My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Easy Sunday and Plates

First up 1 and 2 from our guest spotters Frankie and Ernie
1. 4DROO
2. WAKE4ST, 
you know FnE are not in NC but their mom and my mom think the person who was driving this car possibly graduated from Wake Forest University here in NC
3. 4LUNA+1, 
Maybe their last name is Moon?
4. BUCKIOSU, Buckeye is the nickname for
Ohio State University
5. TOTO POS, no clue
6. HMSGRUVY, HMS Groovy on a Mini Cooper
7. BLKPONY on a Nissan Titan truck
8. KTYS, Kitties
on an SPCA vanity plate
9. NONCENTS, nonsense
10. DENZO, no clue
12. ART3, Arts
13. 4ST8FANS, For NC State U fans
14. IFEELYOU, I feel you
15. C2C Sea to Sea 
Maybe they came from west coast to east coast
17. ENTROPY, statistical mechanics term
18. SHUIRMET, no clue
19. VODKA, why would you have that on a plate?
20. DABYRD, The Bird
21. HUMMEL either referring to the figurines or it
is a last name
22. USAFNAV, US Air Force and Navy
23. CMPBROWN, Camp Brown?
24. GA$$ $AVR, Gas Saver on a Prius
25. 6AMECOCK, 
Game Cock is nick name for U of S. Carolina
26. WVSOUL, West Virginia Soul
on a Kia, Soul 
27. DRDANKS, Dr. Danks
28. CRZYRNNR, Crazy runner
29. L-DOGG
30. ITISWE, It is we


  1. I want that ENTROPY plate.
    Toodle pip!
    Boffin Bertie.

  2. We're hoping number 5 isn't a Toto((total) Piece of Sh*t!

  3. I love your shadow collage, Madi. It's so pretty!

  4. Great plates. It is amazing how you all see so many. Such nice pictures too.

  5. I am now pondering just how much a vanity plate cost... I love love love your shadow shots. I do love me some shadows created by the sunshine, just like you do MADI

  6. Your Sunday Shadows photos are great. Hope you're doing well.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  7. Madi those shadows photos are so pretty!

  8. Very pretty sweet Madi and we enjoyed the fun plates too!

  9. We think of yous every time we see a plate!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Love the shadow shots! Yeah, #5 plate is interesting... :)

  11. 16 is our fav today. Sorry we haven't been around as much. Lady has been catching up with life since her return.

  12. That is a great list. Happy weekend!

  13. Great plates today, Madi. We think Bella, Roxy, and Dui may be spot on correct:)

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Misty and Lightning

  14. Ha roo roo roo! We were thinking the same as Bella, Roxy, and Dui.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. Love your shadow pics, Madi. That's quite the list of plates this week.

  16. Yuppers, Bella gots number 5 right ~ total piece of ****! BOL!!! How did that gets by the DMV?! BOL! loves it!
    I gots to do a better job of keepin' my eye out for the plates, Ma just hasn't seen many lately!
    Have a most FABulous Sunday gurls!
    Ruby ♥

  17. It amazes me how many plates are out there.

  18. my head get's hot and the fleas jump off trying to come up with some of the meanings to a lot of tags........... btw.....that line is from one of the books I use to read. When the trolls were thinking, their heads got hot, now you know why the fleas jumped off :)

  19. Oh my I would love a personalized plate for the murano mobile. Hmm...PDLPWR! REDCURLZ....Pawsibilities are endless!

    Puppy Growls,


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi