My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 13, 2015


We are so happy to be able to share this very special post today
This moment, See Beautiful
Our host is 

Mayorz Murphy and Stanley invited
us to pawticipate in a blog hop today all about 
love.  We were asked to write a piece on 
"Why Cats are as lovable as Dogs".

This is my blog I get to go first.
I'll start with one of my favorite quotes:
Women and cats (Bingo,I'm a cat and woman) will do as they please. Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
Robert A. Heinlein

I, Madi(son) D. Cat am quite sure I am as lovable as a dog!
How do I know this?  We'll that is easy.  I am fortunate to have 87 dog friends.  They tell me I am lovable.  Dogs are smart

I'll start with one of my favorite quotes:

I had been told the training procedure with cats was difficult.  
It's not true...mine had me trained in two days!
Bill Dana

I, Mom of Madi, the Diva Cat, have a very deep and dark confession.  I was raised with D O G S....never ever any C A T S
in my life until I met my dear sweet husband...who was raised with C A T S.  So I think  I have enough experience to speak on this subject. Thanks to his love of felines, I, too, learned
quickly how loving and sweet they are; however, they are often 

Many feline traits are misconstrued for snobbery.  I'd like to break this down into a few obvious categories.

1. Greetings of love:
Nine times out of ten cats do not greet you as enthusiastically as dogs.  They (because they want to be the center of attention) wait until you have entered the house, removed you coat and your hands are free then they come sashaying in the room, circling around your legs, purr boxes turned on high you feel the love.

2. Body language
-Did you know when a cat blinks at you it is a sign of affection. You should immediately return the blink slowly.

I love you Mom, now will you feed me?

They  are saying I love you now where is my food.
-When a cat's tail is flying high in the shape of a ? (question mark) that is a sign of confidence and friendliness.
Cat tail trivia:  Mine is 10" long

I know this because one of my kitty friends at
has a 14" tail.We were asked to measure our tail.

-Cats mainly speak Felinese but they have several dialects.
b.Loving dialect:
The gentle squeak of a meow is music to their owner's ears.
It means all is well in their world and their furbabes are happy.
Then there is the you are in trouble but I love you anyway dialect: very long drawn out high pitched meeeeeoooooowww.  It always means their staff has not done something in at timely fashion. 
Song of their people: this is reserved for trips in the car and is spoken 1st soprano and often continues when they return home.
c. Sign language: Kneading
Did you know cats are superb bakers? Yep you haven't lived until you have had a cat in your lap lovingly making biscuits. This is the up and down movement they make with their front paws as if kneading dough.  They learn this motion as kittens.  When nursing, it helps their mom's milk flow quickly. It is all about food all the time.
d. Now for our personal experience of love from our sweet Madi.
Madi's dad and I know she loves us but in different ways.  She has Morning rituals she only shares with her Dad. At least 3 days a week she sits on the bathroom counter while he shaves and stays there through out his shower.  All she gets in return is lots of loving strokes and her Dad has secret conversations with her.
On the mornings she is not with her Dad, Madi sits by my left hand while I eat breakfast.  She is always purring and is always head butting my hand for a noggin rub.  Now the return for this loving action is always a few CheeriOs.  When Madi's Dad and I are both upstairs working on our individual hobbies, Madi sits smack dab in the middle of the hall so she can see both of us....and every so often she will move to a sun puddle or check on us to make sure we are ok not doing something fun that she might need to snoopervise.


One must love a cat on its own terms
Paul Gray

Not bad for an old gray mare and
a Senior Diva Cat!!


  1. Can you believe that the second Gail finished reading this interesting post, she reached for a tape measure, rudely pushed me onto my feet (I had been snoozing lightly on my bed) and PULLED my tail straight - most uncomfortable - to measure its full length? Thanks for nothing Maid's Mom!
    Toodle pip!
    PS Eight inches, if you are interested.

  2. SHE grew up with dogs and CATS. Most of the relatives in the US have cats. We don't know any cats personally, so we enjoy barking at them.

  3. oh i so agree... cats are as wonderful as dogs... and they are our soulmates without jumping, barking and licking our face. they can say "i'm there for you" with a look of their eyes, or with a purr.... or even with just being on our side... and therefore we love cats :o)
    easy rider

  4. No cats here but like all house mates they have their place in the hearts of all pet owners. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Since we have a woofie brofur it's easy for us to show that we're as loving as he is. Raz loves to make biscuits in Mom's neck in the morning!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  6. Dogs and cats do show their love differently and that is a good thing. They both show their love but in their own little ways. They are both great animals. You all have a great Friday.

  7. We do not have cats anymore because mama has asthma and also found out she is allergic to cats. We are so glad you joined the hop today Madi!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  8. Hari OM
    Well, you know only too well that I take no convincing on this score... you only have to read about The J's to know that I had a special trio - cuz there was a Giant Agouti in our mix at first. Jasper cat's tail was a magnificent 11.5 inches - I only know that because of his big adventure early in life and the vet took all his vitals! Never measured Jade's - it was always spinning like a windmill and it was the one part she never liked to be touched.

    This was a wonderful and lovely and BEAUTIFUL post Madi and mum!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. pee ess - so you don't miss it, there is a special post HERE today... Yxx

  9. since i have never been owned by a cat, this is very enlightening. hubby was raised with dogs and cats and is one of the rare species that loves them both equally.. i see that you have inspired others to measure their tales... MOL MOL... i might even measure Jakes. he is the opposite of you, his tale wags like mad instead of standing up ... means the same thing.

  10. Thank you for seeing beautiful with us. Your simple contribution to hopping along allowed us to make another $5 donation to The Lantern House homeless shelter in Goose's honor. Happy seeing beautiful!

  11. That is all good information. Madi is a blessing to you and Dad.

    Happy, happy weekend!

  12. Concats on your 2000th post! Wowza!
    What a wonderful post it is, too.
    Sending you lots of ::slow blinks:: from your besties at Angel Prancer Pie.

  13. CONGRATULATIONS on your 2,000th Post.... Holy CATfish Madi that is a GIANT milestone...
    Now as 2 of your 87 dawg furends... we can truly attest to the fact that you ARE very MUCH Lovable ♥ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    WE also remember that it was like 87 weeks before we even REALIZED that you were a CAT.
    This is a marvelous post... it helps to break down the crazy notions that folks have about you Kitties...
    OMC OMC your tail is 10 inches long???????? THAT is Stunning.
    When you tell someone to "TALK TO THE TAIL" that must be a LONG conversation.

  14. Have a delicious weekend!
    ConCats for 2000th posts!!!

  15. Happy 2000th post Madi and Mom! I love love LOVE this post. Cats are misunderstood. I love what you write about them. All of our kitties were very loving and sought our attention.. all in their different ways. Our last kitty, Z Cat, she was my heart cat and she was always there for me. I think she and I were meant to be... she found me at a time when I needed her. Sweet post Madi and Mom ♥

  16. Hmmmm...I guess some cats are okay. Although I still don't enjoy my neighborhood cats that poo in my yard and pee on my car, I realize that it is their owners that deserve the full brunt of my wrath. You are definitely one sweet kitty, Madi. I love the rituals you have with your humans. :)

  17. Whoohoo! Mile Stone: 2,000th Post!!
    I have often thought cats are as loving as dogs, had both while growing up!
    Cats just display affection more discreetly than dogs!
    Very nice post, Madi and Mom!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  18. Oh I know cats are lovable. You are the perfect example.

  19. Wow, go figure! We didn't even know this was "why cats are as loveable as dogs" day, but we STILL posted a rare picture of my kitty brother being adorable. BOL!

  20. And we thought you were part doggy all along!
    Lily & Edward

  21. Wow 2000 posts!!!! That's incredible. What else is incredible is your kitty love for your mom and dad. You are such a sweet girl Madi.

  22. Oh Madi we gobbled up every word and so enjoyed your posting today. Those are all wonderful ways in which our cats love us. Our Mom grew up with only dogs but when she was small every summer they would go visit Granny who lived in the country and who had barn cats and KITTENS every year I got to play with kittens. Concats on this being your 2000th post that in and of itself is an amazing feat!!! We look forward to the next 2000. Happy Friday.

  23. Madi, I have never doubted for a second that you were not loveable!!! I love you bunches and bunches. Happy 2000th post. Woohooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Loveys Sasha

  24. WOw 2000 posts!!!! amazing!!!! Mom had cats many years ago, she said cats were easier than having a dog, when her human kids were smaller. But then she got her first pug and the rest is history. We love our cat friends!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  25. We loved reading all about the way you cats express yourselves Madi, very different from dogs but sweet and loving all the same.
    Dip and Elliot x

  26. That sure was a wonderful post pretty Madi!

  27. Lightning has a LONG tail - we are going to have to do some measuring too:)

    Such a LOVE-filled post. Happy Valentine's Day weekend from all of us.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  28. What a GREAT post Madi!! If you're an "old gray mare" then so am I and aren't we having a fabulous time??? I say if it's this grand when we're old then who needs to be young again right????? Happy Almost Valentine's Day!

    Love, Sammy

  29. Concats on your 2000th post Madi, and a great one it is too.

  30. 2,000 posts?!? Are you pulling the cat fur over my eyes?!? That is amazing, Madi! My Ma was raised with d-o-g-s but her aunt has a cat, Numbnuts (the name is 100% appropriate) and he is the first cat that Ma learned how to LOVE. He would give her headbutts all the time and then purr, purr, purr. Even I love some cats...the ones at our friends house...they are my great buddies. But YOU, dearest Madi, are my favorite cat friend!

  31. madi !!! how total lee rockin awesum iz it.... that yur tail act shoo a lee rited down & said....hi ya mom !!! thiz iz SEW kewl...R tails haz never speeked ore rited down werdz !! high paws !!!

    happee heartz day oh love two everee one N heerz two a topminnow & trumpetfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  32. How could anyone think that we cats aren't lovable! Preposterous!!! Madi, you and your mom both make some wonderful points.

  33. This was very interesting for us as we do not have a cat! And we never knew about the blinking either!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. Congratulations on 2,000 posts!!! That is fantastic!

  35. BOL!!!! OMD, Madi by Diva Pal, this postie made me MOL!!! I loves it! I thinks you are more snuggly than I am!!! (okays, that isn't hard to do..i really don't snuggle, I wrastle, butts you get my point!) AND, no slobbers!!!! okays, that is Ma's observation..not mine. I thinks slobbers are a nice accessory. Just sayin'.
    CONGRATS on your 2000 postie!!!!! OMD!!!!! You guys ROCK!
    Ruby ♥

  36. CONCATS on your 2000th post!!!!! That is Fantastic!!!!! It is the purrfect post too :) Thank you for sharing all this wisdom. I love all my woofie friends too.
    Luvs you guys!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi