayor Madi or Mayor Queen Madi or just your Highness? I will vote for you! I am happy your Grandma is feeling stronger! We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers!

  18. Sorry that your computer had troubles... good that you got them all fixed up BEFORE the BIG ELECTION.... You will need to have it READY for you Big After the Count PAWTY!!! RIGHT?

    good to know Grandma is still improving!!!


  19. So glad your puter is feelin frisky again! I think mine has the same problem sometimes. Just when Mom thinks about taking it to the dogter, it starts behaving again....fur a little while.

  20. So good that Grandma is doing a little better! Tough work going through rehab after surgery!
    And oh such good news to hear the 'puter is better! We all rely on the beasts for everything!
    You rest up, Madi, I understand campaigning can be very wearying! :)

  21. Madi, are you part of that Mess?

    Glad the ol puter is better and Grannie too.

  22. So glad your Grandma is better and the computer too. xoxox

  23. Whew, we can't have our future Mayor with 'puter problems. So good to hear that Grandma is a bit stronger. Every little bit better is good news.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  24. YEA!!! Cheers for Grandma AND the puter!! Kudos Microsoft!



  25. Glad to hear about your computer and even gladder about your Grandma! :)

  26. Glad to hear that you got that all fixed up. Our paws are crossed for your grandma.

    Jazzi and Addi

  27. Ooooooo those puter problems are the WORST!! Glad your Mama got everything fixed up!


  28. 'Puter problems are no fun...we're glad yours got fixed, Madi!!

  29. Computer problems are the worst and we are purring you get everythng fixed soon!! xoxo

  30. It's good to hear the 'puter is frisky again. It is a pain when they get bogged down and slow.
    Madi, you look so cute all curled up on the sofa.

    We are all happy to hear that your grandma is getting stronger.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
    and the Kitten Gang
    and Mom

  31. Those Puters are pains sometimes going fuzzy until they get a cleaning to purr like a kitten again. Very glad that Grandma is feeling better continued purrs for her.

    Madi how do we vote in this election cause I want to support you, but do not know the links to do this I wanna make sure my BFFF gets to wear the Mayoral hat.

  32. Pfffft on computers!
    glad your grandma is feeling better AND that yous aooroved your message


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi