My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Shelter Stories

We are pawticipaing in Dory's blog hop this weekend.

In early October,  Hurricane Matthew destroyed many small cities in North Carolina.
Robeson Co. Animal Shelter took in many of the pets and there are still at least
100 dogs, cats and assorted other pets/animals waiting for their owners.  Many owners lost everything and are looking for new places to live.  The shelter will tend to these pets until their owners return for them.  Volunteers from different states came in to help at a Shelter in
St. Pauls, NC.  Look at these faces
ASPCA volunteer from Texas playing with a dog at the St. Paul's Shelter

These sweet kitties were evidently abandoned when their families fled the flood waters
They are at the St. Paul's Shelter too

We will donate $1.00 per comment to the Robeson Co. Animal Shelter beginning at 9 pm 10/29/16 until 9:30 pm  10/30/16
We will announce our total on Monday 10/31/16

Shelter animals in our lives...are my nephew, Frisco and niece, Mia...
their stories are not connected to a storm.  However, like all shelter animals Frisco and Mia were surrendered for some reason to the local Animal Shelter.  They were all alone and wondering WHY.  Now they live lives of feline royalty!! Here are their stories
In mid September of 2015 SIS and BIL decided they needed to start looking for a new
fur baby to love.  There are several rescue facilities in their county and unfortunately a kill animal shelter that will keep stray kitties for ONLY a short time. Sis heard that one of the shelters was having an off site adoption event.  Sis had in her mind her 3rd cat would be a black cat.  So off they go to check out the kitties.  This particular shelter periodically goes to the kill animal shelter several times a month just to see if there are kitties there that they can take to one of their events.
Lo and behold there was a 2 month old black kitten there who was absolutely adorable...
and there was a very handsome ginger kitty there who was estimated to be about one year old.
Sis was torn between the two. She knew most folks wanted kittens.  She found out that adoption event was this kitty's last chance for adoption. He was going to be returned to the animal shelter that afternoon. SIS and BIL came home with this handsome fellow who now lives a life of luxury and love!!  Frisco fit right into their life and wove his handsome (big) paws around their hearts.


 Fast forward to November 14, 2015.  Once again SIS and BIL 
went to a rescue event...Mia, a Tortie,  had the same story as with Frisco she was selected by the rescue facility from the kill shelter in hopes of finding her a home.  That day all  of the cats there were older and their window of opportunity for adoption was about to close.  It was estimated that Mia was close to  1 1/2 years and she had been surrendered to the shelter by her former owners.  The rescue facility could not understand why she was surrendered because she was so very sweet and loving. This is the first photo SIS sent mom of Mia....Mom told Sis Mia looked like  
Queen of the house already and she had been there a few hours. 

SIS had never introduced a new cat to an existing cat so she wasn't really sure how long it would take
or how it would go. It went very very well  SIS said she thought both cats knew how lucky they were and could tell that they had found the purrfect home and purrfect sibling.
This was the first photo SIS sent on the day they can tell by Frico's gaze that it was 
love at first sight for him....and Mia was purrty happy to have his love too

September 2016 was Frisco's 1st anniversary in his furever home.
November 14th of this year will be Mia's 1st anniversary.
They absolutely love each other to bits.  They groom each other and when resting they are always touching.  Frisco is much larger than Mia...she is very tiny and petite but Mia rules the house with a soft paw

Mia is quite the acrobat probably due to her small frame and weight (about 8 1/2 lbs.)
Her airborne abilities are amazing.
Frisco is in total awe of her abilities and has yet to figure out  how she does it.
which is probably good since he is very tall with long legs and weighs close to 13 lbs.
Thank you for taking the time to read the rescue stories of Frisco and Mia they agree with 
Adopt Cats we deserve it!!
Today is the last day of.......

Dory is holding her Second Annual Blog Hop/Fundraiser
 from October 28, 29 and October 30th(Friday through Sunday). They will be donating $1 for everyone who links up to the hop with your Halloween post letting them know how you have helped (or plan on helping) a shelter near you! That's right, just show how you are enjoying Halloween and how you helped (or are going to help) a shelter near you and link up to the hop.


  1. What grreat ways to help kitties! Frisco and Mia sure won the kitty lottery, didn't they?

  2. The perfect fit and match made by powers beyond our understanding. We love a story with a happy ending and we wish all kitties could have the same outcome. Kudos to you Madi for pitching in with $1.00s for the Robeson Co. Animal Shelter.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot 

  3. We loved reading Frisco and Mia's story. they are very lucky kitties and so is the Robeson Co Animal Shelter to have your help!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. Oh I love the shelter hop! We rescued Belle and she is our little miracle!!

  5. Mia and Frisco's story was awesome! And how awesome that you are having a commenthon!

  6. Love hearing about Mia and Frisco. If only all the animals in shelters could find such a perfect home. Well done to all those who try to make this happen.

  7. We hope all those cats and dogs can be reunited with their owners soon. I can't even imagine if I had to leave my dogs in a shelter for any amount of time.
    What a lovely happy ending for Frisco and Mia.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  8. Hari Om
    What a WONDFURS post you gave us today Madi!!! Truly heartfelt and heart-melting... you are doing good things; everyone doing their little bit like this makes a BIG difference. Blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty (safely back at the hutch) xxx

  9. This is all such a wonderful event for all the shelter cats. Great story about Mia and Frisco and they are so lucky to find such a great home.You all have a great Sunday.

  10. this is a truly heart warming story. I loved every word and photo.. Mia and Frisco landed in heaven.. so glad they rescued an older dog. all our dogs are rescue and we only adopted one puppy.. i like rescues of older pets because they need it and no one else will and because you know their personality when you get them. a puppy or kitten can be anything when they grow up... loved this post

  11. Happy Sunday. We wondered a lot about the animals during the flooding, what happened to them.

  12. What a nice effort to help the animals in Robeson County. We know that things there won't be "back to normal" for a VERY long time and have been worried about the pets AND people. We just loved the heart-warming stories of Mia and Frisco too - they are obviously best buddies joined at the heart!

    Love and Hugs, Sammy

  13. OMD...what a wonderful way to help all the kitties who need it, Madi!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Oh pretty Madi, I love, love, love this post and it sure made my heart smile!!! Yes, adopt cats, we deserve it!

  15. thank you for donating - the both of you (Madi and Mom) are sure a blessing to those animals!

  16. We've always had rescues (with an occasional pup). As my mom got older, who dogs were seniors adopted from the pound. It was always a win win.

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  17. You are so kind to do a commentathon for those in need.XO

  18. Frisco and Mia are very lucky to be adopted by your Sis and BIL and look very happy together. It is a lovely idea to have a commentathon for the shelter.

  19. LOVE it Madi. Wish we could have cats. SUGAR misses her Chi bff cats, Maynard & Winston - they are both adopted. What a pawsome way to help. Golden MEOWs 🐱 Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  20. What a fantastic shelter. We hope our comment is in time....

  21. Your whole ENTIRE family does wonderful things for shelters, Madi!!! We are so happy to know others who care and want to help. We know Frisco and Mia were very lucky to have found your human sister and BIL - they are both beautiful.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  22. Frisco and Mia are beautifur!
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  23. We just cannot imagine how sad the pups and kitties would feel at a shelter. We just hope they all get furever homes really fast!

    Happy Howl-o-ween From your Pals!

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Great story about Frisco & Mia - so glad the displaced pets are in a safe place ! Prayers for many happy reunions !

  25. Beautiful story about Frisco and Mia! Hopefully all the people affected by the hurricane will recover quickly and be reunited with their beloved cats and dogs soon.

  26. We missed your commenting dead lion by a few minutes but think it's a great thing you are doing. It is always sad when a natural disaster keeps peeps and pets away from each other.

  27. Thank you for sharing the heartwarming stories of those rescue cats. Hope the pets who were separated from their families in the hurricane will be reunited sooon too - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  28. Very nice thing to do. As you know I don't have internet at home so did not see this until this morning.
    Poor animals. I would hope they can be reunited with their families

    I love Mia and Frisco. Mia reminds me of a couple of ours.

  29. I missed this yesterday, so sorry... I didn't do computer stuff. Truly a sweet story about Frisco and Mia and I am so happy they have a loving home. They are both darling, I have enjoyed your posts about both of them as they settled. So nice of you to donate to the shelter. I will send a donation to the Robeson Shelter per the address on this page with a note that it is for your Commentathon!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi