My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sasha, my friend.....

It is with a very heavy heart that Mom and I prepared this post.
Our dear sweet friend Chef Sasha ran off to the Rainbow Bridge today, June 14, 2015 ~ 3 pm.

We hardly know where to start except to say we have known Sasha and her Mom since 2009.
Sasha loved everybuddy.  She sent the best greeting cards and was quick to cross her paws for all in need 

She always MADE A HUGE EFFORT to attend all Blogville Events and prepare the best post full of the most delectable food.  
I borrowed several pictures from Sasha blog.  She had big plans for the Blogville 
Rodeo and was working hard to get her Chuck Wagon full.

I was thrilled to have Sasha join me in 'friends ME-ssage during Girls night out.  We had such fun.  

MADI and SASHA after their ''friends ME-ssage" enjoying some Aromatherapy by the fire in the Lounge
These gal pals are about to nod off too!!  

She was fearless, she loved her green dinosaur,  it didn't 
bother her that he was as big as she was. He was a friend with a smile and she loved him.  
Sasha love Bubbles and was always first to send out a Bubble message to anyone in need. She put special messages in them like
Peace, hug, sunshine, happy, comfort kisses, love and blessings.

Sasha will be in my heart always and I will never forget her quick smile and sweet, gentle 
nature.  Sasha run free my sweet girl....until we meet again...
With love Madi your best feline friend furever!!
Sweet friend
Adored by Everybuddy
Sorely missed
Her star will shine brightly forever
Anne's best friend

Please click here to leave a message of comfort for Sasha's


  1. Such a lovely tribute to Sasha. We are so sorry your dear Friend has made her trip over the Rainbow Bridge. We know you will see her again. Till then we give you hugs, love and kitty kisses with understanding.

  2. This is so heartbreaking. Blogvile has lost a wonderful furiend today but she will always remain in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved her.

  3. We were just thinking last week about all the kind acts Sasha did in the last few weeks - we seemed to see her sending a card or a pressie all over Blogville - maybe she knew and this was her last opportunity to do some more kind deeds - that kindness seems to be the essence of Sasha and her Mom Anne. We too are just so very sad - Sasha always found a way to bring love and joy to us.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom

  4. We have just come from Sasha's blog. First we saw this morning. We are heart-broken. It was so sudden (at least for us) unless we missed something. Such a shock.

  5. We didn't know Sasha but are sending you comforting purrs and prayers,

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  6. What a BEAUTIFUL Tribute to our BELOVED TOP CHEF... Sasha was our furend fur YEARS and will be in our HEARTS FOREVER...

  7. That was a fantastic tribute to Sasha.. This is all way too sad.

  8. We didn't know Sasha, but we went and gave condolences! She was a very sweet woofie and a good friend to you and so many! So sorry, Madi xoxox

  9. This was such a shock, I was so upset to hear that she has crossed the rainbow bridge, you have done such a wonderful tribute to her, she will always be in our hearts and forever remembered as the best cook Blogville has ever seen! Run free Sasha and enjoy being reunited with all of those from Blogville who have crossed that bridge before you! Thank you Madi for the memories we all know and share here! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

  10. What a beautiful tribute for beautiful Sasha. She was one special girl and our heart are breaking for her mom.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. This is so sad. We will miss her very very much. She was the bestest chef ever.

  12. Sasha left us so many wonderful lessons. She taught us how to love!

    Your Pals,


  13. Sasha left us so many wonderful lessons. She taught us how to love!

    Your Pals,


  14. A lovely tribute to darling adorable Sasha, she will be very much missed by all in blogsville
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  15. That was so sweet Madi,
    We are all saddened by this and will miss her. She was a friend to everyone.

    Diana and Oreo

  16. Hari OM
    Bless you Madi for making such a beautiful tribute... I had barely begun to know Sasha properly and am shocked and saddened as are all by this news - though none can feel it is much has her own peep... huggies. YAM-aunty xxx

  17. That was pawsome Madi & Mom! Our furend will always be remembered by so many. She was one of the BEST!! Our hearts are so heavy tonight.....

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. That was such sweet tribute to beautiful Sasha and we are sure sorry to hear such sad news.

  19. We will miss her. She made the bestest food in blogville! She always made us smile. Run free sweet Sasha.

  20. Thank you for letting us know. I have left a message of sympathy. I'm so very sorry.

  21. What a beautiful tribute to our Sweet Sasha.

  22. We have been in shock since we read this earlier. We will always remember our Sweet Chef Sasha
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  23. Crikey Madi ...... such sad news. We didn't know Sasha was not well so it came as a big shock to us.

  24. We're sorry to hear about your furiend Sasha.

  25. I couldn't believe what I read today in the morning... what sad news... I will always remember the sweet shi-tzu girl...
    easy rider

  26. my heart hurts for Anne, and this is a purrfect tribute to Sasha, the dog who loved cats...

  27. We saw this when momma turned on the computer this morning, it made Monday hard, and momma is trying to not cry at work. We are hurting for Anne and her family....stella rose

  28. We were so sad to hear about Sasha. She will be missed by everyone.
    Dip and Elliot x

  29. This is a very beautiful tribute, and every word you said it true.
    Sashy was part of our life and will be forever.

  30. I'm sorry you lost your friend Madi.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi