My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Welcome Teddy

 Today we are joining many of our furiends in Blogville to 
Welcome Teddy, baby bro to Angel Sammy aka Two One spoiled Cat.
Teddy was adopted on 2/11/17 from the same Shelter as Sammy adopted
17 years ago.  Purrsonally I think Angel Sammy had his poly dactyl paws
right in the middle of the search too.
I do declare Teddy and Angel Sammy are two handsome Ginger-men

Pizap went a little postal on mom at first (it was operator error
So she got cre8tive using lookalike kitties for both of us, but in the end
all was well!!

We drove to the surprise Welcome location in Mom's cousin, Terry's, 'Vette.

After 3 hours on the road, we arrived at my sis and bil's house to find

Frisco and Mia were napping but you were WOUND up  so we
played a little before heading down to your surprise Welcome location....

Teddy without any further kit kat khat here we go.
N.C. weather has been crazy like a roller coaster lately.  Earlier this week, I checked out the
forecast for today 2/19/17.  I was thrilled to see it is gonna be beach weather.
Good buddy join me here at
 I have a straw hat and shades for you and an
itty bitty umbrella drink.  I have fishes and a tube steak on the barbie.
The entire beach is our sandbox (MOL a little feline humor)and the water is warm.
If we are quick and clever, we might catch some live fishes too.
Teddy I was a tad worried the location of my Welcoming post would be overwhelming to a kitty; however, after yesterday's news of your Dad finding you asleep on the shower floor...MOL no worries!!

Teddy if I told you about all the fun you are gonna have here in Blogville, you would think
I had lost my mind.  Get ready, set to roam about cyber space freely visiting with
all your buddies and buddettes who want to say hi to you today.
It is a blog hop...for those not link to the hop click here
I've put together a little bit of advice for you using the word 


Wonderful experiences are just around the corner
Enjoy yourself oh and eat lots of treats
Love, live, learn lots from friends
Come to as many events as you can
Open your heart to each opportunity are single
Expect the unexpected

Hugs Madi


  1. that was such a super idea to visit the beach together... the weather is made for a beach day :o) ...and it looks like Teddy is on the way to become a famous cat scout like his bro and your boy raz :o)

  2. Awww... so sweet! What a great welcome for Teddy! Love the beach party... Teddy is lucky to have a true southern girl like you Madi to show him the wonderfulness of the beach! Vroooom with the "vette"... those two little cute heads popping up with their luggage on the back crack me up!

  3. That's a fun way to welcome a newbie!
    We sure think he will be a most furmouse kitty too:)

  4. You did a great welcoming job. It's always fun to have a new Blogosphere member.

  5. Hari om
    Madi you sure know how to make a person feel right at home... I speak from pawsonal expawrience!!! Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Wow Madi, you did a super duper job of welcoming Teddy. I can't believe you drove over to visit. so glad you did... I am happy for Teddy that he has a home and for the home that has him.

  7. What a great job welcoming Teddy, Madi. We know that he has to be smiling!

  8. What a nice welcome for Teddy. Well done Madi and Mom. You all have a great day.

  9. Miss Madi what a wonderful welcome pawty! I love the beach - one huge litterbox at my disposal! I love the endless sun and the tube steak was delish as were the fish - you are a wonderful hostess just like my Angel Brother Sammy said! Thank you so much for helping to organize this FUN day for me. I'm gonna love the blogosphere!

    Baby Hugs, Teddy

  10. Great welcome post! We know Teddy enjoyed the beach!! Thanks so much for all your help organizing the Welcome Teddy Blog Hop!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  11. You really went all out with the welcoming of Teddy! Good job, I am sure he is having fun. XO

  12. Miss Madi! That was a lovely welcome for Teddy! He surely is going to be loved and have lots of fun in the Blogosphere!! xxx

  13. What a wonderful welcome :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  14. Amazing welcome post Miss Madi!!!

    Bestest Sunday purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  15. Madi there is nothing like a Beach Pawty to make a young kitty feel welcome. Teddy let me get you a hot doggie with Everything and a nice fishie filet!
    Timmy and Family

  16. We can't think of a better way to welcome Teddy than some good ole fashion Madi, Frisco & Mia Southern Hospitality!
    Welcome Teddy!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. That was a most wonderful welcome pretty Madi! We know Teddy is happy and his Mom and Dad and Angel Sammy are all thrilled!

  18. That is a wonderful welcome (unlike our loser mom who never did get organized *sigh*).

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. You put together a wonderful welcome for Teddy, Madi. You are a real sweetheart :)

  20. Excellent welcome Madi.

    Lady and Man will be going to the Caribbean in November.

  21. Looks like you all had a great time at the beach.

  22. MAdi! Mom! Yous guys really knows how to runs a party and what a wonderful welcome for Teddy!
    Thanks yous for your hard works and letting mes pawticipate. And the pictures is pawsome!
    Your grrl furrend

  23. What a great welcome for Teddy! We can't wait to get to know him better.

  24. What a wonderful welcome, Miss Madi!

  25. a great welcome for a new friend


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi