My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, April 3, 2017

4 M's

Monday Magical Madi Moments
aka Betwixt and Between
I think I heard someone ask, "Madi what are you doing"?
That is a very good question and I'll tell you.
This is the landing at the top of our stairs.  
It is the purrfect spot for a kitty to keep an eye on the goings and comings of her peeps.
It is Betwixt and Between mom and dad.
Mom is in the blog office to my left working her fingers to the bone.
Chop chop mom no breaks today!!
Dad is downstairs doing Dad stuff  I can see him when he passes through the foyer and
I can hear if he opens the pantry.  
Dad give me our secret sign when you open my treat bag!!

AND FYI:  I still do not sit on the floor in the office.  No matter what type
of bed or blankie I don't like sitting in there.  I love the new carpet though


We hope you will enjoy a day at Pullen Park with us during Spring Break.

If you would like to attend this fun event send us a good
picture of you either standing or sitting via email to 
Please put Park in subject line 
 Mom will take care of everything else.
ABSOLUTE deadlion for submitting a photo is
April 17.

There will be a ton of fun on 4/24/ sure to reserve your seat on the

Here is a list of events!!!!
  • Mr. Bailey will be taking us along on his vacation with Dory,
  •  Oreo is going to snoopervise surfing, 
  • Murphy and Stanley are going to take us underwater for some fun
  •  Madi is going to transport us to a fun park !
  • Blogville Caterer, Abby Lab will also be on hand with some delicious foodables!
  • We are also going to see if Ruby can teach the paw-tender to make her famous Ruby-ritas! the sun goes down, Mabel and I are planning a Beach Blanket Bingo Pawty!!


  1. Betwixt and between is a good place to be!

  2. I think any spot where you can keep an eye on two humans at the same time is great!

  3. You found the perfect spot, Madi! I hope your dad opens that treat bag soon!

  4. Sounds like a great spot to hang out, Madi. You can keep your eye on both the Mom and Dad. You all have a great day.

  5. Hari OM
    Oh I'm familiar with B&B... limbo can be another name fur it... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Summer and Marg said what I was going to say... perfect place to keep an eye on your two peeps and make sure you don't miss a thing. The office floor is perplexing! Good Morning!

  7. Madi you keep one eye pointed each way to make sure they are doing their jobs!!!

  8. MOL MOL on the signal for the treats.. and a good idea to stay where you can see what is going on with your peeps... one up and one down.. I am wondering why you don't like that floor

  9. That is a perfect spot to keep track of all the action in your house.

  10. Pawsome advice Madi, we all need to find 'the spot' where we can keep an eye on everythingy going on in our realms
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. Madi, sounds like you've found a great look-out post!

  12. If you are comfy that is all that matters pretty Madi!

  13. We could hear a good treat bag 87 miles away
    Lily & Edward

  14. That's very smart. Pigeon has her spot too, on the ottoman in the living room. She can see us move from ANY part of the house and knows what we're doing.

    What in pawticular should our pics for Pullen Park be?

  15. Does your dad give you SECRET SNACKS when he gives you the "SIGN"???? OUR dad is NOT allowed to do that... butt when MOM is AWAY... he does it anyway.
    OMD there are soooooo many FUN Events planned fur our SPRING BREAK Blogville Style. It is REALLY exciting.

  16. Great minds think alike, Madi - we too like to find that spot where we can keep an eye or two on whatever is happening in the whole house!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  17. Perfect hangout! We like knowing someone else has a secret treats sign, too.

  18. Joey dog had a spot right in the middle of the house where he liked to nap. From there he could see up the stairs, the front and back doors, the living room, and especially the kitchen.

    I hope to go to all the events planned. For some reason, ghostwriter has been having a hard time taking a good picture of me lately. With all the cloudy days, there has been no good light for pictures either inside out outside. But eventually we'll find some good ones. Thanks for the links so I'll be sure not to miss anything.

    1. If you find a photo from The Daily Bone that you think will work for your Fun Park post, please feel free to use it.

  19. That is a pawfect spot fur you to snoopervise! And I am going on vacay with you & my Blogville furends! Thanks fur inviting us!
    Yur Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  20. madi..N yur spot iz in de sun...thanx for de ree minder on de fotoz coz daiz & eye want a tern on de fish on de meree go round !! ☺☺♥♥

  21. Excellent snoopervising spot!

    your guy Raz and
    The Florida Furkids

  22. What a pawfect peep compromise! Jakey sits in the hallway between Daddy's office and Mama's office next door!
    We can't wait for Spring Break!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  23. That sounds like a magical spot. XO

  24. looks like a good compromise, pretty girl. :)
    happy week to you!

  25. Snoopervision is so very impawtant for us felines.

  26. You have the purrfect view from there, Madi. Leave it to a cat to find the purrfect spot.

  27. gotta keep a eye on those peeps!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  28. I gots a spot like that! It's by the hallway gate (yes, sometimes Ma doesn't wants me in her room...somethings about me rubbing my hinnie all over her pillows... so she puts up a doggie gate...the nerves!) Anyhu, I can see every door from there, and can see Ma if she's on the puter! we puppers and kittehs are sooooo smarts!
    Ruby ♥

  29. I like to be where I can keep an eye on everyone, too! Great job snoopervising, Madi!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi