My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

PSA and Wordy Wednesday

Get ready!  

Mark your calendars!  

Send in your FULL BODY, HIGH QUALITY photos (addy on badge)!

Oh friends you do not want to miss this event.  There will be so much
K-oss by so many. Send your photos to Murphy and Stanley at

Speaking of PSAs...I have one too.

Louis and Hazuzu your lovely smell mail card arrived on Monday
You Canadians smell yummy too!


My Favorite furry feathered friends

Mom's favorite bird is the male is RED and we had tons of them at our 
5 feeders during the sleet/snow event last weekend.

Miscellaneous shot of the glorious sun and blue skies on 1/10/17..
Dad happened to look up at the skylight to see this X made by two jets.
wish we had seen them do it.
(ignore the thin vertical black line on the sky light...that is the guide for the blind)


  1. Cardinals are very pretty, especially against the snpw

  2. Thanks you for the PSA event ... we will join. OMD! SNOW! Love the card. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  3. It's always fun to get stuff from furriends.

  4. Exciting!!!!
    Those Cardinal birdies are very pretty although I don't finks they haf made it over the pond
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. We love to see the red cardinals in the snow! They are so vibrant and so beautiful!

  6. Cardinals have been EVERYWHERE around our feeders too.....we love seeing the RED flashes of color in an otherwise ugly winter landscape. THanks for the info on dear Jamison's special day......AND for the Valentine's Day event too. You're always on top of things going on in Blogville Madi!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  7. Nice card. We have lots of cardinals around here too and they are great fun to see. You all have a great day.

  8. I love cardinals, too. Always fun to see the males and then find the females hiding near by.

  9. Cool capture of the X. Yes, that would have been neat seeing it actually happen.
    Happy Wednesday. Dance class tonight if the teacher can holler. She's had laryngitis.

  10. Love the cardinals! We have a herd of them too. That is a lot of feeders!

  11. the mama loves caridnals too... we sadly don't have them here... all berds are gray, brown or black... a red one would be an eyecatcher in our trees :o) Murphy and Stanley old me that there is a youngster room at that valentines pawty.... I bet it is much better than the youngster room they have at ikea :O)))

  12. the yard is just Beautiful with all that white snow. really pretty with the fence and all the dripping icicles. you look smashing on the bed to Madi... glad there is some sun coming in the sky light to create sun puddles for you

  13. Love your fabulous wintery photo's today ❤️ but thank goodness we don't have any of the white stuff! MOL

    Sweetest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  14. I would love to see a real life red cardinal. Over here, we get sparrows and starlings and sometimes a robin.

    Mara from Norway

  15. Hopefully our snow will be all gone today pretty Madi!

  16. There are lots of cardinals here in Georgia!

  17. We love cardinals too. It almost looks like you have more snow than we do!

  18. Do you remember the TV show, "The X-Files"? That jet-made x looks like something they would have had on the show!

  19. The male cardinal is so handsome. Mom's SIL loves them too and her Christmas card always has at least one cardinal on it.

    The big dance sounds like a great event.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  20. Great winter photos! We love the cardinals too :) We also really love your header, Madi ... all the different angles and views (we still think you should show your tail off more proudly ... it's splendid!!!).

  21. Your yard looks pretty with the snow. Our yard is now a mix of snow piles, ice and muck. The rain can't soak in cause the ground is frozen. Now we are supposed to get real cold again for a few days
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  22. Cardinals always seem to look more beautiful in the snow.

  23. madi...thiz post waz goin sew well, when sud den lee ~~~~~~~~~~~~☺☺☺♥♥♥

  24. We have cardinals here too. We like to watch Bird-Tv and listen to their "chirps" while they're at the feeder!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  25. We have our dancing shoes on
    Lily & Edward

  26. We have two kinds of blue jays but no cardinals in our area. Our Mom likes the birds that visit here but has decided to stop feeding them after February. Too many neighbor cats are getting them and she's the one who has to clean up the leftovers. Ugh.

  27. Cardinals go ALMOST as well with snow as we do!!!! Ha roo roo roo! Beautiful photos!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret T.

  28. Madi, Your card from mas! and me arrived so late, but at least you got it befur NEXT Christmas! I hope to see you at Murphy and Stanley's Valentines pawty!
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  29. Thanks for the shout out! Love those cardinals!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  30. OMD this is gonna be SO FUN and FULL of K-Oss... baaaaaWaaah.
    We can't believe how much snow you got... HOPE that it is GONE now... We had a BUNCH in our yard... butt TODAY it gotted really WARM and we now have GRASS again...
    LOVE your card from Huzuzu and Louis... we got OURS too... it was Grrrreat.

  31. Hey Madi!
    Wow, this party will be so much fun! No one throws a party like Blogville. Gosh, your birdies are so pretty. We have a few pairs of cardinals here in my territory too.

  32. Ghostwriter had to think about what heart k-oss was. Oh yeah, duh. Valentine's day chaos! Sending photo.

    We usually have a cardinal family living here all year around. But for some reason they haven't been here lately. We've seen lots of blue jays, juncos, doves and sparrows, though.

  33. Cardinals look extra pretty against the snow.

  34. We've been seeing a lot of cardinals lately too. Thank cod the mom keeps the feeders filled.

  35. Mama is drooling over those birdy pictures, Madi. She says the best thing about ice and snow is how pretty a back drop they make for Cardinals!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi