My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Today's poem is brought to you by the letter 
When I came to live here I learned all about ...
I am told I was a bit of a hand full.  I often heard Milky-Way (the first feline of the family) never did this or that.  I was adventurous from day one. I was my own girl still am and I marched to a different drummer. 

Love learns to be flexible
Love opens your humans eyes to new things
Love is victorious over of all things 
(even when caught red pawed in a big cold machine)
Love is for an eternity

Mom here:  As a kitten, Madi conquered every surface of the house in her first 6 months.  Everything conquered was here with our first cat but he never tried any.
The best of her conquests were:
1. jumped on the Grandfather clock.
Madi's route was to get on the 7th step from the bottom, calculate a perfect jump through the stair rails to the top of the clock.  We could not move the clock so we wrapped it in a quilt secured with duct tape.  It stayed that way for several month.
2. she walked across the mantle to get to the top of the 8' secretary where she sat until her Dad came home.  When he walked in the door she let out the most victorious MEOW.  And she had been chewing on the finial. Again we could not move the mantle but we set the white chair (shown in 8/28/16 post) in the middle of the family room.  
3. any chance she got she would hop up in the fridge too.  And had a hissing fit when the door was closed.  


  1. So sorry I haven't been around much! It's been hard to keep up with everyone. We *may* be moving again soon so it has been busy. BUT, we love you! Maddie, Mommy, and BabyBelle

  2. Wow, you were quite the wild one as a kitten, Madi!

  3. Hari OM
    Crikey Madi, you sure got those peeps dancing to your tune!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. hahaha you wanted to hop in the fridge? probably the opinions about a cat in the fridge were DIVAriCATed :o)

  5. Madi you have been a "live wire" since you came to live with your Mom and Dad....and I know they have loved every minute of your spirit of adventure (even the finial chewing!). You GO girl!!! I love your poem - and I wrote about LOVE today too for my poem............something we know all about right?

    Love, Sammy

  6. Oh Madi, bet you were fun to watch do all those tricks. Good for you to keep the Mom and Dad busy fixing everything. You all have a great day.

  7. yes to one spoiled cat and this is hilarious as long as I was not there. MOL friends cat Moses was like this, she could not have a plant or a tree or a Christmas tree. I said lets go buy a lighted wreathe and hang it over the desk. HA... she could not have that either. Moses liked to sleep on the back of the sofa. when unsuspecting visitors sat on the sofa, he would run across the back and leap on the shoulder. did not hurt just STARTLED the person. love the pic in the fridge

  8. You are a fine ladycat, and we luff your adventurous spirit.

  9. Madi was so cute!!!! Raz is proud of his gal's adventurous spirit!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  10. I love that picture. You owned Mom and Dad from the 1st meow.

  11. We think our Grandpa's new kitty, Holly, may be related to you Miss Madi. Mom says she gets into everything, on top of everything and likes to climb all over Grandpa, like he's a jungle gym.
    Wally & Sammy

  12. I think you and my kitty sister Pigeon would get along, Madi. She loves to climb and spends most of her time up on the TOPS of the kitchen cabinets!

  13. OH my gosh Madi, just the other day Henri got into the refrig on the bottom shelf and dad did not even KNOW he tried to find him and just happened to think about the refrig. and opened the door and there he must have a talk with him. stella rose

  14. Wow Madi, you had some great accomplishments and at a very early age! No wonder you twerk so well! You are a finely developed feline!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Oh my goodness Madi! you were a wild child HA HA!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. TeeHeeHee...You started early, Madi!! BOL!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. we LOVEZ yur antics..yur wee kitten fotoz & yur poem two day madi...high pawz two ewe .... ♥♥♥

  18. Well, Madi, you must have had springs in your kitty paws - you were quite the jumper:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  19. Are you sure you're not part Terrier, Madi?!☺

  20. Sounds like Madi should have been a mountain climber or a circus acrobat. Make that acro-cat

  21. Great poem Madi, you are very loved.

  22. Oh Madi, you were just being a cat. It's good you are loved so much...but then, why wouldn't you be?? :

  23. You really are such a love sweet Madi and we all love you!

  24. Madi, Thanks fur sharing with your furends! You have a grrreatpersonality!
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  25. Madi, I love a kitty with a bit of attitude! Your poem is sweet!

  26. HA ROO ROO ROO!!!! Oh, I love it, Madi! And that pic of you getting into the fridge --- are you part Siberian?!!?
    We are totally BFFs!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi