My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mini Madi's Mystical Adventures Pics #2

I, Mini Madi, had the time of my life on vacation with Madi's peeps...
well...I did after I got out of the luggage that was stored first in the 
first in the taxI, then in the cargo area of the aerOplane, then in the belly of the big motor coach.
This is the big motor coach they traveled around in to see the sights.

MadiMom forgot about me the first night in Glenwood Springs, CO...but that is okey dokey
she remembered me at my most favorite place
Red Cliff Lodge in Moab, UT!!!
It was a very rustic and huge lodge with the best decor.
OMCs there were even paw prints in the floor tiles
Hey MadiMom this is ginormous...was it a DINO-saur?
The lodge had a huge bed 
with 3 pillows...they must have known I was coming!!
and it was very very cozy!!!!!

 This cat doesn't do baths but it had very pretty blue tile 

The room had a huge kitchen
A shiny ledge just for me to sit on 

AND OMCs the outside had the best places for a kitty to
watch for birds

MOL MOL why did MadiMom sit me in the downspout?  NO clue
but I did get to see lots of birdies from this spot.
 I had a very nice desk with a mirror

The Red Cliffs Lodge is a working ranch and winery and they also board horses
MadiDad made friends with this handsome horsey...Thank goodness he
was too big for their luggage 'cause I think MadiDad liked him!!

Our Durango room was nice too
I sat on the shower ledge BEFORE Madimom took a shower
MadiMom took me out to the lobby for a photo shoot with a few anipals

I was gonna do a little work then I remembered I was on vacation!!

Our last night was in Colorado Springs...
We stayed in a beautifully restored hotel
The Mining Exchange.  The lobby was decorated like the
early 20th century.  But the rooms were very nice and modern
The shower stall had 2 shower heads
I started to sit here while MadiMom took a shower
but then I decided to sit out in the coffee bar niche
where I could watch MadiMom and MadiDad
There were 2 days out of the 6 that MadiParents were gone alllllllll day long. When they returned to the room, they were too tired to do anything. So my job on those days was to guard the room.

I am happy to say Real Madi is feeling much better and we are glad 'cause her mom
was very worried.  

Mom asked me to tell you she has a post up about meeting a very special friend in Colorado 
click here My Mind's Eye


  1. Mini Madi, You related the vacation story very nicely!

  2. How cool - my human just looked up the hotel, and there are five suites there that allow actual pets, not just minis!

  3. oh how greatb that your parents found horsie friends and you found one in your size too ;o) the mama loved the shower room and she would love to get a new bathroom... but I have some doubts if this is the right time to make such a wish... our kitchen project turned into a cat-astrophe... so to bug my dad with the next one wouldn't be smart, right?

  4. What an adventure you've had! Good thing you remembered to find another spot before the showers. Imagine getting all wet. Yuck! And they were such beautiful rooms. I am really jealous now.

    Very happy to hear that Madi is doing better again. When I go away with Mara, Miss O stays here and our landlord looks after her: spoiling her absolutely rotten! Hope Madi continues to get well.

    Brom from Norway

  5. What a superfun day for you, MiniMadi! We are so happy to hear that Madi is feeling much better!

  6. Hari OM
    Oh MiniMadi, you surely did have a wonderfurs time with the peeps and I am sure that Madi would have loved the sniffs you brought back with you!!! (I am glad to here she is on the mend-proper... ) Thank you for telling us your side of the travel tail!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Crikey MiniMadi you had a ball, aye?? How good were you're MadiParents to take you along. My Mum and Dad didn't take miniMe when they went on holidays. I'll make sure they do next time. Hey ...... no they won't. There's not going to be a next time. I can't afford to lose any more weight. I'm so glad Madi is feeling better.

  8. Mini Madi, I had no idea you got to make the trip... these are some fun pictures with you enjoying vacation. Very happy Real Madi is doing so much better... everyBODY was worried about her. MadiMom's post on My Mind's Eye was great to read this morning!

  9. I just love that room in CO.. I could live in it. kitchen and bath and a bed is all I need. I love rustic and it was that. glad you had a good trip with mom and dad. headed over to the other post to see whom you met

  10. Your peeps sure did have a grand time! I sure am glad you are feeling better sweet Madi!

  11. What a nice place! Ghostwriter and Dad would have liked it a lot.

  12. Glad that Madi is feeling better! Looks like you've got some great scenery on your vacay!

  13. Wow, it looks like you had a very impawtent job to do guarding the place while Madipawrents were out doing who-knows-what!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. A wonderful trip and we are really glad to hear that Madi is doing better
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. We just came from reading about Mom's visit with Ms. Amber and that wonderful hotel. Now, Mini Madi, we can see you had quite the big adventure. So much to see and do and such lovely accommodations. we bet real Madi would have loved to take a nice nap on that big bed. Thanks for sharing all the great photos from your trip.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  16. What a grand time you had Mini Madi!! We're in Texas now having a grand time with Mama!
    Mini Arty & Mini Jakey

  17. That was a really great vacation report. We're very happy Madi is feeling better too.

  18. Oh Mini Madi!! That a fabulous vacation you had! Everything looks just wonderful! We are also happy that REAL Madi is feeling better!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  19. Firstly, we're very happy that REAL Madi is better.

    Now, Bella was watching one of those shows where they put spy cams out to film animals--in this case wild dogs. We think Mini Madi is like that! Looks like the holiday was off to a great start.

  20. We're super happy to hear that Madi is feeling better. Raz is sending her special, loving purrs!

    What fun Mini Madi had on vacation....we can't wait to see more!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  21. madi....whoa...hold up ther pardner; { how did we due !! } ewe iz knot a loud ta bee sick....we iz sorree ta lurn ya waz sick still.... N we hope bye de time ya reed thiz yur like 90 bazillion timez better.....we will ask R pal st francis ta send sum blessingz yur way, howz that sound.....984 pawz crossed yur tummy trubullz R hizz tor ree N yur bak ta lookin for sun beamz N chalk ♥♥♥♥

  22. Madi, Your story was so interesting to read about all the sights and animals.
    We would love to see Colorado someday.

    I bet you are glad you all are back home now.
    xo Astro

  23. Looks like all three of you had a great vacation. I am glad Madi is feeling better now.

  24. Oh my what fun! You ALL had a good time and what gorgeous hotels you stayed in. Lucky many pretty sights to see. I'm sorry RealMadi got sick while you were gone but I'm VERY HAPPY she's OK now. I think all of you coming home did the trick better than medicine!

    Love, Teddy

  25. You sure had quite an adventure Mini Madi. We're glad to hear big Madi is doing better too.

  26. I am glad the real Madi feels much better. These are great photos, that looks like an amazing place to stay. I especially like the coffee bar :)

  27. Mini Madi, what an adventure you had! We love the pawprints in the floor tiles.

  28. OMC! How FABulous was THAT??!!! MiniMadi, I sure am glads you were there to looks after the peeps and their rooms, I hopes they paid you well. And I am OVER THE MOON to hears that Miss Diva Madi is feelin' betters! YAY!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Mini Madi, what a cute one!!

    Momo & Pinot xoxo

  30. What a pawsome adventure MiniMadi! Thank you for sharing those photos. You are super cute too. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  31. I'm glad you got to make the trip MiniMadi.

  32. Oh how absolutely sweet! MiniMadi is so adorable! Love her! The trip looks like it must have been really fun, and the bed looked really comfy. No wonder MiniMadi loved it!
    Murli and I send lots of love and hugs!

  33. I is laffings at the HUGE Madi paw prints you found, hehe.
    Butt, what wonderful places to stay…three pillows, just fur you, they must haf known you are a mini diva!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi