My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

We would like to thank Dory and her bros for hosting the wonderful
Treats for Shelters Blog hop. Also we would like to thank everyone who joined out comment a thon
yesterday.  As of 9:30 pm last night, there were 26 comments...we pledged $1.00 per comment to be donated to Robeson Co. Animal Shelter in St. Paul's, NC. You can check out our post on 10/30/16 to read all about it.  The peeps added $4.00 to the total.  We will be sending a check to the Shelter for $30.00
Hugs Madi and Mom


My guy Raz and I hope to see you over at Dory's Halloween Bash today
My guy Raz is so funny.  We have an Italian theme.
Raz entered at costume contest click here...we are not sure how long the 
voting goes on but if you can please scroll down 'til you see his photo and vote!!

Here are a  few other costumes your might see me in too!!

OH  MY CATS, Raz's most talented Mom, Sharon, made a MeowOween Jib Jab
of  Raz, Gracie, Sammy, Mau, Allie and Me.
Click the  below link to be ENTERTAINED.
ps there might be just an itty bitty kitty twerking too.
Thanks Ms. Sharon...I love it
Hugs Madi


  1. Happy Halloween Madi! Have a great night with Raz!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh that was super(freak) card!!! You be sure to have lots of thrills tonight! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I love your tasty clawstumes!!! Happy Howl-o-ween :O)

  4. A very Happy Halloween to you and your family Madi. You all have a great day.

  5. Great job helping the shelters! Wishing you happy howling!

  6. How fun to help the shelters for Halloween! Hope your family has a pawesome Halloween with all treats and no tricks!

  7. that is one scary witch in the jib jab and you make a precious punkin... Happy Howl a ween..

  8. Oh Madi we are so out of the loop. I'm sorry to miss your comment-a-thon! You're wonderful to use your blog to help shelter pets. And I'll check out the blog hop at Dory's to see if it's too late to join. Toby's giving me the stink-eye already for missing her Halloween party. I'm really in the doghouse now, no Halloween treats for me this year!
    All your costumes are fetching Miss Madi. Happy Halloween!

  9. Happy Halloween Madi and well done to your peeps for their kind donation for the shelter pets. Have a pawsome day - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  10. OH Madi, don't get near me in that Pizza Costume. I might take a bite out of you. I have not had pizza since I've been on the diet again. You are in mortal danger!

  11. OMD, Madi, I love your Italian theme! You both look grreat.

  12. Love the costumes, you look spooktacular!
    Happy Halloween 🎃
    Elliot and Cricket x

  13. Beautiful costumes!!! Have the best Halloween ever you and you family, Madi!!!!!

  14. OH SQUIRRELS ALIVE... does this mean that you will be TWERKING again???? Well, what would a Blogville Bash BE... without Your Twerking???
    OMD OMC the idea of making Howl O Ween be a GIVING to the less Fortunate is such a Wonderful thingy... We went to a Pawty yesterday and took 4 cans of CAT FOOD fur our Admission .. and gave some green Papers also...
    Giving is GOOD... BRAVO Well Done.
    and HAPPY HOWL O WEEN to you..
    See you at the Big Bash...

  15. That's wonderful that you and your peeps will be donating to the shelter, Madi! You are very generous. Happy Halloween!

  16. LOVE your Sassy photo. Happy Happy Halloween. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  17. Happy Halloween! We are having fun at Dory's party today.

  18. Great job on the costumes!!! Bet you and Raz are having a spooktacular good time.

    Happy Howloween.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. That's wonderful. Those pups will be excited. Hope they get some treats with that. Your mom still uses cheques?

  20. I addressed your Dad's package to the addy that was on the Christmas Card list last year. I will post it tomorrow. E-mail me if you have moved O.K.
    That is a nice gift for the Robeson Co. Animal Shelter. Pizza sounds good about now.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  21. See you at the Pawty Madi
    Happy Halloween
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  22. Great job on the commentathon- that was sweet of you and your folks. Happy Halloween!

  23. happee howl o ween madi; we iz sew D late in gettin heer iz D neer all most bass terd burd day ~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  24. You and Raz look great! Happy Halloween!

  25. This was the bestest Halloween ever!! Well, excet for the whole "Arty is Lost in the Maze" thing BOL!!
    Happy Halloween Smileys!

  26. Happy Halloween! We sure make a super couple!!! Glad you liked the JibJab

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  27. Madi, you are such a pretty little pizza!! BOL :)

    Wyatt and Tegan

  28. Happy Howel-ween Grrl Furrend!!!Woo! Hoo!!!
    Your Jib Jab made mes blush!!!
    Thanks for being part of my Pumpkin Patch this year! It would not has been the same without yous!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi