My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 19, 2017

Flower Friday and Family Fotos

Our hosts are Angel Dory and her Mama

 My dad is king of designing potted flowers.
Our houses faces north it is great for sun puddles; however,
 flowers in the ground not so much.  They love being in pots.
Below left just 3 Petunias on May 6...same pot May 13
it is full of purrfect purple petunias
On the bottom right we have no clue what it is but we like it.

This pot started out in front of our back lamp post
But Dad moved it to the deck stairs where there is more direct sun

Sissy sent mom some photos of  Team Cuteness, aka Frisco and Mia this week... I must admit they are purrty darn CUTE!!!


  1. your petunias look great!!! you should see ours... they looked awful, so I beheaded them ;o)

  2. Those pots are just gorgeous. Frisco, you and Mia sure look cute. Great nap position, Frisco. You all have a great day.

  3. Lovely flowers Madi
    I luffs Frisco's ARMchair pose!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari OM
    Hmmmm ... could it be a campanula variety??? Very pretty, even without a name. ...and just look at those laid-back cats! Happy Friday all. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-auntyxxx

  5. Your dad does an amazing job designing the planters. Beautiful! Mia and Frisco, we shall never tire of seeing all your cuteness.

    Happy weekend.

  6. Love how the kitty is on the arm of the chair. Lovely flowers.
    When Lady told her mom that you said I was special, my mom said 'so special should have taken the short bus!' I feel the love!

  7. Lovely new header AND background! All the potted plants are beautiful. I love purple petunias, I think they have the best fragrance! I didn't do petunias or impatiens this year because the squirrels destroy them. Sissy's cats are darling!

  8. 3 adorable kitties in one post. OH MY.... love that cat split shot... and your dad knows where to put what, sun, no sun, shade, that kind of thing. that is really important ad the reason I know this is because I did not and my pots always died a quick death.

  9. Love them! Wish we had some like that but momma says plants don't do well under her care. I seem to be blossoming but I am not a plant so anyhoo. We shall just come admire them here.

    Puppy Growls,

  10. Ghostwriter is thinking maybe she'd better switch to gardening in flower pots instead of dealing with all the weeds in the regular flower beds, for the sake of her knees and back!

  11. Oh your bv flowers look so pretty. Love container flowers


  12. Your flowers are all so beautiful, Madi, and we love your new header picture and background!

  13. Madi, your human's flowers are beautiful, and it's great that you got some friends to play with!

  14. madi...yur flowers bee awesum !!!!! we haz none heer N dunno if we ever will ~~~ waves two ewe mia & frisco...everee onez lookin grate !!! happee fry day & heerz two a flashlight fish kinda week o end ~~~~ ♥♥

  15. Very pretty flowers and I love the new header and background.Your niece and nephew are cuties.

  16. Adooooorableee! And such beautiful flowers <3

  17. Such nice flowers and sweet kitty pala pretty Madi!

  18. Your Dad does a great job with those pots. If Misty would promise to leave the pots alone, do you think he might like to design some for us too?

    Those two kitties are so cute together!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. Madi, we wonder if hangin' with Frisco and Mia would be so peaceful if they really invaded your territory....MOL!

    Mia looks just like HER cat-in-the-past, Harriet.

  20. Wowsers, we just love your Dad's potted flowers!!! Frisco is too funny in his chair!!
    Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  21. Your Dad does a great job with the potted flowers!!!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & mabel

  22. Dad's flowers are looking fabulous! Love the family pics!

  23. Your Dad definitely has a way with flowers. Those are very pretty. Team Cuteness made me smile ☺


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi