My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 21, 2013


BLOGVILLE AUCTION STARTS TODAY, January 21, 2013, Ms. Marg, the Person at Marg's Animals is the Auctioneer
Click here to visit the auction site

January 23, 2013
Pip and Puddles' Bucket Tour
Pip will be visiting me on 
for a whirl wind date.
I plan to show him all around my fair city!!

February 1 and 2 Sarge is hosting a 
Snow event.  

February 14, 2013
Mollie and Ranger are hosting a Valentine's Ball

Here are the 1, 2, 3 rules from Mollie's blog:
1/ Grab the invite’z it’z on your blog ( tell everyone’z,more de merrier’z )
2/ Pal up wiff anuffer buddie..Youz come az a pair..DREZZED up for de BALL.
3/ Send in your enterie’z to me BELNEAMEADOW@GMAIL.COM  or to RANGER
Give your name’z and your blog..

February 15 and 16

Ring Masters are Roo, Sallie, Pip, Puddles, Frankie you may click on any of their names above for details
The Ring Masters have provided the below information for the event.
I will be hostess with the mostest for the
Contortionist Tent.  Please come back tomorrow
to read my rules for Contortionist.

THE CIRCUS is Coming to town.... Friday and Saturday    February 15 and 16
YES... the BIG TOP is COMING....... with SIDE SHOWS GALORE.... PREPARE yourselves to be Dazzled and AMAZED and filled with LAUGHTER and fine FOODABLES. 
You will need to get your TICKETS/FOLLOW this Blog... You can get there NOW.      BUT just to take a LOOK....  the circus won't actually ARRIVE there until 2/15/13  
What will be IN the BIG TOP BLOG???    ($1.00 admission for each)
Dunking Tank...
House Of Mirrors
Kissing Booth
Carnival Games
and... a Fortune Teller
AND in the SIDE SHOWS you will find    (TOTALLY FREE to All)
FUReak Show
Carnival Rides
and a Stuffie Tamer/Trainer act
                                                         COME ONE.... COME ALL....
                                                         COME Short and Come TALL
And the best PAWt... besides the FUN and Food... will be that you will be able to LEND a PAW to help some of our Beloved Furends... Admission to the BIG TOP events will have a very small Fee... and the FUNds Collected will be going to help Sallie Marie... and Turien... and Marg.
BUTT WAIT.... there IS More.... see we know that FUNds are not real easy to come by... and sooooo we are gonna give you totally FREE admission to All of the SIDE SHOW attractions... Just fur lending as much help as you can. It is gonna be the BIGGEST and BESTEST BARGAIN in all of Blogville's HISTORY...
Isn't that the most EXCITING Thing EVER??? Now we know you are wondering... WHO is putting all this ON??? Well folks here is the list of Cast and CREW... with blog addys for each...
          BIG TOP   CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS    ( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA
Dunk Tank by Puddles
Contortionists by Mayor Madi
Carnival GAMES by Roo
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally
          SIDE SHOW    Attraction Events...      FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon
Carnival RIDES by Sallie
Stuffie Tamer by Frankie F.
Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT
                Friday FEBRUARY 15th. and Saturday FEB. 16th.
DEADLINE NOTICE.... SOME... not all events will need for you to send a picture...or leave a special comment on the HOST's Own blog.... the individual hosts will let you know what is needed from YOU
           Friday         FEBRUARY 1st. 
      PeeS........   there will be MUCH MORE information coming your way....    in FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS....    There will be a Give AWAY and a BIG... MYSTERY to help solve..
   STAY TUNED... and be ready to be   DAZZLED and AMAZED  TRULY ENTERTAINED.


  1. Holy moley the circus sounds like it is going to be the most pawsomely, amazing fun!!

    Have a grreat Monday Mayoress Madi,
    Wally & Sammy

  2. Woof! Woof! Busy Feb month for Bogville. Big changes going on with us on Feb ... Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. I think it's great to have all these fun adventures especially in February when winter can get us a bit down. The circus is going to be amazing!


  4. Do we live in the greatest town or what?!!!!!

  5. So many exciting things goin on! You're doing a pawsome job, Diva Mayoress Madi. I hope you have a beautiful Monday. ((Hugs)) from your BFFF, Prancer Pie.

  6. Oh my, there are so many exciting events for February. We are going to check on each and every one. This is a wonderful service you provide Mayor Madi.
    Is there a wrestling event any where? Georgia and Adam are doing just that on Mama's desk right now!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  7. So much happening! It's going to be a great year.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Miss Madi, Look like you are so Busy !!!!
    Thanks for all news ; )

    Miss Madi, Don't tell my mom, O.K. ? Of course, I do eat 'snacks' when I'm out walking about the 'hood ; )

  9. very fantastic post,I am really apperciate you for sharing this great post,It,s extermelly good and very helpful for me..

  10. Wow! That's a lot of events in the next couple of weeks.

  11. Wow Blogville is a busy place. Have a marvelous Monday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. What a lot of happenings!!!Have a super day Madi!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  13. I thinks I already needs me a nap and I just woked up!
    Sooooooo, is you gonna take us to dat burger joint you was tauntin' us bout? I is so giddy with excitement to come sees apologies in advance fur my parkin'. I don't park so well.


  14. Oh so much events ... think I need a day planner now ;o)...or a blogville "daily news" ? Have a wonderful Mayor-Monday ;o)

  15. Oh Madi, what a wonderful Febuary'z wez gonna have, so much fun going on :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  16. Oh I do like this Monday Mews. This is terrific. And we are thrilled to be part of the circus. We hope to be able to do something to help. The circus looks terrific and so do all the other events. Puddles and Pip are coming to visit us too in Feb. It is all going to be so much fun. Hope all of you have a great day.

  17. Chomp, chomp, chomp, slurp ...Madi, Puddles and I are having a wonderful time in Greenville, but don't you worry we will be up to visit you real soon!

    There are SO MANY fun events going on head in spinning, better have another burger.

    Your pal, Pip

  18. So many activities, so little time. It's gonna be a fun, fun time here in Blogville. There's so much to do!

    We hope that Puddles and Mr. Pip are staying out of trouble. We better go check on them now to see what they are up to.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. See you are being kept busy mate! Deccy x

  20. That is a lot to keep up with, Madi! Such exciting mews :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  21. Better rest up, LLS Madi! February is a really full month for you.

    Laila, your LLS

  22. There sure is lots going on! That Circus sounds like fun too, but when I first read it I thought Puddles was going to be in the Drunk Tank!

  23. Well now MAYOR MADIson.... your Paws are already WET... as Peeps like to say.. Your Mayorship is obviously starting off... in a HOOOOGE WAY. We hope you realize that, as Blogville's Leader, you are gonna be even BIZZIER than that PAWverbial Cat on a hot tin roof.

  24. I love your new header Mayor Madi. Blogville is such a busy place these days.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  25. Wow, Blogville is a very happening place!

    Keep Calm & Bark On

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Madi, what an exciting month we have coming!!! I am so excited!!

    Loveys Sasha

  27. Thank you again for donating your beautiful scarves for our auction today. And the upcoming circus! You are so generous and sweet!


  28. Wow, there sure is a lot going on!! We better rest up so we're ready to pawticipate!

  29. Looks like February is going to be a very busy month.

  30. There is so much fun a-paw! :D

    I'll be back tomorrow Madi to find out what I need to do to become a contortionist! Ya think I better find a good Chiropractor to stand by? ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  31. Wowie that is a very hectic schedule!

  32. Blogville is very busy, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  33. OMD! My head hurts! Sooo much goin' on, I don't know whats to do furst!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi