My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 20, 2014

POTP for Puddles and FLOWER FRIDAY


Needs some purrs and woofs she

had an accident in her yard earlier this 

week.  Please click here to leave her 

some love and a few cheetos.

Today I'm joining my long time gal pal Dory from

Flower Friday...

You might recall a few weeks ago we had tree monkeys 
in  our yard cutting down trees.  Dad asked them to leave
the stump to one tree about 2' high.
He said it would be purrfect for this planter.
We have red Salvia  in it because the hummers like salvia
and we have variegated Ajuga flowing over the front.
This spot can be seen from our dining room table.

If you missed the tree monkey madness, click here

Mom will be MIA this afternoon...
the Jersey Boys movie opens today and she will be
first in line to see it.   She is a 4 Seasons fanny!!


  1. Oh that is a neat idea to use that stump like that. Glad the hummers have some red flowers. Hope you all have a great day and can stay cool.

  2. Great idea and it looks well neat. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Good idea Dad. Love how you have the dish planted.

  4. What a fantastic viewing station for birdies! That is brilliant. Great choice of plants too.

  5. Madi, your Dad is clever in keeping the stump for a plant stand. The hummingbirds will go crazy over the Salvia!! And you can watch them from the dining room like another channel on TV!!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  6. OUR momma has a tree stump that her son n law took the bark off of and she has a concrete leaf on it, it looks cool, we are waiting on the trillion zinna seeds that momma planted this year to bloom.
    stella rose

  7. At least those monkeys were worth something
    Lily & Edward

  8. Wow.... I missed your tree monkeys post and just read it. We had tree monkeys too but no biggy cranes. They are amazing to watch. Mom was nervous the whole time dey were at my house. But... not to worry... dey really are pros.
    Pees..... I like your new planter.

  9. It's a great plae for a planter! amd you have a memory in your garden now. good idea! I hope your mom has a great time while watchen this great movie, maybe she can write a short review if it was good? I feel sorry for dear Puddles, her battle wound looks scary. I hope she feels better soon ...

  10. i just love that planter on the stump. and poor puddles, what and awful thing to happen. i left him hugs.

  11. We are glad the tree monkey ones are gone. Mom will have fun, our Mom and Dad saw the broadway production and they loved it. We will go visit Puddles now.

  12. Such pretty flowers, Madi. I will surely pop over to Puddles to give her some well wishes and cuddles. OH, my Ma saw The Jersey Boys musical and she said it was really good. I hope the same can be said for the movie!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  13. We saw Puddles and can't believe the trouble she got into. That looks terrible so we crossed our paws for her to heal quickly and well! That stump looks very nice!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Brilliant idea to use the stump as a planter "stand". :)

    Poor Puddles! Thank you for letting us know. We'll go over and send her some healing purrs.

  15. We couldn't believe that horrible wound on Puddles! We just left her the POTP.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. That Puddles! how does she get into such messes! we have sent some pug POTP
    Great idea for the stump!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  17. Didn't know it was a movie....missed the maybe SHE'll be able to see the movie.

    Your Dad has the bestest ideas. The Hummers will be coming from all over to enjoy those flowers.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  18. We'll keep the purr machines on high for Puddles. That's a nasty look hurty.

    The flowers in your yard are sooo beautiful! We had a Royal Palm that they cut down and left the stump like that. Mom STILL hasn't gotten any flowers on it.

    Madi, would you like to join me at the Sock Hop at Scouts? We have lots of time, it's not until July 11. We can spend some time picking out our outfits and planning our date! I hope you say yes.

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids
    ps - Mom is a Jersey GIRL and is planning on seeing Jersey Boys on Sunday ;)

  19. That is a good idea to leave the stump. It looks good.

  20. Oh, i passed out when I saw Puddles injury!! Yikes!!!! Paws crossed for our little felon....hehehe
    I loves that planter!! I thinks your Pops needs to give Ma lessons on how NOT to dead's a graveyard around here!!
    Ruby ♥

  21. I just visited Puddles and I almost pooped. I am crossing paws and heading over with cheetos and beer which will cure anything. Mommy and Daddy want to see that movie too, when Daddy feels up to it. I hope your Mommy had fun.

    Loveys Sasha

  22. We like the stand the tree monkies left for your dad. Poor Puddles sure did a good job this time.

  23. Your Mom's tushy encompasses the Four Seasons!?!?!

  24. What a pawsum view. Wees be purrayin' fuw Puddles. You's of course bootyful as always Madi. Hav a Pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'


  25. Thanks for letting us know about Puddles - POTP!

  26. We let Puddles know we are sending our POTP so awful...ouch!! and we love Salvias :) we have all colours here they are my faves Madi hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  27. We send purrs to your sweet friend and hope hers recovers quickly.

    We like your red flowers and hope your mom has a great time at the movie!

  28. What beautiful flowers Madi!! Thankls for sharing them and being a part of this weeks Flower Friday!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi